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Everything posted by Adnanrk

  1. Thanks mate!! Yeah difficult task if it's crowded! But possible
  2. About the project: I made a arduino based project which can switch on the light when someone passes by the door to enter the room. it uses a ultrasonic sensor(distance sensor) to identify when someone cuts the wave and enters the room,then the servo switchs then button. This can be modified to turn of the light also,but for that you'll need two ultrasonic sensors to count the people entered the room and how many of them left the room so that it can operate accordingly. (shown in the video) -If interested you can see the making and working video here: -for detailed info please visit my project(same) on instructables.com https://www.instructables.com/id/Motion-Sensor-Light-Switchautomatic-Light-Switch/ -Thanks for being here
  3. About the project: I made a arduino based project which can lock and unlock the door lock when you press button on the mobile.(shown in the video) I made a simple mechanism for opening & closing my pre-installed door latch,and combined it with Arduino Uno via some simple coding. And made a simple app for controlling it through Bluetooth. -If interested You can see the making and working video of it here: -for detailed info see my project on instructables.com: https://www.instructables.com/id/Wireless-Door-Locking-System-Controlled-Via-Mobile Thanks for looking here!!
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