About the explanation of why the layers form: If each iron feeling turns into N-S magnet, then we cannot expect to form a layer with more than one iron feeling perfectly parallel to each other within the same layer - can we check on this?
Problems about the explanation: How can we form an entire 3D shell if each iron filling turns into a N-S magnet, there would be strong repulsion within each shell that would destroy it. The only way to for a complete shell to form is to align all iron fillings in such a way that the N-end touches the S-end top and bottom., and side by side like how bricks are stocked on top each other. However, there is another problem with this, if the repulsions can be minimized this way, then how can we account for the huge distances between layers?
Lastly, if a shell can form, using the arrangement shown in my picture, then notice that another shell that is completely attached to first shell can form on top and the bottom, thus we would expect a one big blob of iron around the magnet and not layers of shells like in onions.
Can someone check my reasoning here?