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Everything posted by infinitemultiverse

  1. It would take ages to dig up a hundred different ideas on what light actually is. So help if you can! Lets keep it to a very short paragraph of 2-4 sentences, assuming everyone knows everything about particle physics. Two word introductions! (I believe, Light is, We think, etc) I will start with my more recent conjecture. I believe light may be a string of sub-quark matter, created by high-energy quantum interactions and amplified by converging and colliding wavelengths. If a confinement medium is in place, they may become any number of known and unknown sub-particles, and interact henceforth. The center of the wavelength would be something similar to the higgs bosun.
  2. I might be beating a dead horse here, but hear me out. For fun! I see a huge dependence on the value of time in all scientific experiments and calculations (please ignore all non-physics applications). As is, I see no fault with that, as a system of measurement, it is highly relative, but invaluable nonetheless. Still, I believe that many educated individuals truly believe that it is truly a force unto itself. I see it as the measurement of the movement of matter, like a yardstick or ruler in the presence of the three dimensions. It has no energy, is not the catalyst for reaction, and literally doesn't exist but in the minds of men and most mice. Mind you, I am no skeptic. I use this invaluable tool of measurement as much as the rest of you. My real question is, what sort of detrimental results in scientific calculation can we attribute to this 'idea'? I would speculate that no matter the composition, the deeper areas of a black hole, if those areas exist in a remotely tangible/intangible way, would be void of time. Which could be some of the reason we do not understand them. Additionally, one of the semi-recent, widely-published reports from one of the leading scientific institutions, included a reversal of time in an interaction of z or w-bosuns(?). Fun free-field logic problem! Don't go too deep into relativity tho!
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