You still do not understand me. I want to comparison red,green,blue,yellow,cyan and magenta in RGB,CMYK or Lab which are not lighter or darker shades as you describe. When you started to quote this topic,din't you look my attached picture ? You can look the values in RGB,CMYK or Lab values of my added picture with the aid of Paint program.
You don't have an enough information to prove my question because I am expert if compared to your knowledge about this topic. I am sure that I am better than you about color managemant, because I am a software engineer for 30 years and color lab space is my profession, I am glad you do not try to teach me. On the other hand, I don't want to compare yellows to white, l want to compare pure yellow, pure red, pure blue, pure green,pure cyan,pure magenta within themselves according to white,without the most lightest or darkest shade of these colors.
It's really annoying that you still do not understand, I am happier if you do not quote anymore.