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Everything posted by entropydave

  1. ...if any of these 'exotic' transuranic elements exist, then they would have been spotted in stellar spectra - even very short 1/2 life ones like Al26 have been detected, so if thre were any >115 atomic no. elements, I wuold have guessed they would have been found, albeit fleetingly! my 2 femtograms worth....
  2. ...probably going to get my ass kicked but... I do have some native (ie as found in nature)osmiridium, or, as it is 'properly' called now "Ir-rich Osmium" for sale: Os 57.89% Ir 40.11% Pt 0.87% Ru .33% Rh .25% Fe 0.87% ...was the results of 5 analyses done by New Orleans Uni. I have even got individual mm-sized hexagonal xls of this stuff . It ain't cheap, and purified Johnson-Matthey stuff is a fraction of the price, but native stuff is rare. If anyone is interested, I can get you more info/prices. btw - I do NOT intend to solely use the forum for plugging sales, it is just that I am dispersing some of my element collection and this stuff (in its native form) seems to be be almost unknown to collectors. We've all seen the bluish shiny pellets - this stuff is flattened brilliantly lustred flakes - very odd!!
  3. ...ooops, just seen someone has mentioned Caesium!! Good - nice to see it wasn't overlooked! Now, where can I get some Cs?
  4. ....hey! You've all forgotten Caesium!! pale gold, melts in the hand and goes KerBlammo in air!!! what more could you ask for?!!
  5. The "download" link seems to be the only link that doesn't work!!! Really fancied a go at this - I'll try later!
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