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Everything posted by mike90
I don't think advertising less nicotene in a cigarette would be very effective if they could advertise it. Once your conditioned to a certain level of nicotene you find less unsatisfying. If you give someone who smokes regular cigarettes a pack of ultralights they will sit there and chain smoke, complaining that it feels like they're " not getting anything but air" when they take a drag.
I don't know does caffeine give you cancer?
Wow that's kind of disturbing actually. upping the level of nicotene to keep people hooked. But then again its tobacco companies. Wouldn't be too surprising
I agree with Skye if they're really trying to explore if He's actually a strong enough force to change american policy by himself. But if its just bush is a loser so would'nt it be great if he died movie, well thats disgusting. I'd have to see it to make a judgement
I don't know I had always kind of thought the whole Iraq war rather rash. I've always questioned the real reasons behind it. I didn't really beileve them at the time when they said they thought they had WMDs. I think they were playing off the fear of 9/11 to justify attacking countries they had wanted to attack previously but didn't have a good excuse too. Calling attention to the fact that they had captured the mastermind of the attack would have calmed the public, which is really the last thing they would want. They certainly hyped up the fact of it being a country that supported terrorists. Honestly there is a mob mindset to a lot of american people. They could probably could have justified attacking a lot of different places in the middle east at the time by just implying they were linked to terrorists. People who are afraid are easy to control.
Well I picked mine cause I'm really just too lazy to make a custom one, and out of the standard ones available this is the only one i liked. Plus I am a huge Spiderman fan.
Yeah really if we all collectively ask nicely will you stop making them?
Wuthering heights. From the little description they give I can't say as I'm surprised. It actually sums me up pretty accurately. Haven't seen the movie though, although maybe I should check it out lol
One of the hardest things for me to swallow about christianity is this whole beileve in it or your eternally damned concept. So in this day in age with all these different religions your supposed to find the "correct" one or your doomed. This is the concept a divine creator came up with? I dont buy it. what if your jewish, or a buddist, or any one of the many other options? then you are just damned for guessing wrong essentially? And there is more then one religion that tells you if you don't subscribe to their beliefs your screwed. What makes any of these concepts more valid then any other? It cant be how many people beileve in it because then its just a popularity contest. What kind of omnipotent being what put you on earth to spin a roulette wheel, and if your numbers not the lucky one you get fire and brimstone. That is just a beyond idiotic concept imo. On another note i follow no organized religion, but I have my own set of spiritual beliefs and they are important to me. One of those is there are some acts that are just fundamentally evil, and once commited put a stain on your soul that nothing could erase. I don't care how sorry someone is how can you be forgiven for killing millions of people. How could a religion teach that you can basically do whatever you want while in this world as long as you own up and say sorry before you die. what in the **** is that supposed to do. It doesn't bring back those millions of innocent people. And again a supposedly all knowing being came up with these rules? The logic of which a child could poke holes in? It just doesn't seem to make any sense. It all seems rather egocentric to me. "Well feel free to do whatever you want as long as you beileve in me and are really sorry you did it" How can there be any morality then, if any act can be forgiven. Isn't the whole point of morality that you DON'T do certain things because it is wrong to do them. The whole thing smacks of " relative morality" which I just dont beileve in. Some things are just wrong and unforgivable, and you'd tihnk if anything was one of them killing millions would be. Please don't anyone take this as an attack on their religious beliefs btw, as that's not my intent. I am just legitimately confused about how the whole thing is supposed to make any logical sense
Well that was productive. Btw anyone that says crap like that obviously does not understand depression at all. Bah i was going to continue with more but why bother its a waste of time
Well I'm sorry to hear that rebiu I went through a bad breakup myself a year ago and I'm still learning how to get over it. If you need to talk to someone feel free to pm me if you want. Hopefully you have friends and family to help you through this it makes it a lot easier then trying to handle it all yourself
How is anyone pulling a race card here. You just said something to the effect of " all jews are greedy jerks" and quite rightfully so a jewish person found that offensive. I'm wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt here rebiu as you seem to have started this with good intentions. But now you have progressed to saying what i would say are some pretty prejudiced things simply because someone has asked you to clarify what you are trying to accomplish with this thread. I've not been around sfn lately so I don't if something happened previously to put a chip on your shoulder or something but really all of this seems kind of unnecessary
Thanks for the advice. Im pretty much back to calm and neutral for now, and concentrating on staying there and keeping myself busy so i can't think too much. Sadly thats always key for me as the more time i have to think the worse i feel.
Well what a horrible, horrible day I'm having. Well this may not be the forum for it, but since I have no one to talk to and am at a loss for what to do anymore I'm going to put how I feel and what's going on with me right now in here. Hopefully this will not bother anyone, hell hardly anyone pays attention to this thread by now anyway. I'm trying so hard to cope with this depression but god it's so awful. I cant remember the last time i was relatively happy with my life. Close to about 3 years now. The depression has been very bad for almost 2 years now. I've been trying to deal with this the best I can but I just feel like im running out of strength. The average person has no idea what it's like to feel incredibly miserable almost 24 hours a day for years at a time. I'vr considered going to go see a doctor again but im unsure. Last time they didn't really help me at all, in fact everything they did seemed to make it worse. I wasn't treated very well, and i got the feeling it was because of my low income and lack of insurance. I make better money now, but I'm still not insured so I doubt I'll get much help from them. Last time they sent me a letter letting me know my case was closed without really resolving anything. Pretty awesome thing to do to a suicidal person, just set them adrift. Especially when you know without doubt they are suicidal seeing as they were referred to you after a suicide attempt. I try to stay positive, but honestly I just don't have any hope at all anymore. I just feel dead inside most of the time. When it's not that I'm in pain. In addition to all the crappy things I most certainly do remember about my childhood their are a few incidents that are different. Their are a couple memories I have, both of them around 5 or 6 years old, where there are parts missing. I remember things up to a point, but then theres just a blank spot there. Both incidents are when some rather unsetlling things were going on. The parts that I can remember are very disturbing. Which scares me. I went over 15 years hardly thinking about these incidents at all. After all they kind of blend in with a lot of other bad things that happened hen i was growing up. But in recent years i keep coming back to these memories over and over last night at work( graveyard shift) for some reason I started to think of one of these incidents. And it felt like, I dont know, maybe i was almost able to remember what happened. But I hit up against some kind of mental wall and I started to freak out. At least it was only internally so no one noticed. But its getting harder to hold myself together at work sometimes, which is basically the only place I'm fully functional anymore. I've been through this enough times to know how the cycles work, and it feels like its ramping up to get really bad again. Al the signs are there. I'm hurting myself again. Susbstance dependant again. Could probably stop if i really tried, but how bad I've been mentally when I don't have anything to "medicate" myself with doesn't encourage me to do so. To anyone reading this, again my intention is not to offend. I am also not making up melodrama to gain attention. And as I said I am aware this isnt exactly the place for something like this, but I really dont have anywhere else to go
You haven't seen how mean spirited people can be on here sometimes too though. Not most but a few. I came on here to give you some advice Herme but i don't know, I probably need it as much as you do. I'm in pretty much the same boat. The only thing I have giving my life meaning right now is my job.No girlfriend and pretty much no friends. The only socializing i get on a regular basis is at work. So i know how you feel. Just try not to get so down on yourself. You have to remember a lot of other people have been through or are going through what you are. It's part of the human condition, trying to find your niche socially. It's just harder for some then others. Just remember you've got friends here Herme and don't worry about not having purpose in your life right now. A lot of people struggle with that, especially at your age.
Hm says url not found. Do i need to install anything?
yeah the chat room has always been my favorite thing about sfn. And with being gone for a bit i thought it would be cool to pop on and catch up with some people. So this whole thing is kind of a bummer =(
Hm that takes me to a blank white screen that says simply "rawr ffs!"
Is it down again or still down? I cant connect it keeps timing out. First i thought it was my connection but everything else works fine
Well hello again everyone, been working a ton of hours the last couple months so i haven't been around. Well wether or not anyone missed me here i am again:-) How are the other empaths out there dealing with it all? Better then I am I hope In answer to Anjruu's earlier question in my experience there is a wide range of different "levels" of empathic abilities.I too dislike describing it like I'm one of the X-men or something, but I don't really know any other way to put it. The person that introduced me to all of this is the "strongest" empath I have met so far. she actually turned my empathy from a dormant trait into an active one. And I am just so grateful to her for it too Someone mentioned earlier the link between having a traumatic past and empathy. I have yet to meet any empaths that didn't share this trait in common, in fact me and my best friend (also an empath) have had a lot of discussions over how this ties into it all. The last time I actively tried to use my empathy to do anything was rather disastrous. I was with 2 of my friends, both also empaths ( all my close friends are) We were basically doing a concentration exercise of sorts, using our empathy to probe into eachother basically. This is something we had done every now and then over the last 5 years or so, never with any harmful results until now. My main reason for doing this is since becoming empathic I have noticed some sort of dark aura, energy, presence, whatever you want to call it within one of my friends. Whatever it is, it's presence is so strong even our non empathic friends have remarked on it over the years. None of them have ever really been able to put it into words exactly, just saying something about him wasn't quite right and disturbed them What i was trying to do was get at whatever that thing is and see if there was anything i could do to help. What ended up happening was whatever that force or energy is got a hold of me and took me somewhere. What it really felt like was I got pulled actually into his mind somehow. I'm not sure what all happened next exactly because i blocked most of it out. All I can remember clearly is being somewhere dark and horrible, with something horrible. It felt like this force was mentally tearing my mind in half like a sheet of paper. I dont know how else to describe it. I have never been so terrified in my entire life. Just when it felt like whatever this force was was actually killing me, or at the least driving me absolutely insane, i finally came back into my body. When I came back i was screaming, and I have never heard a scream like that in my entire life. They told me later when I started screaming like that they also felt the presence of whatever it was and they too were terrified. One of them later told my their initial thought was that we were all about to die, which is also how i felt. And yes i know i sound like an absolute lunatic. In the 5 years or so I've been dealing with this I've seen and felt a lot of strange things, but never anything like this. Afterwards I was so weak i needed help to walk, and i had severe chest pains for a little while. Whatever happened to me scared me so much i think i almost had a damn heart attack. I had been doing slightly better prior to this incident, but this seemed eventually to be a catalyst to once again launch me back into another cycle of depression. I've since tried now and then to probe at the mental block I have around the whole incident, but i gave up trying since what i felt was incredibly disturbing. Whatever happened to me my mind is just not able to handle it. This freaks me out a little bit since as far as i know of i have never had any repressed memories before, and i have been through some damn scary stuff before, much of it as a small child, yet i can remember it all As to gib's question as to how I'm doing, well not too good. On the material side of things everythings great. Just bought a car, got a substantial raise at work, everything would appear to be looking up to an outsider. In fact this is definately the most successful i have been to date in my life. On the personal side of things, i don't think I have ever felt so alone, alienated, and depressed. After living with me for a year and a half without being able to hold down a job or help me in any way while I've basically been having a quiet nervous breakdown, my roomate finally moved out a couple months ago to live with his girlfriend. We've been friends since i was 17 years old and over the years I have had to bail him out of his screwups over and over again. And now after me again opening my house to him to help him when he had no place else to go ( this is the 3rd time this has happened), he has not even bothered to call and see how I'm doing once in 2 months. So now I am living on my own entirely for the first time in my adult life. Most of my close friends have either moved away or seem to have no interest in talking to me anymore. I basically only have one friend left, who i see maybe once or twice a month. My entire life right now is basically either being at work, or sitting here at home in a drug induced stupor. I smoke marijuana pretty much every day, unless i don't have any or I'm broke. I'm not really too thrilled with the situation, but it seems to be the only thing that helps with the depression. Otherwise i just end up coming home from work and sitting in front of my computer trying not to think about suicide, which I again ponder daily. I don't really want to die, I never have. I'm actually pretty afraid of death. So it's not so much about not wanting to be here anymore, more about not knowing how to cope with the pain. I feel alone all the time. I am on good terms with my family again, and get along well with most everybody i work with, and am friends with several people there. But none of these people really understand me or what I'm really like at all. I feel like i have to lie and pretend to be someone im not and be fake just to get by, as people generally don't seem to "get" the real me. Not to mention there are huge chunks of my life I can't even talk to 99% of the people i know about, as they'll just think im a lunatic. Ive tried opening up to people about the empathy and my depression problems before, and generally after that people don't seem too interested in talking to me anymore:rolleyes: I'm basically making a mess of everything right now and i know it. Im not in good shape physically or emotionally but I dont really know what to do about it. Recently I've been thinking a lot about trying to go see a doctor and get some help again. But last time i went through that whole mess they just made me worse, so I'm really at a loss for what to do. Sorry for the massive post, but frankly it just feels good to get a lot of this off my chest. Like i said i really dont have people around me i trust and can talk to in my life, and it feels good to get this out whether any of you beileve me or not or think im a nut or not
Wow man that was just scary.
And people with attitudes like 1veedo's are why a lot of people who feel that way are so afraid to open up or talk to anyone. Other people's depression may be boring or repetitive for you to listen to, but guess what? It's not much fun for them either. And just one more judgemental person saying in effect " just get over it" does not help. Herme i suggest you do try to maintain contact with this girl, but like everyone else said go easy on trying to get her to go out with you, at least for now. It's clear you could use some change in your life, but don't try to change to make anyone else happy. Start tryin to find more things that make YOU happy first
Well that was a depressing trip to the twilight zone lol. I found someone with my first middle and last names, born in the same year as me. He works for IBM. kind of like a through the looking glass view of me if i had ever gotten up and ACCOMPLISHED something. Lol
Yes that seems to be it, and that i can certainly understand. I have plenty of people that care about me to some extent or other, but only a couple that really understand me. Its tough, but your not going to get that if you dont learn to get out and interact more. Generally, unles your a hot female anyway, heaps of attention arent going to just come your way for no reason. You got to work at it .