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Everything posted by dragisto

  1. it's fine, no worries I was just trying to figure out why it's written the way it is, perhaps it is balanced or two sided I just don't see it in the question itself. thanks for the assistance anyway though.
  2. ok that makes sense but the answer in the back is different to the one you've got there. "(100pC/1s)*(1c/10^12 pC)*1=(1e-/1.6x10^-19c)=6.25x10^8e-/s The shot noise is given by N^1/2 i.e. 2.5x10^4 e/s= 4x10^-15 A" this is what the book gives as the answer in the back. to get the answer in the book using your equation i'd need something to cancel the 2 while keeping the rest of the numbers the same.
  3. ok right so the 100pC/1s=iaand e=e- I'm guessing then does the 1C/1012 pc *1/1.6x10-19c=2B at which point where does the 1012 come from and the 1.6x10-19 not cancel the e-?
  4. hi I started reading a text book called introduction to nanoscience by s m Lindsay and looking at the exercises and I am unsure what equation he was using to get the answer. the question was "what is the size of the current fluctuations (shot noise) in a current of 100PA[ over a counting period of 1 second? use e=1.6x10^-19." the working in the back says "given the fact that 1A=1C/s. (100pC/1s)*(1c/10^12 pC)*1=(1e-/1.6x10^-19c)=6.25x10^8e-/s" any help would be apprecieated.
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