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Mehmet Saygın

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Mehmet Saygın last won the day on April 12 2018

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  1. Delete my account immediately
  2. You are not doing anything other than annoying. I'm tired of writing the same comment as a parrot, please do not write again I am still write of these type of codes, so do not try to teach working principle of this kind of programs
  3. You still do not understand me. I want to comparison red,green,blue,yellow,cyan and magenta in RGB,CMYK or Lab which are not lighter or darker shades as you describe. When you started to quote this topic,din't you look my attached picture ? You can look the values in RGB,CMYK or Lab values of my added picture with the aid of Paint program. You don't have an enough information to prove my question because I am expert if compared to your knowledge about this topic. I am sure that I am better than you about color managemant, because I am a software engineer for 30 years and color lab space is my profession, I am glad you do not try to teach me. On the other hand, I don't want to compare yellows to white, l want to compare pure yellow, pure red, pure blue, pure green,pure cyan,pure magenta within themselves according to white,without the most lightest or darkest shade of these colors. It's really annoying that you still do not understand, I am happier if you do not quote anymore.
  4. Has anyone defined "lightest" and "colour" in this thread yet? You will still change the main topic,this informations don't give any idea about what I asked. I said you can look all color models whatever you want,the lightness value of yellow higher than any other colors (pure hues i.e red green blue violet cyan) except white which makes it the second lightest color and nearest to white. Absolutely,there is a little difference between two different printers,but the idea is the same,yellow is the lightest and blue (or violet) is the darkest hue except white and black You did understood what I asked,but you still give a different kind of answer which are only philosophical. I want to learn answer of above question. We can evaluate each printer,each monitor,each television,each color model or what if in itself. There is no need to comparison them, but the important point is this. I want to learn according to these examples the second lightest color and closest color to white. The answer is yellow. WHY ? If you going quote like this kind of philosophical answer, please don't quote. I need a "real" scientific approximation which you can not do.
  5. You can base on all color models whatever you want,all of them have a similar backstage. Okay, let me see if I understand you correctly - Are you looking for the closest color to white which isn't white? yes.
  6. Thank you, I asked "lightest" and "color" relationship but the topic became a "color perception" concept. Finally someone understand what I mean
  7. When I have asked this question,I have describe like this so this question is meaningless. "If we think about all possible color hues and these colors are saturated ( pure hues without lighter or darker shades )" You can also look the other color models https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_model all of them will justify me, I am sure
  8. You can examine the color model whatever you want, yellow has the highest L* (lightness) value except white. It means that yellow is the second lightest color and nearest color to white in "lightness" criteria. I have searced this topic when posted this question. The color models verify my idea. You can make a research lightness value for color hues, you will also see that. So "Yellow is the second lightest color" makes a lot of things
  9. https://www.osapublishing.org/josaa/fulltext.cfm?uri=josaa-32-9-1661
  10. At 11 this graph y-coordinate of graph is representing reflectance function which depends lambda(wavelength) and x-coordinate is wavelength. The area under each function gives us the total reflectance of colored sample.
  11. I found also an extra graphs which supports my idea
  12. If you examine graphs carefully, you will see that graphs include Reflectance Percentage vs. Wavelength informations. Make a zoom to graphs,it will make it easier for you
  13. Reflectance vs. Wavelength graphs for inks
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