Yeah he's already demotivating in class a bit because it's not up to his mental level plus like I said he was in some not so great schools that literally tried to push him under the rug and my son doesn't realize how lucky he is that the other schools didn't "dumb him down" because they said the two most detrimental phrases a person can say to a kid of "you can't" and "your too young" he ignored them and continued the pursuit on his own so he fell into the belief that all teachers fail him which the previous ones did, this new school is a god send filled with teachers and staff that understand my son's peculiarities, it's just I've run out of resources myself for him lol had to edit this because for some reason it stopped me from commenting on my own post
But five that is an assumption and a very poor one.
1. sports are not an absolute necessity not everyone has to like them or participate in them
2- while my son does have some social anxiety issues he's not a pompous ass,
3- he plays outside, has friends and isn't just "book smart" or a book worm
4. And most importantly A parents job is not to make a child into what the parent or society wants them to be, its not their job to force a child into a cookie cutter mold a parents job is to encourage the child to be the very best of who the child wants to be and allow them to discover themselves ,their limits, their desires and passions as long as it is not harming themselves or others
5.some advice dont make assumptions based on stereotypes Because if do your going to miss out on some of the greatest things in life.