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Everything posted by ALine

  1. The singularity would just exist as being a singularity. The geometry would act as the projection medium. Like a holograms projection medium.
  2. What if time is the progression of a singularity projecting space onto the event horizon which behaviors following string theory, finally projects space out of a blackhole?
  3. ALine

    are bees concious?

    so true.
  4. ALine

    are bees concious?

    Eh, i think it's more of a thing that a brain generates vs a property of the universe.
  5. ALine

    are bees concious?

    no...no, we need to define consciousness to understand it better.
  6. found a good reference for information research


  7. ALine

    are bees concious?

    that is a good question.
  8. very very true. explain.
  9. I believe that generative AI could eventually lead to fully self-developing agi, any thoughts?
  10. ALine

    are bees concious?

    my new definition of consciousness: a being that can act according to the rules it sets and can behave in accordance to the awareness it devolves for itself.
  11. ALine

    are bees concious?

    With bees, hmmmmm. Let's say both—the hive AND individually and the interaction between them for consciousness. I think interesting research could be formed by looking at their interaction. Also, bees are awesome. They are modern wonders of science. Also, they make hexagons. Hexagons are the bestagons.
  12. ALine

    are bees concious?

    I love this part you said. I would argue that a similar definition can be discovered due to both us and bees having neurons, just different structures.
  13. ALine

    are bees concious?

    yes, but what is awareness then?
  14. ALine

    are bees concious?

    there has to be one that satisfies all of them. What is one you can think of?
  15. ALine

    are bees concious?

    A definition for consciousness could also be a debate in itself I kind of want to start.
  16. ALine

    are bees concious?

    the ability to have a behavior recognizable as being able to use tools and resources to achieve intended consequences.
  17. I wanted to start a debate on whether a thing that is that small can be considered conscious.
  18. could you think of behaviors as a hierarchy of actions?

    1. TheVat


      Start a thread.  Define your terms in a way that clarifies what you are talking about.  

  19. I feel as thought agi can be achieved through generative ai, what do you all think?

    1. TheVat


      Start a thread.

  20. what if bees are conscious?

    1. TheVat


      Start a thread.

  21. Apologies did not mean to post it here then. Did not realize that, thank you.
  22. I am not sure, what if the matter was space-time somehow curling into specific geometries? if you don't mind me asking what are some of the implications?
  23. Yeah sure, patterns would be considered objects so that each pattern would be a separate indistinguishable pattern. I wouldn't say waves, per se.
  24. could matter be the pushing against space-time?
  25. image.thumb.png.641ef5cbe31a34d8b29dbb8b2a4d0c1f.pngThis is weirdly true. I don't know why.

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