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Everything posted by nevim

  1. Don’t know. I’m more bothered about removing bacterias such as E. coli.
  2. Vinegar is usually a mixture of water and between 4 and 5% acetic acid. This versatile acid can mix with water, oil, alcohol and almost any other kind of liquid -- even gasoline -- reaching places that other cleaning products can't. When dissolved in water, acetic acid breaks into two components, the hydrogen and the remainder of the molecule, called the acetate. The hydrogen will try to bond to any molecule that it encounters, acting like a third wheel that weakens the molecule's structure. These hydrogens are great at cleaning stains made from alkali substances, like soap, urine, and limestone. The acetate component has an extra electron that hangs off the molecule. The electron acts as a magnet to other atoms, especially metals, to make new molecules. For example, the acetate reacts with molecules in rust and grime and changes their makeup so the water can dissolve them. Acetic acid also gets rid of odors by killing off the bacteria and fungi that cause them. Its acidic nature destroys the cell structure of bacteria, and it stops fungi from turning sugar into energy. https://www.networx.com/article/the-science-of-vinegar So not by magic, no, but actually there doesn’t seem to be any hard evidence about its ability to remove residue due to pesticides.
  3. To remove the residue on fruits and vegetables add apple cider vinegar to a bowlful of cold water and submerge for 10 mins, then brush fruits/veg gently and rinse well. Obviously not with bananas though...
  4. @hydrox If you like, I can offer some help with your English. I am a qualified teacher of English to speakers of other languages. Feel free to private message me. I don’t want any money - just want to help.
  5. nevim

    Questions to Ask

    Not sure if I ‘believe’ in other worlds. I ‘believe ‘ in the universe. I ‘believe’ it created itself and that is an ongoing process. I don’t ‘believe’ it has a plan, or feelings. About the meaning of life - I prefer to stay away from that rabbit hole.
  6. FINALLY got my way after 2 years of fighting. Will have a right below knee amputation within the next few months....


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. nevim


      Thank you zapatos. I’m very happy to hear that for your nephew as Crohn’s is also something that makes you housebound. Cheers to his freedom!

    3. Moontanman


      Good luck to you Nevim, I've been told that may be in my future as well... 

    4. nevim


      Thanks Moontanman. I’ll let you know how it goes. Should happen in October...

  7. Could be Dendrology. https://www.reference.com/science/study-trees-called-3e98b7cb3b15c6f7
  8. Because it doesn’t seem that way to me. Might to other people though, I suppose.
  9. I don’t believe it is...
  10. Ok, I’ll add this one as Curious layman didn’t. The other day I learned the word psithurism which means the sound of leaves or wind rustling through the trees. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/psithurism The p is not pronounced.
  11. Seriously? I didn’t even notice.
  12. Fucking brilliant!!
  13. There’s a thread for that. It’s called ‘Today I Learned’. And I should learn to paste the link for it! Now I’m gagged, for real, sorry!
  14. JEEZ, it gets worse!!! Good news about your work situation. Enjoy your weekend!
  15. Why not? I’d fire you for listening to that
  16. @Polinski Nobody is ‘getting mad’ at you. Rather, I believe, they are a little frustrated by some of your posts- and with good reason. This is a science discussion site - not a mud flinging contest. So many of your posts are littered with unnecessary, snide remarks. I am presuming you’re an adult although sometimes it’s hard to gauge. You definitely have things to contribute to discussions but I really feel you need to remind yourself that it is ‘discussion’ and try to remain a little more open to others responses. Angrily stating that things are as you see them is not sufficient. Sure, state your views, but try to remember a fact is not a fact without evidence. I’m pretty sure that’s what people want you to realise in order to have meaningful discussions. I apologise to you, and all members of the forum, for interrupting in this way but it’s hard to just sit back and watch without responding in some way. Try taking a look at some of Ghideon’s posts and apply his approach to yours. His exemplary ability to respond to even the most totally frustrating posts, and the patience he gives people, are almost unbelievable, and very deeply inspiring.
  17. Just spat out my beer.. but it was strangely worth it!
  18. Well, flipping heck!
  19. A long long time ago but in my mind it was done the traditional way! Hmm.
  20. And there’s me thinking you can’t get pregnant from swallowing
  21. I agree too. But ‘In the wrong hands’ there will always be other factors involved. I’m going to leave this thread now as the memories are making me feel quite sick.
  22. I said ‘In the wrong hands’. Doesn’t matter if someone is hunting you and already has other trackers about your person. Plus, they can be extremely hard for a person to know if they, or their belongings, have been chipped as they are teeny tiny things often no more than a pin head in size. If found, items with them on can be zapped in the microwave for 2 or 3 seconds to ‘kill’ them.
  23. You can buy it in that cheap shop called H*** Bargains (Trying not to advertise!). It’s in a green bottle, called Aloe juice or drink or something. It does have other stuff added though eg sugar or sweetener, maybe more, but it’s really nice . It’s not the pure stuff the OP is probably talking about though...
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