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ALine last won the day on December 12 2020

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  • Interests
    Math, Computer Science, Modeling everything else, Physics, and Engineering
  • College Major/Degree
    Mathematics and Computer Science
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Mathematics and Mechanism
  • Biography
    I like to make structures
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  1. image.thumb.png.641ef5cbe31a34d8b29dbb8b2a4d0c1f.pngThis is weirdly true. I don't know why.

  2. hierarchies are functions in my honest opinion.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Genady


      Hierarchy is a relation. A relation is a binary function.

    3. ALine


      can you provide a source for a hierarchy is a relation?

    4. Genady


      A relation on a set S is a subset of the set of ordered pairs SxS. Hierarchy fits this definition.

  3. thank you, apologies.
  4. Well no, each is an independent pattern.
  5. They can be, these are patterns.
  6. This is an idea I have been mulling around in my head for a while.
  7. I think that's more deeper level analysis of understanding, whereas a more a surface level understanding needs to be developed first
  8. Why does it matter to know what the experience of a raven is? Knowing something experience does not give you knowledge about it, only giving you an awareness of its condition.
  9. Thanks for that. Did not realize that it was already popularized. I thought there were other methods to increase and decrease the proton number. Thus changing the element?
  10. A new concept I have come up with is called "unstable chemistry" in which you transmute chemical elements from one element to another by using radioactive decay to either increase an atom's proton number or decrease an atom's proton number.
  11. I call it the machine hierarchy. It's designed so that each concept stacks on top of the other to be used to express the next concept above it. I do not know that it is right. 1 identity (0th order) // generator // equal sign // identity matrix // tensor product // nuclear space // M-order 0 space || \/ 2 geometry (1st order) // operator // mass // schwartz space // M-order 1 space (pronoun formed, the order in which an intelligence developed) || \/ 3 space (2nd order) // tensor // // metric // acceleration // real coordinate space // M-order n space (antecedent formed) life || \/ 1 action (3rd order) // energy // homomorphism // indefinite inner product space (behaviors formed), life, splitting, door, domino || \/ 2 event (4th order) // force // m*a // webbed space (consequence formed) sign, organization, symbol, [[reaction]] || \/ 3 data (5th order) // Frechet Space (x,memory formed) life, cell division || \/ 2 process (7th order) // protocol, x[reaction] // Gaussian elimination // algorithm // cycle // K-Space (x.perception formed) || \/ 3 function (8th order) // function in mathematics // BK-space (relationship formed), (work?) // (maybe functional??) // heirarchys // [[[the mechanicumalitous]]] || \/ 1 structure (9th order) // Graph,... ( Domain, Signature, Interpretation Function ) [graph matrix] // FK space (statement formed) || \/ 2 mechanism (10th order) // metabolism // virus // matrix decomposition // differential equations // Fk-AK space (x,belief formed) // neural networks can get here /// x,single ant // like an engine, machines of nature, || \/ //////// biology starts here 3 phenomenon (11th order) // a science // a combustion // a law // a prokaryotic cell // dynamics systems theory // Banach Space (truth formed) /// (((Like a lighting strike))) //release || \/ 1 observation (12th order) // eukaryotic cell // locally convex topologocal vector space (x,information formed), statement, thought, attention, study, feeling, result, impression, || \/ 2 pattern (13th order) // sociology // Brauner Space (learning formed?) [ waves ] //communication // hypo: mathematics // repeatable sequence || \/ /////// ecology starts here 3 architype (14th order) / // Complex Coordinate Space (concept formed), prototype, original, ideal, (((form))), (((?,blueprint))), ancestor, precursor, conception, (((x,idea))) || \/ 1 order (15th order) // smith space (sequence formed), (x,law), system, categorization, command // amoeba || \/ 2 meaning (16th order) // bornological space // Ordered topological vector space (grammar formed), [[[learning done???]]] || \/ 3 understanding (17th order) // Ordered topological vector space (language formed) // SEOS can get up to here, (((apprehension, comprehension, discernment, interpretation, perception, cognizance, ken))) /// language uses signs/events to communicate || \/ ///// hypo: psychology/mind begins here ///exiting ecology development 1 intuition (18th order), (((idea))) // montrel space (knowledge formed) || \/ 2 goal (19th order) // barreled space (goals formed) // operating system objective, aim, target, design, desire, intent, plan, purpose, (x,idea), point || \/ 3 task (20th order) // infrabarrelled space (tasks formed) // this is your goal for tonight // hypo: ants are here || \/ 1 reasoning (21th order) // ultrabarreled space (problems formed) // (x,ants), logic formed /// (control?) || \/ 2 thinking (22th order) // quasibarreled space (solutions formed) || \/ 3 introspection (23th order) // quasi-ultrabarrelled space (x,ideas formed) // belief formed. || \/ 1 self (24th order) // ultrabornalogical space (decisions formed), ///personality, ///ego // will || \/ 2 awareness (25th order) // DF space (attention formed) || \/ 3 intelligence (26th order) // Distinguished space // is able to get to by a computer, neuron? || \/ 1 cognition (27th order) // LB Space || \/ 2 conciousness (28th order) // LF Space, bees || \/ 3 sub conciousness (29th order) // mackey space || \/ 1 unconciousness (30th order) // ptak space // agi, || \/ 2 brain (31th order) // Gelfand-Shilov Space, humans here || \/ /// cosmology starts here 3 universe (32th order) // Complete Topological Vector Space || \/ 1 multiverse (33th order) // Metrizable topological vector space // with time definition || \/ 2 omniverse (34th order) // semi-Hilbert Space
  12. I would disagree. I think that machines are less cut and dry than that. An example of this is a finite state machine with states and state transformations that express different degrees of information based on representations of that information.
  13. no not really, its more like comparing everything to being a system and then using that representation of nature to compare to other systems.
  14. Is there a direct correlation between concepts and problem-solving?
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