I would like to make a philosophical proposal,
please bear with me because this is my first one and I want to become better at this over time in terms of organization
I would like to propose a new idea, maybe new, which I would like to define as the "The Response."
Proposal for "The Response"
[ Abstract ]
"The Response" is what I would like to call a "virus of the mind and not of the body." Just as nihilism is a mental disease of a man coming to terms with the removal of there "true world" the response is a mental plague which affects us all and by automatically denying it's existence you may be proving that it exists.
[ Body ]
The formal definition that I would like to give to "The Response" is that "The Response" is a mental disease which is classified by the following symptoms; prevention of accepting new ideas due to the developed formulation of one's own ideas, the voidness of rational argument which can be used to prevent an individual with the affliction from getting better, the immediate rejection of others thoughts and opinions by making distinct classifications of developed ideas. A more general definition of "The Response" is an automatic response given by an individual utilizing previously defined information without rational argument for determining where that thought or idea came from while also at the same time rationalizing on top of this thought and preventing one's self from questioning the original thought. It is the "thought before the thought which prevents future thoughts from forming on the initial thought." It happens so fast that one is not aware that it even exists and if you are not looking or reading each word in your head carefully then it can pop up at any time. Waiting to take control of the conversation.
[ Examples ]
Let's say that you are reading a post that you disagree with, like say a post on a youtube comment. Your first thought which comes to mind may be "wow that sucks, I have to correct that." That right there, that is "The Response." It can be very long or very short, however, once you grab onto it or accept it then you will follow that "train of thought" so far that you will forget where it came from. And when questioned about it further you will say something that will convince you that you are right and they are wrong.
[ Conclusion ]
" The Response " is a disease of the mind which affects all of us, no matter how young or how old. It is what causes us to get into arguments or even hurt the ones that we call our friends. If you do not through each word that you say then you will be affected by it.
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