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Posts posted by zenx

  1. Funny how there's a huge war on SOME drugs, while other drugs are perfectly legal to buy, and take! (ie. Alcohol, Nicotine {Ciagrettes})


    The problem with drugs is not that they are inherently evil, and from Satan (1930's anti-marijuana and heroin campaign anyone?), but that there is a lot of dodgy business and dodgy product out there.

    Funnily enough, it is people who have created a drug problem, not the drug itself!

    The drug subculture, based around dealers, gangs, swindling, dodgy business, corrupt authorities and products filled with all kinds of impurities is the problem.

    Funnily enough it proves something - capitalism doesn't work! Business overrides ethics, money overrides quality of product and corruption runs free.


    I believe that Marijuana should be legalized, and that a better education system be in place about Marijuana, the history behind it and all the scandal it has suffered, the warnings about it, and what good it does for some health conditions.

    I don't know too much about many of the other drugs, but i do know that marijuana is realtively harmless in comparison with many other illicit drugs, and does less damage than alcohol, and is not physically addictive like tobacco products.

    The reasons for its prohibition in the first place were for all the wrong reasons, and these reasons should be looked at when thinking of new marijuana legislation.

  2. Good afternoon/evening or morning ladies and gentleman!


    While procrastinating and searching for stupid websites that "disprove" scientific theories, i stumbled across this forum's discussion on the webpage "The Final Theory.com". (which I have seen before, and can't believe somebody actually thinks that!)


    So I signed up to this forum, coz it looks like lots of fun debates, knowledge and news is passed here.

    I'm from the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, and am currently studying an obscure little course called "Liberal Arts", in which we study society, religion (and its opposites), politics and stories from the ages.

    I plan to continue on next year and do an Arts degree, where i plan to study politics, philosophy, theology, society etc.. along with (hopefully) a few science units.


    I originally wanted to study science this year, but my results were not up to scratch, due to a very teenage year last year.



    My interest has not waned though.



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