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Everything posted by ALine

  1. How do mathematicians define "meaning?" Because whenever I run into it I come to an existential road block. But, yes I think I understand what you are saying in terms of Relations and my intuitive thought. I think I got function and relation confused and did not understand each of there definitions are you have pointed out prior. Random thought, could this be used to imply symmetry breaking in a field of study such as physics?
  2. Are relations the same as if conditional statements then? Or at the very least similar? Because with a if b, you have b -> a.
  3. I mean to say that a relationship is the connection between two points in space in nature. Also I mean a relationship is an object in math.
  4. Agree Just expressing my limited amount of knowledge on the subject. Need some time to try and formalize this, have problems with this endeavor. I admit defeat. It being I have no idea how to formally explain it. It being my idea/discovery. Mathematics is the structuring of the universe, ergo nature, into a set of discoverable rules and formulations. These formulations are conceived by the human mind. A set is itself an inverse of reality due to those languages which better describe reality. Languages, of the romantic kind, describe humans endeavor to discern between the reality and fictitious efforts of noise. That's probably the best way I can put my discovery. I think I am trying to describe automata theory. Not sure though. Please help.
  5. (relationship) [ X XOR Y -> X XNOR Y] (this was the first way I thought about doing it where XOR was the addition in mathematics because of the circle and the +, multiplication would be circle and x.
  6. I was using implication here. I may have been applying my sets of knowledge to a field of study which uses mathematics to make the above statement true. XOR Gate symmetric difference, XNOR Gate symmetric addition, however I worded it wrong. jesus math is old. Was not aware of this fact. Thanks for this. This was just banter more than stating any claims or facts. Thanks for your responses. This basis of the idea was that the implication emerged from the relationship.
  7. X, being a set, and Y being a set. X XNOR Y -> X XOR Y, is the basis of mathematics. Mathematics, based on my research, is about relationships which can be described using functions. These functions relate or create new sets. However there is a problem. What actually IS a relationship. Claim: A relationship is a symmetric difference -> symmetric addition. Explanation: A symmetric addition is a similarity between two sets. It is a comparison between these two sets and everything else in the universal set. By comparing both obtain something neat. Potentially a fractal. This is as far as I have gotten on the problem.
  8. Can you provide an explanation to your Turing machine statement please.
  9. Step meaning a programs execution through means of pointer reference value shifting.
  10. i is a i

    1. bimbo36


    2. bimbo36


  11. A step in programming is a function in mathematics. Proof: A function is a relationship between two sets. A set can be represented as being a list or tuple of programs. A function is just a transition between programs. Therefore a step is a function. [g] This viewpoint is from the perspective of both the philosophy of both mathematics and computer science.
  12. Ladies and Gentleman. I have discovered magik.

  13. Reality is made up of a bunch of strings connected using complex dot structures called elopians. These elopians configure into a complex structure known as a spadoople. They then reconfigure into a finite curvature called a flagelon. Finally reaching the point of no return, ending up inside of calaousite sack known as your mother.
  14. Never made this claim. Using it as a potential method for analysis.
  15. Using measure theory with fractals one can assert the claims being made here. Therefore, I believe that we are over simplifying Willems claim. However I am stumped on the level of complexity needed to understand this further. Can you please explain further @Willem F Esterhuyse
  16. Thank you for the reply. Your statements are both correct. I do underestimate the work required in the scientific process. I will go and learn how to be a proper scientist. Thanks again!
  17. I believe that I came up with a methodology for using crispr gene editing chromosomes to track, label, locate and delete cancer cells. It will take time for me to understand it fully and I have no experience with biology or constructing scientific papers. @AreteWould it be possible for you to assist me in helping me figure it out.
  18. Need assistance writing a paper that expresses the methodology for the Potential Method of Detection, Location, and Removal of Cancer Cells. My current methodology is the following sequence of steps 1) Cell Detection 1.1) Detect Specific Cancer Types using cell classification methods. 1.2) Program DNA for cancer types in order to define signature of cell using CRISPR. 1.3) Classify Cancer type based on cell type that the cancer has mutated. 2) Cell Location 1.1) Immune System auto defines the attack on the given cell based on certain 1.2) Gives an attack signature of the mutated cell based on mutated cell itself. 3) Cell Deletion 3.1) The Immune system removes/collapses the mutated cells from the immune system definement. Immediate assistance would be appreciated. Want to try to get this into a formal paper to gain a better understanding on the research process.
  19. Hey everyone. So uhh, i'm back from the lab and I learned that uhhh entropy is the measure of decay of structure in the solid matter. To me this means that everything in the universe will eventually decay into nothingness assuming current laws of physics. This makes me feel happy about myself because I can deduce a reason to live from it, which is that everything is finite and unstable, but I can come up with ways to better structure myself and my surroundings. Thank you all for coming and enjoy the rest of your evenings!
  20. Alright boys. "Stretches" I finally did it. Went ta never land, freed the evil witch and saved the princess and played a large amount of mental DND campaigns to discover myself. Only to realize I have been afraid my reflection due to not recognizing it along with understanding that that "night" is just my shadow. I believe that I am on my way to fully self-actualizing. Wish me further luck!

  21. today I learned about prime and normal factorization. And the use of rectangles in order to represent factors of a given value.
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