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Everything posted by YaDinghus

  1. Jeeze luoise papa cheeze I may be snarky but I don't outright insult people... -1 What I should have written from the start +1
  2. Souds like a great basis to form a cult. Maybe you can sell this idea to people looking for a purpouse in life. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who will just eat thatup. I for myself can say that I am not hungry for a higher meaning. I'd prefer something more tangible. Like evidence or a clear line of reasoning that I can attack
  3. I was surprised I hadn't heard of it as I did a ChemPhysics degree in the 1990's and they are pretty heavy on the maths. I am surprised I never heard of it doing A-Level maths. Our college professors and TA's didn't mention this classification, either. I learned about transcendental numbers from Numberphile on youtube. I guess classifications of numbers just aren't relevant to what physicists and chemists do. @John Kenneth Swinswood Math is full of wonderful relationships. It's really too bad that PBS Studios isn't producing any more of the Infinite Series.
  4. I forgot to mention in my scifi reality it's absolutely possible to grow additional limbs so you can handle a Whopper AND drink simultaneously
  5. Believe me I'm going to town on the BS Whopper. BS Sextuple Whopper FTW!
  6. I'm pretty obsessed with details. Insofar this isn't a choice for me. There's no denying it this time. Totally deflecting.
  7. 200 proof upvoteworthy
  8. No, not at all he has an irish accent, he can fly but his power comes from moon light and he always wears a fur coat... Moonlight or moonshine? In case it's the latter, I've got a fresh batch and I'd really like to see a talking flying irish dog in a fur coat. Ok, maybe I'll get that if I just drink my moonshine...
  9. I'm already pretty good at BS, but what I'm going for is the supercake of BS
  10. Ok so call it my desire to create a very good illusion of unifying sci with fi...
  11. Sure you can. You can write a 'ghost story' that scares the shit out of people where in the end it turns out they've been gaslighted the entire time
  12. That's the 6th grade explanation. At very short distances, on the order of magnitude of atomic nuclei, the strong force transmitted by gluons overcomes the electromagnetic repulsion quarks would otherwise experience. That's 12th grade. That there are other flavors than up and down, which make Protons and Neutrons, and that there's a lot more cool wonky stuff going on with Hadrons is college level. Stuff that is impertinent to this thread. Use proper terms. There is an electron decay hypothesis, which is not the weak force driven beta decay. from https://physics.aps.org/synopsis-for/10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.231802. Also only indirectly pertinent because it's about another property that is usually conserved, which could be broken if symmetry is broken according to Noether's Theorem. Electromagnetism isn't involved in all forces, at least not at the energy levels that we observe. Yes, Quarks carry charge, so do electrons, positrons and anti-Protons. But the only thing that this has to do with the strong force for instance is the range at which one force overpowers the other. Also, not pertinent to this thread. Concernig 'pure energy': It is my opinion that even serious scientists have been mislead by pop culture into believing that there is a fundamental, primary form of energy, and not just an extremely useful and powerful mathematical tool for describing physical processes
  13. That's always the primary issue, unless you are making a deadpool game. But I'm focusing on the issue that the rules not just override but fit into reality as we know it. Some kind of disjunction will have to occur for it to 'work', but I want this to be as small as possible
  14. Come back if this (Wikipedia link) doesn't answer your question
  15. Wait, does this dog have a russian accent? Is he telekinetic and telepathic? Does he wear a CCCP space suit for dogs? I'm pretty sure that the Universe evolves (i.e. isn't unchanging), has a structure, which isn't perfectly symmertical. But in the context of whatever you claim, it doesn't mean anything, because you sound like my cat on drugs.
  16. No. 100% f2p.
  17. That's actually pretty awesome. After all, if it's absolutely deterministic, your previous self would have started your journey in a previous cycle of the Universe and take your place in the current cycle. An issue is: where do you hide out to prevent your own destruction? Probably there would be some kind of alert system that wakes you in case of danger. In which case you need some kind of sensor system that is constantly running. Even at miniscule power, this will drain your energy source by the time you wait out the end of your cycle, cause we're talking potentially 10^40+ years. Also, you need to suspend your animation for this time, and 'pumping' entropy out of your system takes energy. I guess since the physics themselves are possible, these are mere details compared to creating unlimited amounts of energy for a warp drive or trying to stabilize a wormhole. If the Universe isn't deterministic, I guess you could get the kind of dimensionhopping that is seen on Rick&Morty. Thanks for the tip about looking for street and college artists. I have tried working with other people on this, frjebds and family, but they're not really motivated enough to really do anything that doesn't have a paycheck in the foreseeable future
  18. Say what? Between quarks, which make up protons and neutrons, and other Hadrons (Wikipedia). I don't know how you think this is pertinent to the thread topic, @MarkE On Topic: Noether's Theorem states that Energy is one of these properties, and since I'm not aware of the relationship of Energy, Mass and Impulse from SR ever being violated, this should hold as well. Energy therefore can be treated as a property of a particle, or a property of a system, which can't be removed or added without changing the rules of the particle or system. Mass, on the other hand, can rather freely be converted into impulse, which happens completely during the annihilation of a particle-antiparticle pair (2 gamma is no mass and only impulse with the same energy each as the particle-antiparticle) or partially in fusion/fission/radioactive decay. Why are we discussing this at all?
  19. Just found something on entangled atoms in BEC's that return to their equilibrium state after being exposed to sharp magnetic field variations from the University of Georgia that seems promising for the FTL communication method you propose.
  20. Can't really watch videos while at work. Could you give me a compressed version? Photons have no mass, always travel at c. It would be fast as light travel, which would already be pretty cool, but a civilization that covers a decent portion of the galaxy would necessarily diverge politically Intriguing. Entangled Particle communications was used in Mass Effect 2, as a method of communicating in real time with the guy who runs Cerberus. Now, I'm aware that we need to break or circumvent the known laws of physics at some point. I know there's a hypothesis that claims every particle in the Universe is entangled, but using this for FTL anything seems quite a reach because if everything is entangled, how do you know which particle to pull to affect another specific particle? Also there's the issue that you're not actually actively controlling which state the wave-function collapses into, just that you make a measurement and this immediately determines the measurement of the entangled particle. Now if you COULD restore the wave function (how?) I could go for a frequency modulation approach where the mere frequency of measurement events encodes a message. On the other hand, if all of this fails, entangled particles would have to be 'produced' somewhere and taken to galactic communication terminals, and could be a scarce trade commodity. Concerning wormhole travel: any specifics on the possible mechanism? The physics shouldn't be so much as explained to the players, but implied by the game mechanics. A smart and interested player should be able to figure out something about it, and not have to rely too much on a suspension of disbelief
  21. Science fiction often relies on FTL travel and comnunications being a thing. I would like to find an FTL possibility for a game I am programming that stretches what we know about physics as little as possible. I had thought about 'Tachyons', but a friend of mine pointed out that 'Tachyons' are the sci-fi way of saying 'A Wizard did it', so whatever comes up, if it involves Tachyons, it's off the table. Alcubierre-White warp drive, no matter how you refine it, requires too much power output even for a Kugelblitz to provide, and I think it still requires some kind of 'negative energy' to create the space dilation behind the vessel, which we don't know how to create. As mentioned before, if you want to make negative energy from Tachyons - clear. Worm Holes are another popular method for FTL travel in Sci-Fi, as seen in the Star Gate franchise and in Farscape, for example. If anyone has an idea how you could find, create or even control a wormhole without trampling the physics flowerbed, as long as ot doesn't involve Tachyons, let me hear it! I've always been quite a fan of Babylon 5's Hyperspace idea, though I believe it involves Tachyons somewhere. If someone has an idea how to get Tachyons out of Hyperspace, I would be most obliged. Last but not least, there is the concept of a slipstream drive. I haven't ever seen or heard any explanation of how this is supposed to work, just that it's really flashy in Andromeda. Ok, there's still whatever Mass Effect is, or what happens in Battlestar Galactica. I could just do it like them and use FTL as a dramatical tool, but sice I want to involve space navigation in the gameplay, I'd better have a concept and a set of rules to go by that aren't completely arbitrary. Since I'm pretty much alone on this project now, I don't have an idea if the game will ever be published. If it is, I'll post a code here for anyone willing to join in any test phase, and be credited as a scientific advisor. The game will be strictly f2p, no ingame purchases. My only selfish motivation is to have something I can present to potential employers/investors in the gaming industry, because while I'm good at my current job, I don'twant to do it forever
  22. I'm fairly sure that the end of a dream- vivid or otherwise would be a consequence of the death of the dreamer, rather than the other way round. Obviously the dream - vivid or otherwise - would be over once death has occurred. I was focusing on the dream not causing death, but being a result of the body shutting down permanently, i.e. dying. I guess if someone fell asleep in an fMRI machine while it was on and died, we could find out.
  23. Interesting. I wonder if that also applies when I watch Luke Cage beat the crap out of Gangsters in Harlem
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