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Everything posted by ALine

  1. I have been working on this problem as of late for a general purpose AI and have developed a principle I like to call the "Continuity" principle. It dictates that all things are continuously defined. Such as reason, observation, pattern recognition, awareness, etc.
  2. What if you create magnetic little beads and the shoot them in the general trajectory of a metal debris fields which also can be electrically charged and uncharged. That way when ever there is a clumping of debris caused by the magnet beads + captured debris you can somehow shoot a beam of energy to control the momentum of the particles to slow them down enough to burn up in the atmosphere.
  3. I have been looking at how to define a system for the longest time and wanted to share it with you all. "A system is a grouping representation of a practical pattern and/or process in which can be used to form new knowledge and fact that can further be actualized into tools and technologies."
  4. I'm hoping to make this a life long awesome project that grows with me along with my other projects.
  5. If at all possible I am looking for really good books on AI from all different fields of study.
  6. I am assuming that it can be. Thank you, looking into it now
  7. I was going to compare how I think to how it thinks. yeah, I am wanting ta build sort of a builder assistant while also learning as much theory as a kind to build it.
  8. I mean like a formal definition of intelligence/cognition. One where it can be expressed by a computer.
  9. That...is a very good question! Not sure yet. Thank you for bringing that up. I was going to compare my own reasoning to its reasoning and then compare and contrast.
  10. are feelings learned or expressed?

    1. MigL


      There are basic feelings, which we also observe in animals, like when my cat feels 'safe' on my lap in a thunderstorm, or an animal is 'comfortable' in that peculiar position, or 'horny' when an animal is in heat, etc.
      These feelings are instinctive, and we are born with them, like a newborn baby feels 'safe' in his mother's arms.

      Other 'compound' feelings, we learn to define as combinations or lack of the 'basic' feelings.
      A specific combination of safety, comfort, familiarity and lust may equate to 'love' for someone, while absence of some of the basics may equate to 'dislike' or even 'hate'.

      Why is this a 'status update' and not a thread ?
      Are you experiencing the feeling of 'confusion' and wish to know whether it is instinctive or learned ???

  11. Cool, what did you have in mind?
  12. I feel that the best direction I should take is looking at how I learn and define my own reasoning and then from there defining the reasoning of a potential "object" and then add more and more complexity to that said object.
  13. First attempt at defining intelligence:
    Intelligence: A thing which completes itself.

    completes: To continue its own state and behaviors.

  14. I want to try and throw myself at the hardest problem possible so I can go on a life long journey.
  15. thank you, I should have specified. "Artificial General Intelligence" yeah.
  16. I am going to use this topic for keeping track of my progress for the AGI Chatbot Project.
  17. Which should I focus my time on if I were trying to build an AGI? Intelligence research or cognition research?
  18. My first goal is to develop a general definition for cognition, then I will be developing an algorithm/what ever is equivalent to what makes it run on a computer, then I will advance and improve it over time.

  19. I want to make this a life long journey into making a general purpose artificial intelligence (AGI) using my knowledge and ability. I would like to track my journey on here to keep me motivated. Thank you for your time.
  20. What would be a formal definition of intelligence/cognition. Which that can be expressed formally and mathematically? One which could be ran according to unique algorithms/computation/mathematical methods.
  21. I have decided to dedicate my time to trying to figure out AGI. My future questions will be in regards to this. Thank you!

  22. Could a relationship be formed between a "tie" in game theory and the halting problem in "decidability" in automata theory?
  23. Book Idea: "The us giving away a daughter, who is an alien from space. Causing the father to make sure they remember his name. "- Ravana's Siloete

    1. ALine


      bad book idea


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