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Everything posted by inSe

  1. I can't figure out the recursive thread scheduling input for mathematica unless you go into maximum detail. But first you need to know exactly what I'm trying to plot here, I feel I've done a poor job in explaining it so far so let me make it simpler with just the x,y coordinates as opposed to the x,y & x,z coordinates, for S(0->1) iterations as opposed to S(0->60) iterations, for circles as opposed to spheres: We start for the koch snowflakes Then we derive the circles Then we turn the blue and red circles only inside out to get our next plot. You'll notice that doing this is equivalent to a negative charge, and it will distort the shape of the black circles into a phi-like shape. Doing this will eventually reduce the size of the entire graph to 1/2 of it's original size and what the graph looks like there is it's neutral charge. Do this enough times and the graph will be the same as when it started, but inside out (positive charge): Now imagine doing that for the x,z coordinates that cross through the x,y coordinates, for S(0->60) iterations of the koch snowflake, for spheres. Instead of two transformations, you'll end up with n number of transformations (n number of planck times), the first 1/2n-1 of them will plot the negative charge of the photon, the 1/2nth iteration will plot the photon in it's neutrally charged state at 3.5e-7 meters in diameter as opposed to 7e-7 meters in diameter (existing for 1 planck time), the final 1/2-1 iterations will plot the positive charge of the photon. Instead of 48 circles at the final iteration, you'll have (8xn)e+28 spheres upon the final iteration. Then for 33 compressions of neutral photon states to create heavier particles, you're representing the fusion of (n)e+19 photons. A process that gives you 33 negatively charged particles, 33 positively charged particles, & 33 neutrally charged particles, the building blocks for a periodic table of elements that's based on a new certainty principle, with non-instantaneous, information transmitting ESPs, bridged by microGW charges. This process I've explained here: Am I not allowed to ask for help?
  2. Alright, do you understand that I'm making 8 Koch snowflakes and also the inner 8 Koch antisnowflakes for each iteration of S(1->60)? There's 8 of each because not only am I inverting the two dimensional fractal x,y plane, but I'm also inverting another two dimensional fractal the x,z plane. If you've got that down, do you understand that isn't the final fractal I use? The final fractal I use are spheres from the Koch snowflake/antisnowflakes which I've explained how to derive (using the c (as in abc) of the right and left isoscoles triangles made from cutting the equilateral triangles of S(0->60) in half. Thats the fractal I need the thread scheduling codes to input into mathetica for. I still don't understand how to apply the recursive functions for S(0->60) iterations of THAT spherical fractal I derive for thread scheduling [latex] D=\frac{log m}{log f} 7e-7 meters. It does show that. It's as simple as using 7e-7/1.6e-35 in order to find out how many iterations one needs to do. The 3^x-1 comes from the fact that the triangle of each new iteration is 1/3 the size of the triangles of the previous iteration. & the x2 comes from the fact that 1/2 of the final diameter of those smallest spheres equal the radius of those spheres, which needed to be a Planck length I just need to know where to graphicalle place some (n)e+28 spheres of the 60th iteration, plus all the spheres of the previous 59 iterations in order to make the 3D plot of the inner behavior of my version of the photon using these transformations to construct each new consecutive plot, until the entire photon gets turned inside out. This illustrates a photon going from negative charge, to neutral charge at T(t)/2, to positive charge.
  3. The length of the base (c), which would equal the length of it's sine (opposite/hypotenuse), of the isoscoles right and left triangles made from cutting every equilateral triangle in the Koch snowflake/antisnowflake of S(0) & S(1) in half. How many times to I have to explain it? It clearly shows why the radius of the spheres of the 60th iteration of the sphere fractal equals a Planck length, given the length of what's being graphed equals the length of a photon.
  4. It is the diameter of the sphere fractal I'm trying to figure out how to code, the sine of the isoscoles triangle, which was half of the equilateral triangle. You see the circle, that's the sphere fractal, it isn't a koch snowflake/antisnowflake. But it's derived from them. But those circles/spheres are just S(1), I have to place S(1->60) in one graph for the inner structure of a photon, and turn the whole photon inside out (that process representing the photon's negative, neutral, and positive charge) for only the spheres of the final iteration, one half of the spheres of the final iteration to be precise, one planck length at a time:
  5. Can you please be a little less vague than "mathematica". I explained here Exactly what I'm trying to do. Let me be even more clear, I'm taking the center coordinates for each sine of half of the equilaterals of the koch snowflake and antisnowflake and the inverse of those two shapes, fourfold (x,y), (y,x), (x,z), (z,x) [kind of like a cross] for S(60) of both the koch snowflake & the koch antisnowflake. Using this coding for this input. But that's just how I create 33 positive, 33 negative, and 33 neutrally charged particles (everything from the mass of a photon to the mass of a neutron) using 1.8446744e+19 photons. It doesn't give me the equations for this interpretation which will differ from the standard model. I would have to find out how to derive those myself from those graphical transformations. I have my own way of doing this, I could graph it. But mathematica won't recognize the input. So let me do it my way first, then see if I can use this as a guide so mathematica can graph the internal behavior of my photons & how they interact with one another when paired in neutral states. This is going to redefine the periodic table, given my theory is correct (which can be proven using the observer-TSVF method to triangulate actual particle states to confirm where my model would place them), there will be no uncertainty and ESP would be proven to actually transfer information and with non-instantaneous, locally real, quantum jumps. This is the effect photon charge velocity plus photon velocity, and that fact means that different observers of time causally effect one another (even though time is experienced differently) at the femptoscale.
  6. That which is undetectable is observed by materializing an anticipated effect. One successful transmission that sends information via spook action is virtually the detection of superluminal particles.
  7. Well you could just graphically reproduce & program in the elements of the stellar bodies involved but I'm saying that virtual realities can be constructed with that kind of computing power. But recreating all the interactions from atoms and particles with the level of detail that this graph goes into, as mordred said subplanckian, for stellar scale events, would require way more computing power. I can finish the model for a single photon though if you will give me some more time.
  8. I should also note that for positive charge f(m) = number of transformations that have occurred between T(t)/2 & T(t). & instead of M + (8A + lp(n)) it's M - (8A + lp(n)) for the positive charge of that photon. There is the deducing from the causal observation the effect mentioned in that TSVF article I linked & also there will be this.
  9. Spook-action memristers... In my theory, if you predict astronomical events from the ground up, you're simulating apart of the universe. You'd have simulated human beings in there. You start with a few atoms at a time, and using a causal observer and the effected TSVF observer, you find where the real particles actually were, you can then send signals from that distance. This process is how you make femto-integrated circuit designs for building quantum computers.
  10. Those would be identical to what the standard model predicts.
  11. Any prediction. Even up to spook-action controlled atomic manipulation, or spook-action signalling that does add to the speed of light by that space-time in which a particle, or a photon that has a shortened-wavelength, dilates from the photon's planck-length based movement through space per time. Spook action is the result of a trans-dilated causal connection. Even the photon's charge adds to the speed of the photon on the side of the photon that's moving towards something as opposed to away from it. The spin of any intercepting particles gets distorted by that charge. Because light isn't really anything but a naturally recurring fractal pattern, time changes, so rate changes, so the cosmic speed limit gets changed according your observer's scale of causality.
  12. I think all the Greek/Roman mathematicians between Thales and Pythagoras killed a forest of trees doing it already. I think this model is really what the Holy Grail actually was. They had astronomy, refracting crystals, magnetic rocks, and extremely advanced pre-modern compasses, and so much wealth. Socrates knew about the atom, Aristotle spoke of an Unmoved Mover before him, that's where the thinking behind the atom and smaller particles originated. They didn't really believe in Mythology, or believe the Earth was flat. Between 300 and 400 AD a Greek writer elaborated on Anixamander's ideas, Achilles Tatius spoke of air molecules as having a wheel-like shape. He was just a writer, maybe he had access to certain mathematical concepts made during that time? Before such knowledge had the technological backing to become dangerous to scarcity via spook-action controlled atomic manipulation? Scarcity allows monetarism, that which separates the sheep (most people) from the goats a select few via the power structure which has the most money (Catholicism). The letters in the words "God" and "Satan" do rearrange into Goats and. There's probably a lot they kept to themselves.
  13. The equations are actually going to be designed from graphs like this: The topological transformation are going to work like this for xyz(sub1->(n))(sphereS(1->60): But only for the spheres of the final iteration. Any advice on only programs for graphing those to confirm those estimates, and also, any advice on mathematically equating all of this to apply to the lambda max derived estimates made in my OP?? In this interpretation quarks are the optical illusions of a collection of around a billion microcosm-matter jets/accretion discs (magnetic dipole/monopole moments) of (n)e-54 meter black hole/neutron star-like objects in the interior of the particle's nucleus; interacting and evaporating in (n)e-17 seconds and reforming every nanosecond or so.
  14. Yes it's spherical at some point (3.5e-7 meters) where it's charge becomes neutral at T(t)/2. You're not acknowledging the pictures I posted, and you're only acknowledging 3% percent of what I write. The inner components of the wave are the microcausal masses all around the sphere eversions at the last iteration, that are causing them. Infinite number of inner structures, but in the spherical coordinate system I proposed you're not looking at the inner structures, just the spherical coordinates that get yanked and tugged between them, at the 60th iteration (photon length/Planck length) there's something like (n)e-28 inverting spheres that cause the topology of the wave to evolve.
  15. Hang on I'm still working on figuring the fractals. There's 4, 2 dimensional, Koch antisnowflakes in 3 dimensions at the base of the equilateral triangles of every iteration get split into isosoles for the centers of what will become your 3 dimensional spherical coordinate system. I'm still working on figuring out how to formulate automatic recursions of the next iteration. Then will get to how various laws for most every variation of the quantum interterpretation simply do not apply when Zeno's paradox can be be embraced even when setting a geodesic as an average velocity built upon the aggregate of smaller velocities. The only areas where smaller events do not occur like Cantor's infinity are within bh event horizons. Which exist everywhere, but only for set durations, that's based on size But I haven't begun to show much yet, or reproduce the proper values. I'm not aware of another mathematical model that describes the inner workings of a photon. Or the entire know universe as just a section of the same type of structure. You percieve them as points on a line, correct. You do know electrons are spherical and protons of atomic nuclei hold 10 times more pressure per volume than neutron stars, right?
  16. Finding the right online programs for fractal analysis wouldn't take long to get the centers of the spherical coordinates for those 60 iterations (so that the inversive transformations of that 3D graph of the inside of a photon can be expressed with equations). Basically what those equations would entail, according to this classification of a TSVF, that CAN be distinguished from the standard quantum interpretation; is that a photon's charge = M + (4A + lp x n) n = f(m) f(m) = number of transformations (in Planck units) that have occurred in the graph between t(1) & T(t)/2: The area belonging to the (7e-7)^3 meter volme of the triangle_S(0) from the S(60) Koch antisnowflake from which the spherical coordinates for graphing the inner structures of a photon are derived The mass based off of the midpoint for T(t) in the repeated addition of photon masses in the topological transformations representing 33 compressions of the photon. The time you pause at neutral charge where the photon's length is 3.5e-7, you can fit another neutralized photon in that compacted state, when the two unfold in unison as the clock stars back up again; the photon shrinks to a length of (3.5/2)e-7 meters before T(t) occurs and the photon is positively or negatively charged with a length of 3.5e-7 m and there will be exponentially less sphere inversions, that will cause the length of the topological transformations for each inversion to be reduced to 1/2 of the previous inversive transformation representing t(Planck time) that was one Planck length at a time. The second time, however, well you get the idea. Repeat it 33 times and there's only one sphere that inverts. The photon mass in kilograms equals the length of that singular coordinate transformation, which is (n)e-54 m for the schwarzchild radius of the proton. For an anti-photon every positive value in that equation becomes negative. Time dilation can be seen as t + n, w f(n)=M (of the photon) - M (of any particles which are heavier than a photon, an atom, a collection of atoms, or even a stellar mass black hole) This also defined rainbow gravity, the notion that photons of different wavelengths experience gravity differently based on the color spectrum of light visibility.
  17. I'm aware of the Thales->Pythagoras secret. These mathematicians had more than you'd imagine to do science (back then it was called metaphysics) with; multi-generational armies of apprentices and calligraphers. These mathematicians were of the seven wise men, they were rich and had means. Magnets, compasses (as advanced as the one found in a sunken ancient Athenian Navy vessel) star maps, and light focusing crystals. Newton and Einstein might have rediscovered 75% of the secret, QM and the LCDM model might add another 10% to that rediscovery. What Tesla saw in some of his experiments, which - unlike with Einstein, was never fully mathematically defined - might be the product of the model they built. The mathematicians were one part of the Khazite regime, the political part engineering Roman law, which was a fluke. But they also engineered Cathalocism and it's forebares using the desperation of it's practioners, through the Vatican, Cathalocism and capitalism are where they now reign. How did you know about what Pythagoras really knew? Even before Aristotle, the Egyptians mathematically defined pi in their own way. I know that's there's more than one way to arrive at a mathematical understanding, and that it was once greater than what is publically practiced now stemming Giorgi and Newton. Sidis learned something all those generations of ancient and nearly modern mathematicians and physicists missed, and that was on accident, he wasn't even into physics. He was the real deal. Perhaps Sidis and I have a little Demi-God in us, intellectually speaking. Maybe it's because we both come from a family of psychologists.
  18. It's really 60 iterations of a Koch antisnowflake if you count S(1) and you do. Idk, I guess really exhausted for that. You find the iterations with 4.2753e+28 = 2(3^x-1) w x=60. Anyway the hard part is coding the spherical coordinates for all 60 iterations. But I could do it and show how when you pack 33 of these topological graphs together the inside out tug is going to represent (n)e-54 meters and there's only going to be one centralized tug reduced from some 10^28 tugs equal to one Planck length. Which is the defining point of this theory. Black holes form at infinitely small levels, they're even in a single photon of the first topological graph here. Refer to my definition of the endless hierarchy of microverses in the OP (the paradox is that there is no unmoved mover). But we don't need to find those. Just the sub-planck ones for the proton cores. This spherical coordinate system and it's inversive inner to outer tug system for topological transformations is to define finite changes (a geodesic). The changes are, in reality, infinite between any two points and based on Zeno's paradox and sidis reverse universe as I explained in the very first part of my thread.
  19. When this gets graphed it will still only be the spheres of the final iteration that get drug inside out through their centers but only twice before they're fully inside out. Then the next few gazillion transformations keep going by the radius of the sphere of the final iteration until the entire structure is the same as when it started, but inside out. Then the process restarts. This understanding gives us the number of iterations we need: X=59. 59 iterations, idk why I had 28 there. Again, 59 iterations. Getting to the 59th iteration this would be grueling. So not only does the photon have positive and negative charge, but this charge is the basis of all gravity. The gravitons of one individual photon is equal to the graphical omnidirectional drag of one Planck unit per topological transformation that I've explained. However, put photons close together, or increase the amount of time they have to bounce back and forth before escaping (core of the sun), and you get heavier particles. Graph this, then run the topological transformations until you're halfway to the point in which the whole thing starts being positively charged. When half of total sphere volume is negatively charged (Tt/2). The entire object that is a photon will be 3.5e-7 meters in diameter, now at this point we can fit another photon that is 3.5e-7 meters in with it. When these two unravel in unison you will get a photon with a shorter wavelength, that has twice the mass but with half of the volume. Each transformation in this photon will represent a topological net drag of 1/2 of a Planck length, slower but the entire net drag is dragging an aether that is 4 times denser. You can do this 33 times (net drag of 1/4^33 Planck lengths) before you get the mass of a proton with the e-54 meter schwarzchild radius in my OP. I could code in all 59 iterations into an operation and program the net drag topology described above, but the computer doing the operations would need the energy of a nuclear power plant to simulate a photon, and it would take months just to cover one negative charge.
  20. For a graph of approximately 5e-7 meters I begin with one iteration and express it 4 fold for an outline that will become my 3 dimensional spherical coordinates: Now I place the centers of the spheres like so: Notice every triangle had to be iscosoles, and half were pointed inward. We add more spherical coordinates with the second iteration, exponentially increasing complexity for the upcoming topological transformations. Only the spheres of the final iteration will get tugged inside out through their central coordinate by 1/3rd of their diameters. Whichwill be the first in a vast set of transformations. The volume in which each central coordinate passes through itself upon the first transformation (1/3 of the sphere's diameter) is equal to one Planck length and tugs every coordinate by that same amount. Each transformation will radically effect all the coordinates in a very chaotic way, the complexity of the system requires us to find out how many iterations will be needed to make 1/3rd of the diameter of the smallest spheres equal to one Planck length given the spheres of the largest coordinates to equal 1/2 of a photon's wavelength. Each transformation is equivalent to one Planck time. For the volume of a spherical photon, these transformations serve as your unified field oscillations. At Tt(total time)/2 the photon is in it's particle state as opposed to the phase state, it's at it's smallest volume, where more solid state photons can be placed by it without phasing until more transformations occur. You'll find that doing this will produce inside out spheres that are smaller than a Planck length, those are the shwarchild radii of heavier particles. Everything in the universe can be constructed from compacting light.
  21. Apropo using the products of these microworld sheets to create the new isosceles angles as the koch snowlfake basis for the next micro worldsheet until a more defined and detailed vacuum and periodic table of elements can be constructed than is currently available using standard models and experimenting with that vacuum and those elements in the lab to confirm my alternative interpretation. All of these processes will form the equation in my next post.
  22. Flying saucers being of extraterrestrial origin is most definitely a hoax. But the true hoaxes are quantum mechanics/m theory (any theory that convolutes the reality of available scientific solutions primarily in our understanding of particle physics) catholicism, and scarcity (fabricated in order to maintain the age-old khazite socioeconomic structure). We're setting ourselves up to lose TWOW out of some outdated naval mentality based sense of humanocentricism. Thinking we can resist the technological singularity whilst defending our way of life from those civilizations who have allowed themselves to be assimilated. Those of satisfactory socioeconomic status can neg me. I probably don't share their luxuries.
  23. None of this had to do with Aliens. These events predated the WOW! signal (which actually stood for War of World's) which required Mandelbrot's equations used to correct AC electrical currents in the US cable grid to recieve. In the Philadelphia experiment navy vessels sent out one of Tesla's puppies west on a cross country trek, that's what's in that photograph. Inside it would have been particles entangled with those on the navy vessels. It sent out completely next level ESP encrypted signals and flew indefinitely via gravitoelectromagnetism (faaday cage) with zero energy requirements. Please; traits keep being selected if it wasn't beneficial for survival? Finally, for 200,000 years humans still aren't making civilizations, then in the last 10,000 years they suddenly pop up - going from a nomadic behavior to a hive-like behavior. In a world not influenced by information panspermia, there should be as many species on one world that evolve with the capacity of culture & civilization as there are species of insects here on earth. Instead, here, there's only one species that evolved for culture & organized civilization, for a Type III trying to propagate indirectly via remote access to galaxies beyond where they can go, they'd only need one species capable of building a society to evolve in that entire galaxy, makes sense to me. They'd probably propagate through a linear string of galaxies. Like a trillion galaxies beyond Segue 1, but because of how far away those galaxies are, we only see evidence of a Type III occurring as far back as 75 million years ago inside Segue 1. Beyond Segue 1, the galaxies that their ships hit before that are so far away that their light paints a picture of the galaxy before the aliens got there. However, say they we are seeing the oldest evidence we can see of them in Segue 1, the first solar system there to achieve Type II status would have marked their arrival at Segue 1, which would have been millions of years before that galaxy became the Type III civ we see evidence of because it takes millions of years to replicate across even a dwarf galaxy when your nano-probes are limited by relativistic time dilation (c). So that adds millions of years to the 75 millions year old photo of Segue 1 as a Type III civ, giving the nano-probes sent from there to Tabby's Star @ about 20% of the speed of light enough time for Tabby's star to hit Type II status while humans were still ruled by Julius Caesar. Before their probes had time to even get to Segue 1, their information panspermia was fast at work building the first single-celled organisms here on earth, as the fraction of planets capable of seeding the evolution of intelligent life are negligibly infinitesimal. It's quicker, but you can't always do it because planets like this are one in a googol, so that's why there'd be nano-probes targeting a trail of galaxies behind us stemming from an origin point that probably preceeds our cosmic microwave background considering how rarely life naturally evolves into a civilization. Segue 1 might be spheroidal because they were dragging its stars into its galactic core. If you can turn an entire galaxy into a giant hot dense quasar around its central SMBH you might have a shot of moving it in the same way you'd move the stars (although moving the SMBH of a quasar of that size would require a galactic Shkadov Thruster of such size that in order to build it you'd need to star lift 1,000 suns. Our reality could be one of infinite simulations run by matrioshka brains to find the real universe as it is for interstellar spook action signalling (because in this theory it is possible to tell how observing one particle will effect all entangled particles between, say, a star system in Andromeda & earth's). Which our satellites might pick up as intelligible transmissions that use Unified Field Oscillations. We could be in the middle of an intergalactic conversation. What the WOW! (AKA war of worlds) signal implies is that we are in the middle of an intergalactic conversation, and if we don't beat the clock in scientifically understanding this type of sub-nano quantum controlled information technology before the self replicating von neumann nanites from Tabby's star get here in 4,000 years or so, than we're done, our remotely guided evolution deemed an inefficient waste of time by the collective.
  24. In the then there's Mandelbrot
  25. I can't change one equation without changing every affine gauge connection throughout the entirety of the LCDM model. The Lamda Cold Dark Matter model is rigged like a poker game to hide certain cards, to cover up certain aspects like where unruh radiation in the form of Gravitation causally bridges two observers with radically different frames of time where the speed of light is different from two to four orders of magnitude, namely the dark flow (cosmic expansion) and spook action (esp). There are things that Einstein & Tesla knew that were shared, and things that they knew that weren't shared. Long before 90% of the astronomical evidence for what's in my thread was known about - most of what I've found is based on CMB & black hole data that simply didn't exist before the 90s. Yet Einstein knew about black holes long before they were even observed. I believe the "OMG it's full of stars" quote in Robert C Clark's space Odyssey came from a secret conversation with Einstein before he passed away. Einstein's God was nature. William J. Sidis knew about black holes too, & he wasn't even a physicist, his description of the reverse universe matches half of the spheres that would be turned inside out from my Koch snowflake derived geometrized coordinate brane
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