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  1. Right, I’m familiar with the agreed upon theories. Mass causes space time to warp. Black holes are extremely massive so they warp space time A LOT. I am not familiar enough with the math to play with the numbers (I am familiar with modeling with python,) but I wonder if the warping of space time can really break the strong nuclear force or even electromagnetic force and truly cause the way my atoms are connected to change. Can gravitational forces really tear matter apart? I would think it can warp, but never change matter. Our best minds can’t definatively prove what’s going on there. I’m wondering if there is some knowledge I’m not aware of that would prove my ideas to be false. Am I wasting my time with these thoughts, or are they possible?
  2. But what about the basic idea of relativity; would I spaghettify from my own point of view, or just one on the outside looking in? If you keep accelerating past the speed of light in “empty” space, do you pancakify? I thought spacetime stretched around you to slow you down from the outside perspective but you wouldn’t just expierience free fall as further acceleration is canceled out by space time stretching. I think you would still feel your acceleration, and the rest of space around you would just appear to move with you a bit. If spacetime can stretch to slow us down to an outside view, couldn’t it compress in a BH to appear to speed us up?
  3. I often here how an objects radiation would redshift and then fade when entering a black hole, but this is from an outside perspective. When I hear about the perspective of the object, they say you would “spaghetify” as you approached due to tidal forces of gravity. This is the part that confuses me. If space time is stretched, and the object is stretched with it, is it possible that the object would not be able to tell it was rapidly descending through time shells? Wouldn’t the object continue to expierience free fall? From the outside perspective it is accelerating, but from the object’s perspective it is stationary to the things immediately around it. A tape measure next to the object would spaghetti out just like the object, so it would appear to remain a constant length. Basically my question boils down to the density of space in, and around a black hole. Is the density of space inside a black hole high enough that what appears to be a singularity from outside, just normal space inside? If i’m Mistaken in something up until now, then ignore this next bit... Space stretches to the point that it pulls time through the EH, so it would never be possible to leave even at faster than light travel; but you could imagine a pocket of universe that thinks it’s walls are expanding away from it on all sides. Ultimately, could our viewable microwave background be an image of an Event Horrizon?
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