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  1. I am asking the opportunities of geoengineering.
  2. can i achieve this thermal resonance by planting more shrubs.how can i know the thermal resonance of water saturation through transcription by trees for rain?
  3. ok thanks
  4. i am from india, kerala state.last time there had a food in my place and we lost lot of trees as consequence.Now there is a very hot summer coming up. I accidentally seen plant transcription has major role in rainfall.(https://www.nature.com/news/2006/060925/full/060925-1.html). i think the thermal resonance might be the cause of that.if so can i solve the problem by planting shrubs instead of trees by achieving resonance thermal energy .because i need an instant effect to fight the drought.
  5. can i put a capillary pump like the illustration? my home is far from the farm.
  6. i have one idea of resonating wave energy harvesting. i need help on its practical reality. i would like to harvest energy from small packets vibrating on same time as seen in the video (will produce same frewuency in a beed like manner a floating cap at the top will produce the pressure it will transfer downward of the water like beeds.each beed(here bottle) will connected seperately will move at the same time of sea wave.) will produce a high resonating frequency like marching of soldiers on a bridge.
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