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  1. The 9 was recurring not finite
  2. Sorry if this is ridiculous and seems like an idiot has wrote it. I never even got any GCSEs in science despite being fast tracked. I don’t know quite how to make sense of and fully understand the information I’m getting from these day dreams and meditation visions and I’d appreciate some help. Maybe some dumbed down information about anything that directly relates to what I’m seeing. ok so the first onee is an elastic band ball multiverse, each band infinitely thin therefor the number of bands is also infinite, the closer you look the more and more bands you see, infinite number of band universes all laid on top and side by side with more band universes. Next empty space is full of different colour strings that fill all empty space completely, balls flow along these strings (maybe portals). when I see a wave for example a sound wave the empty space between peaks and troughs actually has its own wave which is exactly opposite. i am forever saying in my head, nothing is nothing, nothing is empty, emptiness is fuller than a solid. that last one has got my head in bits, I don’t know about dark energy or very much about nature at all I just have a super imaginative brain and it seems geared towards questioning the universe. I don’t even like the word universe anymore when I refer to everything because not only do I believe it’s infinitely bigger which we can’t see, I believe it’s infinitely dense with layers overlapping,crossing over, flowing through and under in infinite directions occupying the same space as us. So it’s not that we can’t see that far, were just using the wrong lens so can’t see what’s right in front of our face. another thought I have had but only once is that everything we know and don’t know is infinite. So every single thing that could or couldn’t possibly happen has happened And it will happen over and over. I started to think about 2 bands of my multiverse sitting side by side, both are identical except one is a millisecond ahead of the other, the band directly below is exactly the same but with one tiny tiny change like a squashed blade of grass, a dropped hair from an animal. As we look from our original band through the bands to each side we can look forward and back into the time line of that particular universe. As we look directly below or above we start to observe that every possibility or impossibility but At the exact same point in the timeline. If one were able to look at this ball we could search for bad events in history then search for the universes where the bad event never happened, then scroll along the time line and choose which universe was more aesthetically pleasing directly or indirectly due to the bad event never taking place, also due to everything being infinite future events would effect what we see as the past but which is really just the very distant future. to my mind these theories are very pleasing, I can’t explain any math or laws or physics that make them possible, because I don’t know any lol. But I 100% believe that my brain has some higher calling than it’s current day to day function. I’m being deadly serious when I say I believe my brain is as powerful as any dr. I just don’t know how to use it pr Properly. It’s like a Ferrari that I only have the balls and skill to drive 1 mile once a month. At these sparse occasions I believe my brain is working like quantum computer. Instantaneous processing and foresight. Cant wait til you guys reply to this, even if it is just to tell me I’m talking rubbish. Also there is another thought that got me into a lot of trouble at school as I just couldn’t let it go and felt my full math class should also recognise this. If 0.99999recurring really does go on forever then how can it ever actually be a smaller number than 1. This feeels like an absolute fact to me which totally destroyed what little interest I had in maths. I can understand how we have invented maths to explain things and to calculate things but once I realised that not only is 0.9999recurring and 1 the same number but there is no way to fully distinguish between any two numbers no matter how far apart. I had to drop this one due to solipsism taking up a lot of my thinking time (I didn’t know it was called solipsism or that it wasn’t a theory pioneered by me at the time) and my Mam crying when The school demanded I see mental health professionals. Right then I pushed all my ever growing and linking theories to the back of my mind, Where I believe my subconscious has kept and nurtured them since I can’t believe I’m 28 years old and only just explaining these thoughts to the right crowd, the only person who can tolerate hearing them is my 8 year old son. I have to be careful not to push my belief onto him which might get him in trouble at school. But if he starts to theorise like I did then I’m gonna nurture and encourage it as I believe oppressing it held me way back in more than just education. I felt like I was above numbers in school, like I knew the secret and one day it would be clear to all. Because I was hiding all this stupid ff in the back of my head and couldn’t embrace it. I allready excelled at arithmetic but once it got to real maths I hated it, I hated it for disagreeing with me, I hated it for oppressing my beliefs and I hated that it pretends to be so finite and segmented when in fact it was so infinite and blended. This ruined whatever chance I had of doing well in education. It wasn’t that I couldn’t understand basic algebra and calculus I just believed it was so flawed I would be stupid to learn more aboutit. I failed maths and ALL 3 sciences leaving school with FUDDDDDGEA grades, the a was geography and was thanks to a teacher taking me on a secret week long field trip even though I was expelled from school
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