Hello again, ive meant to check in on this for some time but work's kept me too busy. Ifeelya's post struck a chord as i found Bettina's original post on this topic by typing empathic into google one night when I felt alone. Reading these posts has made me want to share some of my story so here goes. I didn't find out about my empathy until i was about 20, until then i had assumed i was just overly sensitive and in some negative way different from "normal people" . I used to be able to use my empathy to do things like absorb other peoples emotions, or read their inner thoughts/feelings to a limited degree. But like Bettina my empathy does what iit wants when it wants and i couldn't control it. I ended up a mess because of it. I've tried antidepressants , drugs, alcohol, none of which helped at all. Eventually my mind seemed to sort of shut my empathy down, with the side effect being i dont seem to be able to feel ANY emotions most of the time, but now and then ill go into deep depressions that I have to claw myself back out of. Every now and then my empathy will kick back in and ill sense something so i know its not gone, just in hibernation or something. The only thing that really helps me get through it all is that I have several good friends tatr are like this. I dont seem to be able to make real emotional connections to anyone not like me, so i have a real hard time coping with dayo day life and social situations, i always feel like a freak. I'm basically looking for some sort of support group for this, which is what it sounds like Bettina needs, not quack doctors trying to push drugs, drugs cannot help this in my opinion. i'm going to try to keep up on these posts, please can some of you post more of your experience with this and how you cope with it? I seem to be lifeless or in pain most of the time anymore.