Good Work. Thank You for sharing your hypothesis. All Scientific findings first start with an Idea. They do not become theories without first testing and rigorously attempting to prove the ideas wrong. I do not know where to start with your idea but will look at your thought experiment specifically focusing on a push verse pull concept of gravity to silence the critics on the thread. Great Minds should be encouraged... never suppressed.
Lets first accept that the theory of relativity (and relative gravity) contains one of the most profound ideas in all of human scientific discovery... The affect of velocity and gravity on Time(Time Dilation)... None have come close to explaining how this works nor why it happens at a quantum scale. At first look, this is an absolutely absurd idea, contrary to reasonable physics and scientific evaluation but no one has been successful at disproving it. In fact, the software operating our GPS systems was adjusted to account for time dilation in order to work properly. Relativity is now an accepted model by most every modern physicist. So I for one thank you for your contribution to the discussion of what causes gravity. The most recent work of the late Stephen Hawking acknowledges the need for robust effort on solving our understanding of gravity.
1) To support your idea... in this reply... I will focus solely on how your concept gravity is a pushing verses pulling force.. can potentially fit into the standard model.
"First refresh and reflect on the recent discovery in CERN; and the acknowledgment that all matter is made of quantum fields not particles(HIGGS). One way gravity would easily be argued to be a pushing force is the evaluation of the fact that matter is mostly empty space between these fields.. electron fields, up quark fields, down quark fields , etc.."
2) In your thought experiment let us imagine that these "fields" are arranged with greater symmetry than that which exists in the matter they make up.
3) Elaborating further, assume the fields require greater volume and/or are distorted when converted to matter, similar to water expanding becoming a solid. Greater > space.
4) Expansion within quantum fields is a continuous distortion of space (Space Expands) therefore creating equal opposite force on all matter... pushing back on matter... "not pulling."
5) In this thought experiment, the force gravity is the result of the expansion of quantum fields.
6) In this thought experiment, all matter everywhere in the universe, is made up of the same quantum fields.
7) In this thought experiment, the gravity created can become so strong (around a sun) it can even alter the wave of a photon.
8) In this thought experiment, Black Holes recycle matter, and convert it back into "Quantum Fields" a.k.a. Hawking radiation.
I will do some research to offer some critical response to some of your other thoughts. Discussion is Progress. I support your attempts to explain what we do not yet understand.
Sincere Thanks,