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Everything posted by empleat
Spacetime is not even fundamental and your precious science is based on assumptions, e.g. classic model of universe sabine hossenfelder called other scientists uncritical believers, just because you can adjust it so it fits your data, scientists were using it because it was comfortable... https://iai.tv/articles/donald-hoffman-spacetime-is-not-fundamental-auid-2281 There are many extremely smart ppl which do only science like Stephen Hawking which said philosophy was dead and unwittingly without being aware of it, devised new philosophy of physics. Philosophy is in everything... Scientists do it even if they don't know about it. You don't even understand what intelligence is... https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/were-not-platonists-weve-just-learned You don't understand that it is spectrum that someone can be extremely talented in one area, but then have shortcomings in other, that's why smart ppl cooperate, but this forum is just for others to stroke their ego... Life is game you don't understand, you are limiting yourself because you are excluding areas of knowledge and other ppl because your self-inflated ego, smart 140IQ don't because they know even 100IQ ppl will know things they don't and learn from everyone... You are too narrow minded to see that. Who do you think you are? You think you know better than biggest geniuses in history, you are so stupid... multiple even 160IQs told me i am extremely intelligent, i couldn't even use my wits because i was gaslit my whole life and slave morality, because other ppl feel treatened by me and wanted to push me down, which they successfully did, i am completely destroyed.. .just because i can't write doesn't mean i am dumb, i can learn shit, but i had fear of failure, and performance and anxiety and self-sabotage and all gifted issues, i never had even chance in the first place.. 160IQ doing 4 areas of science and philosophy told me i am extremely intelligent after like 200 pages and we had 1000 page+ convo... THERE IS NO ESCAPE AFTER DEAHT AND YOU ARE TOO WEAK TO SEE THAT, AS NIETZSCHE SAYS WILL TO TRUTH IS SLAVE TO MORE FUNDAMENTAL WILL TO POWER, EVEN EVOLUTION SUPPORT THIS, IT HIDES TRUTHS (UNLESS THEY ARE BENEFICIAL TO OUR SURVIVAL) and we evolved to sell our truth to other ppl, instead of get to the truth! Ppl just justify with logical fallacies their pre-existent believes, that's why most ppl are bad at logic, because only thing that matters is ability to sell your truth to other ppl whatever it is... Science is politically motivated and there is no freedom of speech,academia is no place for smart ppl... My 160IQ would destroy you utterly in couple sentences... you are so arrogant... YOu are lower men, i would put you to cage with pigs, you are disgust me!!!!!!! You didn't even know about ADs, supernerd laughed if it wasn't chemical imbalanced what it would be, lol didn't know about about biggest myth... On other ppl it was same thing elistists driven everyone out: https://www.scienceforums.com/topic/38439-is-this-science-forums-dying/#comment-395814 This forums is just circle jerk, it is not to discuss anything... it is really pathethic, you have no power in real life, only insecure ppl bully others, you act like teenagers, really pathetic i must say and then you accuse of what you are doing yourself... You are less than couple atoms... You are just jealous because you know you are worthless deep down... Only weak ppl hurt others, because they can't do anything themselves... I WON'T LET MYSELF TO BE GASLIT ANYMORE... YOU ARE LESS THAN DUST UNDER MY SHOES TO ME... YOU WON'T ESCAPE, YOU DON'T EVEN REALIZE IT, JUST LOOK WHAT PPL DID TO THEMSELVES IN MEDIEVAL AGES, AND AS EINSTEIN SAID: PEOPLES' STUPIDITY IS INFINITE, YOU CAN'T LEARN, YOU ARE LIKE BOTHS YOU OBEY EGO AND SOCIAL FACTORS LIKE STATUS AND NEED FOR BELONGING YOU ARE UNABLE TO EXERCISE AUTONOMY. ALL THINGS WHICH CANNOT OBEY THEMSELVES WILL OBEY OTHERS, THAT IS THE NATURE OF ALL LIVING THINGS - NIETZSCHE... JUST LOOK HOW PATHETHIC SCIENCE IS, HALF OF IT IS SERVING CORPORATIONS AND CRIMINALS AND MOST OF IT IS FOR STATUS... READ DE ROPP YOU ARE DELUSIONAL KIDS... WORLD CLASS SCIENTIST TOLD ME THAT I AM MATURE, OR SEAL TRAINEE ALL HIGH LEVEL PPL. BUT EVERYONE ELSE WANTED TO PUSH ME DOWN AND BULLIED ME MY WHOLE LIFE FOR NO REASON... YOU ARE SADISTIC! https://medium.com/@ryan.ehlers/everything-gets-forgiven-91ca2cb51df3 aGAIN YOU BELONG TO PIG PEN... LOSERS... BAN ME...
- 57 replies
There is always some reason in madness... Besides what this makes you i have 10/10 pain, bullying person who is in so much pain. At begging i didn't do anything to you and i was bullied for no reason, while you was wrong yet i might add...
? You weren't specific, now am i supposed to read your mind? Now when i nailed the head, you want to just escape from debate, that's how predictable you are... Besides there is no cure for universe, but you are too weak even too see truth so... “The strength of a person's spirit would then be measured by how much 'truth' he could tolerate, or more precisely, to what extent he needs to have it diluted, disguised, sweetened, muted, falsified.” - Nietzsche I Am not preaching BTW. But NTs are so emotionally flat as a sea, you can't even tell. I Am not a thing, i am fucking human being...
You are so arrogant it is funny, you are not even familiar with ADs history and know nothing about them obviously... Google Goetzsche from Cochrane institute, he has 100k citations... YOu are incredibly arrogant and plain wrong! We in western civilizations would try to medicate everything with pills, when there is not even problem, now i didn't say i have no problems... But ADs are scam... APA never even held chemical imbalance hypothesis yet they were spread under this myth by pharmas, which make most of all corporations in the world and have been convicted from all crimes possible, they are literally criminal syndicates... You have clearly no idea about this and you are too arrogant to have a look for yourself, so... It is funny you don't even know how cognitive biases work... You are coming from 1 point and you judge new knowledge based on your pre-existing knowledge...
Drugs are scam, it was proven that ADs are poorly justified and just a scam, no one knows how they work + how brain works. Chemical imbalance was never recognized aby APA, nor any other theory proven. Mild depression is even good, it is when something is wrong in your life/environment call to change it, unless it is long-term/severe... Emerging evidence starts to show that mental disorders are even evolutionary functional... Goetzsche from Cochrane institute has 100k citations... He compares pharmas to criminal syndicates, they cherry picked only positive trials, hiden trials which resulted in deaths, even US congressman was evolved with Prozac... Today ADs still shit... It is easy to cure depression, if i wanted i could have done that in 1 day... Epicureus said: we are suffering mostly from our thoughts. My problem is that i am too wise and i am viewing myself from outside, instead of from inside and i suffer from akrasia: https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/XmqqkfY8XAJ6LkwdP/akrasia-is-confusion-about-what-you-want I Am re-reading some of my convos with 160IQ holly shit that is good, never saw anything anyone better in my life! Pharmas are richest corporations of them all and were convicted just about all crimes possible, just read Goetzsche if you don't believe me. Most ppl are ill informed about ADs, because it is easy to publish nonsense in FDA and pay off these guys and signs from psychiatrists... Most pills are unjustified and nonsense... Young boys are getting doses on Adderal, while girls have support groups... Also ofc. gifted are misdiagnosed with AS, or ADHD often times... I don't think you will check any sources, because you are biased that i have mental problems, therefore you don't take anything seriously i said. I even wanted to pretend like that other ppl are right sometimes, even if it meant being wronged my whole life, at least pain would stop, from having to endure that, it perhaps leak to what i am saying even sometimes, u can't imagine my depth! Only problem is i have to live in 10/10 fear of eternal suffering, when even biggest geniuses thought so that everything is one whole... Sure it is complicated, we can't really prove it, but it is scary there are even theories, which again can mean very little to none. But that is the thing, not knowing, i live in state of constant terror and there is no escape even after death from this! Even free will doesn't matter, i felt sublime when i encountered other ppl, but lack of power and will is problem... When i have nothing to be trying for even, which is valuable for me, and meaningless suffering that is true hell... When i was already emperor in Egypt and millions bowed to me, we had same experiences BTW it was funny! I cannot even make this shit up... Now everything is boring. I can't find this article. Nietzsche said something like when he had divine mania: he would rather trade his life to last 5 minutes, than experiencing totality of existence! All is nothing to me now and i have death anxiety, because that would be actually moving towards next tortures and i am paralyzed, that's why i procrastinated 7 years even on things that take 30 minutes. I tried to work 24/7, but i live in toxic household with physical chronic pain also, i have so much in my life, it doesn't leave me even for 3 seconds, so i couldn't get healthy... I miss my 160IQ friend so much he got banned from reddit and didn't contact me on my contacts, because he probably lost them in millions of his files, hope is he is OK, he said he won't give up on me that hurt me so much. I Am still so lost. But that's probably reason. I Am too objective and i have like god eye's view in a way, even that doesn't actually exist... I sound like fucking retard, because i have millions of dots blinking in my visions and severe headaches and spine damage last 7 years and tinnitus, i have problems reading 2 paragraphs, while trying understanding anything, my eyes hurt, i took recently iq test on mensa.org got 105, expected even less, but first 20 questions are for free. I honestly can't have even 100 in this state... Have cables tightened under whole face, do you know how annoying this is to live with 24/7? No one ever helped me until this person... Everyone just called me crazy... You don't understand how shallow this is to me, i just want my 160IQ friend, but i can't even rank reddit account in this state and i am not sure if he is even there, he didn't like reddit. Even my ex-mensa psychologist with years of experience told me , that i am so fucking intense, that really might be true no one under 160IQ can understand my experiences... How can i go on live like to was all dandy, when i don't know if i won't have to go through that. I saw all possible painful deaths and tortures, from tv shows over time etc. I Don't see this crap, but i already read a lot, so i saw literally everything that could happen... We live already in totality and i have messed life, i can't do anything valuable to me in this life... that is the problem! I wanted danger and play and to have just fun trying, but i don't have even that... ALl that i could accomplish now is less than nothing to me, world is make for average ppl, i got already destroyed beyond point of return... Even if i got AI researcher job and sexy girfriend, even that is like nothing to me... I Am just bored at this point... Yes thinking about life is not experiencing it, but it is so annoying... I suffer from anhedonia, and almost complete emotional flatness now, i am not even sure, mb. alexithymia also... I AM messed up that no physician will cure me as Nietzsche said... Worst is FELA, i can't go through every possible death/torture and forever, how am i supposed to be anything but paralyzed all the time... SO i am motivated to learn AI to counter FELA by any possible means, because i wake at 1am from nightmare in 10/10 pain, and realize i can't go through all these tortures forever, but then i recall there is literally nothing i can do, so akrasia... Living hell, also you realize that 99.999% ppl even if it was true, would have delusions to think it is 100% no true, because it is so terrible your sub-consciousness would protect you, if you weren't sick? I Am so desperate all ppl won't learn from their mistakes, we could perhaps change it, but perhaps it is ourselves that we create this infinite hell for us... Not sure which theory of nature of reality is right, even it is doubtful we could change it and look at the world, it is already living hell and ppl becoming more insensitive towards each other... It is so horrible place, terror of reality/unknown and human insignificance and all... I don't know what this is all about, we could be in simulation, which is not proven (but there are even theories), but also you can't disprove it, and someone could toy with us for fun forever only, they would care... Reality is pure hell most ppl are not even strong enough to see it, and they have defensive mechanisms... Don't know how to move on... when there is this terror, i will speak about it with my psychologist yet, but they are sick and don't have much time...
How can you enjoy anything honestly, if everyone has their life pre-determined ahead and you are not doing anything... you must be like bots, i always didn't understand what normal ppl doing. They act is so transparent... E.g. how can someone be racists if literally no one chosen their race and it doesn't literally affect anything, it is just evolutionary mind set us vs them... But still I would expect ppl with more than 100IQ would realize this by some time... They never learn - human stupidity is infinite Albert Einstein. How can someone be chauvinist, if countries are just human constructs, i always laughed at countries that they are stupid... Like some ppl are truly profound on their country of origin, when they literally got random spawn and just because they spawned on the same place as other ppl, doesn't mean they have anything common with them: Same patriotism "patriotism ruins history" Goethe... Like someone from their city wins in olympics or something and ppl appropriate their success like if it was their own from part, it is because they have nothing of their own to be proud of... Instead they would to try to do something themselves and they know it well, so their try to hide it they can't do it... It is so annoying, everyone has their potential pre-determined, you are not accomplishing anything, it is so boring! We are all in the movie, ofc. you wouldn't admit this, because you could never feel sense of accomplishment and wouldn't feel pleasure ever again... I Am writing this in case there are ppl who know... I have nothing to do with my life... There is nothing meaningful i can do, i can't change it and it will start all over again... Just read 4 ppl died from pipe with hot water bursting, god that is terrible! You will have to die of all deaths forever and there is no escape!!! I Am so desperate of other ppl, they are unable to change, so this will go on forever, infinite suffering! We try to put ppl on MArs but 5mld ppl cannot afford healthy food and 1mld don't have even enough food, ppl are so stupid, and we have wrong tech trees and study useless things while we should focus on anything closely with AI now... But smart ppl don't get to power... Also once we figure out everything it will be boring, everything is locked like chess game, it is so hopelessly unimaginative and boring! It is just so annoying how it works, some ppl are born already as slaves, so fun! Life is prison sentence... Fact that 99.999% are literally ireceptive, they cannot have even consciousness, they are mindless bots, NPCs, can't even react and learn to changing environment, or from their mistakes... They are like pavlovian dogs... World is absurd everything is most inefficient it could actually be, most ppl are literally like deterministic algorithms... It is absurd that it has so much hold over you that you don't see it, you can be 170IQ+ even don't know this... iq is not intelligence also ofc. Anyone under 160IQ was ireceptive so far, can't even go into phase of considering it...
I don't know how to explain this... I will speak a lot of nonsense so i am just warning you ahead... But also the truth, we are all in hell honestly... Do you really think there is escape after death, with all we know today? Why default to otherwise, most ppl carrying yet these old mindsets from 1990s, there are so many possibilities, there is much more going on then we even have awareness about... ANd again i had divine mania, i couldn't even put this to words, and other high IQ have same experiences as me... It is not mental disorders, i had this from childhood... Existential feelings! Again like you probably won't believe it, but i saw things beyond imagination. I Was rock and experienced whole history of mankind, it was something more than just reading too much, i had visions. And yet before i read things, i confirmed them later, it was uncanny, which isn't proof yet but... Who would be strong that he could even consider in his fragile human mind, that we could be re-living same tortures forever? Honestly it is logical that no one normal would want to admit this, so they would give delusional defensive arguments in opposition. Honestly if you were through 10/10 pain you would change opinion, normal ppl don't think about dying and these things. But all ppl in the world should know... Why there is no some genius tackling this issue, honestly most public geniuses are meh today and today is not good time of producing them also... Or do you like wrong things, everyone should do only AI ofc. or needed fields for AI and functioning of society, it is absurd world ofc. and it is not that ez ofc. but even really smart ppl, why do you cosmology, if we don't even survive 21th, kinda pointless... Biggest geniuses ever thought everything is one whole and shit that should ppl worry, if you are not smart as them, you should at least consider them, or try to refute them then... This is bothering me last 7 years so much... That we don't know for sure doesn't mean it is not true. You say what if it is not true, because it is so horrible your sub-consciousness protects you. HAve you even have balls to consider it might be true? You don't know what is possible, life is hell! Most ppl don't even even suffering that it is possible... That's why they are afraid... It is horrible, imagine you will have to go through all tortures forever! What if it was true and no one cares and will suffer forever, who would want to risk that! It is horrible able that no one cares, re so ignorant it is crazy! Nietzsche should be learnt on elementary schools, but rich wouldn't like that ofc. What a horrible enslaved society we live in... What if one person was calling there is meteorite coming and no one would listen to them and then it would be really true... YOu need to be also strong to do science like Nietzsche, read gay science, science tries to make like predictable comfortable and give easy truths, it diminishes man capacity for pain! Nietzsche is so underappreciated, but he writes for higher men, so most ppl can't understand him. But he literally prophesized my whole life, so it was easier to understand... World is fucked up so many young ppl want to kill themselves, or they are bullied raped in schools, or get hurt... Civilization is collapsing, even if it could get better and no one knows future... It will never end, even if ppl like you don't realize this... Most ppl are motivated by biological factors (e.g. ego), and social factors and don't have their own minds... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_disintegration Like bobby fisher was racist, but i was laughing at racists at 10, couldn't wrap it around my head, if everyone gets random spawn and attributes, how could anyone be racist, what does in matter... Or stephen hawking saying philosophy is dead is literally so retarded, because it itself is philosophy and he also without his awareness devised new philosophy of physics so... Intelligence is really spectrum, someone is AI like language tool, someone AI good on picture. There is no one only smart/stupid... If ppl don't realize this, we will create hell for us forever... I witnessed suffering of whole world, can you even imagine that? Like who even does that? You can't imagine how much suffering there is, world is literal hell and those who do not see it are weak, but you won't escape! Again i am so demented from all pain and abuse in my life and so on... but 160IQ told me i am extrmely intelligent, i am not smart anymore tho. I could remember 36 on sequential memory, after being damaged and could do 50 probably i missclied and 14 numbers on one look didn't try harder, i could learn 5 minutes before quarterly test on high school and got best grade from class, or do 2 hour work in 15 minutes. But i had to deal with INSANE shit my whole life, it was like from sci-fi movie. Even all 140/150IQs resist me in every word. BEcause 160IQ helps me and lets me speak and we talk in-between lines, there are ppl which can do it 30 times better, but i can see connections... It is like with free will, we don't have even definition of free will, or we don't know what will is, it is probably just epiphenomena, illusion and there are only multitude of forces... From finding from QM, nor metaphorical language which is also part reality and refers back to itself, even our imaginations cannot capture reality as it is. But free will is still absurd, because: 1. having it without knowing we had it is already absurd 2. other ppl could take our free will from us, how it would be determined which is freer? 3. ofc. genes/environment, unless cause and effect and just human constructs and i didn't get this high level to make sense of things without cause and effect 4. we don't know why we made decisions we just did, it was proven by science, we don't know reasons behind our decisions, so how can we make them from our free will HOnestly it is just ppl don't want to see that, because as Nietzsche says, truth != good, we need art so we don't die of reality, nietzsche says: if someone were to find full truth of reality he would perish and evolution support this view, it hides truths unless they are beneficial for our survival! And nothing makes much sense without evolution, says also Anil Seth just as example... Also i got sick because i didnt trusted my senses, because i question everything... Honestly someone reads at age of 3 or does complicated math, but someone struggling with learning disability at 14 and ppl don't start with same resources, it was found that achievement is just illusion, top rich aren't much smarter and success is mainly down to luck... We give experimenters nobel prizes for something which theoreticians figure after years of work and again there are always trade-offs in evolution. Unfortunate really smart ppl are not getting to power and many high IQ go live hedonistically their own lives selfishly, as they recognize world is beyond fixing, so nothing can change... Like if i had hacker friend, high IQ obviously know how to fix world, only problem is doing it... But society so degenerated, we can't even fix basic things... SO that is the problem. 1. if we raised average iq about 15-20 points, incidence of geniuses would increase multiple times (corporatiosn try to lower IQ, unfortunately ppl have stockhold syndrome they buy unhealthy food from supermarkets and even defend change), we are Nietzsche's last man, it might be too late, world is too numb and degenerate and ppl just want to feel safe in this permissive hidden outwards totalitarianism 2. if ppl which have voice and hackers spread that free will is illusion, ofc. ppl still will believe what they want, but we put good arguments repeatedly. Thing is many ppl think if someone is loser in life, it was their fault... you don't understand how bad it is most ppl are literally like deterministic algorithms, or bots, npcs... Problem is average ppl don't listen to geniuses, if something einstein said is said: most ppl start to laugh and say it is nonsense... 3. hackers should have use spam, will have 2nd chance with AI to send about local/global issues and corporate crimes 4. infinite torture, if someone could give convincing evidence death is illusion ppl would be force to change for the better It is possible it will change because millenials already seem to themsleves like slaves and young ppl have nothing to lose, but i afraid not too quickly, but we never know... Honestly, i was so gaslit i was afraid to say anything couldn't even use my wits and then was too late, i never even really claimed everything and 99.999% ppl skip 20 things needed to be said so they can claim that, i never said i am smartest or i know better and i usually don't have firm opinions, i literally change my mind all the fucking time... Smart ppl see all the ways they could help, but even if they try get ridiculed just look at Eliezer Yudkowski, this literally proves most ppl are animals, that's straight up bullying and unprofessional... Well what a shitty life, i have top 99.99999% suffering, if not top suffering ever anyone had ever go through. I witnessed suffer of whole world, can you imagine despair i can't do anything to change it? And there is no escape, ppl are so thick, no one will realize this... We are all doomed to relive same mistakes forever in that case! DOn't you realize everything in the world is just pretense, there is no-SELF, we all are role-playing... You are all so excellent actors, it makes me laugh many times... Because i see through it whole time so well... Most ppl take life too seriously... I was too... We even have all knowledge we will ever need, it is not so much problem of proving it, we need to experience, i doubt science will be able to prove this long time if ever and by then will be to late... It is funny like someone can believe in free will, when we are literally victims to our environment and genes beyond doubt... Not to mention biggest geniuses didn't believe in fw, there is just will and even that is epiphenomena probably... We are here just to observe what happens... If that 230IQ overman doesn't save us, (which is not likely), see you all in next and and forever again... I just hope ppl stop being weak, and realize they are causing hell to themselves, to us all... It will happen again and again and again forever, there is nowhere to go... If everyone knew, ppl would have to be nice to each other, because they are hurting only themselves in the end... Extreme high IQ/OE ppl are altruistic naturally, even against their benefits wonder why is that? Sure you can say they evolved for survival of race, but still it is deep topic and there is no research yet... When you can be still piece of work with high IQ, but extraordinarily gifted with OE tend to be altruistic google Aron Swartz: said story... No need to list every torture and painful death possible i think... Just think like this would be possibility in another universe, how people there should feel about it... Not to mention what if we were in simulation, there were 2 kinds of ppl, 1st going too far with it (uncritically) even it is unprovable and others just plainly without being able to substantia their claims that it is nonsense. Ppl are white and dark... Also 50% of population joked about it on twitter, yet no one were talking about dark aspects of this, someone could do anything they wanted to us... So you see this is literally proof by demonstration, that 99.999% are not even strong to consider this... It is so terrible i understand, but you won't escape honestly! So it would be better if everyone knew... Hackers should send this to everyone in the world... i am sorry ihave like 15/10 pain and my dereast friend was bannen and probably forgot my contact in millions of his files, have n oone to talk about anymore, he could understand me like no on ever before, even my ex-mensa psychologist told me that it might be really through that 99.999% can't understand me. I have saved 1000 pages of our convos, but it would be probably too much for 99.999% of you and messed up your whole life. i am not making this up, even obviously will no one believe me ofc. I always write when i am in 10/10 pain only so it makes no sense, anyways i will probably write some dumb shit again and get banned and i don't care to make new accounts here... i don't spam... i was even accused by someone making new accounts after having this one 2.5 years 60 posts, but if i did that now that would actually be only fair, tho i don't think so... I wouldn't bother, i gave up even making new reddit accounts to find my 160IQ friend which was banned, this is pretty much only time i ever made new accounts... because i am desperate searching for my friend.. but honestly if you were so presumptions and accused me of making new accounts when i posted to like some lounger chill topic, i might consider making new accounts, because you would deserve it, but again i won't probably bother, because i dont have strength and i would rather use it to make new reddit accounts in chance of finding my friends that's all i care about... i only make like new gaming accounts to troll ppl which were assholes, that is like maybe only time when i made new accounts... so honestly u can... ... ... And actually i respected you, but i was only bullied here so and yet accused of doing what was done to me, 99.9% ppl are literally hypocrites, everything is will to power and nothing besides, ppl just use logic to justify their pre-existent believes... instead of getting to truth... you should probably ban me right now to save us all time, because i will get pain flare again and it will make me post, because i feel so lonely and i have emotional dysregulation disorder from ppl like you... there are some couple chill dudes like in this topic but that is 1% of this forum, these ok by me...
OK i get this, but what does it mean for everything being one whole? When universe as we observe it might be just simulation of it! Maybe it is not expanding? https://web.archive.org/web/20220701110735/https://muellerberndt.medium.com/memetic-natural-selection-how-memes-create-all-of-reality-8be4722b6a2 How can we know for sure? I Am also one local observe within it, one part of whole, it is forces https://www.fau.edu/athenenoctua/pdfs/Lori Dilican.pdf Speaking probably nonsense now, because i can't give physical argument, you would have to tell me how this would all work together! HOnestly trying to explain me physics right now, will be waste of time, i am not even in state to understand 1/100 of this high level... Maybe like definitions or like basic ideas, it is really complicated, i don't even remember 99% of this stuff and don't know holistically how this would work!!! I just hope we can change it, by changing ourselves to make life fun for everyone instead hell as it is now! And I think many ppl just because something cannot be proven they don't even go there, but this is most important thing ever! You are allowed to maximize your own potential, but you should elevate other with selfish-altruism! I don't know if perhaps this isn't problem: https://www.cairn.info/revue-philosophia-scientiae-2019-1-page-185.htm Because many smart ppl do only science or philosophy, but both need each other. Ludwig Wittgenstein said that all knowledge disconnected from other areas is useless and science started making progress but communicating with others fields too. Many gifted also are burned out doing only science and no philosophy! Smart ppl do both back and fort. Even Stephen Hawking said philosophy is dead, which itself is philosophy and created without being aware new philosophy of physics. You can be extremely intelligent, but still dumb in other areas and many ppl don't get that. "wise man is also a fool" - Arthur Schopenhauer. Intelligence is spectrum and there are always trade-offs in evolution... Because i heard many really smart ppl in science saying philosophy is nonsense etc. but it is very ignorant, smart ppl don't exclude any area of knowledge! But then it doesn't mean they are smart/dumb, because it is spectrum... Intelligence is so complicated, that's why truly smart ppl cooperate instead compete, because they know it is needed to be intellectually humble and exchange info, one person does his part and than gives output to another which does best thing he does on it and gives it fort, or back... That is the thing a lot of ppl don't get... And Nietzsche is widely misunderstood and can appear inconsistent! We need to constantly question everything from 0 and don't exclude any areas of knowledge (everything is connected and in relation), einstein said even scientific method is just interim tool before there is something better. And AI can predict motions of planets just from pure data without knowing physics, calculus, or any formulas... Just saying in general, not even meant to you in specific that much, i dont know you... PS: Ok at least no mean ppl this time here, i can respect that! I just wish i had hacker friend and everyone in the world knew, so all this suffering could stop, i witnessed suffering of whole world, it was something more than just experiencing too much, it was sublime and i have existential feelings since i was child (which are super complex topic)! Hopelessness is worst human emotion...
Right, act of observing does, if you have a look at one particle it will determine state of the another also. And there is also superdeterminism (in which they dont affect each other), although i am really confused and i dont even remember basics, so i don't really know how this would all work out together! I knew pure basics, but i have 7 years headaches, i couldn't learn something like QM in this state, i was prioritizing love and helping others and ethics, because it have emotional OE, it was important me to me and now i am salad As i was too deep in abyss and i couldn't stop reading as i needed to know, and i was bored i couldn't do anything whole day ,because chronic pain, otherwise i would get healthy first, but i was so bored and i have need for cognition and ADHD i never could endure boredom especially years when i would have to just sit in a room a watch a wall a slowly from 15 minutes start working, that is not even humanly possible i dont think, it would take like months to years doing nothing harmful to myself, while slowly starting working on my health... I have absurd life like from not see even from sci-fi/fantasy i swear... When i couldn't even read and had to multitask to even endure it was 10/10 pain... I am smarter than this, i can't even explain ordeal i was through really...
Thank you, this helps! But what about entanglement, particles can affect instantenuously each other FTL! Also what if we look into future, or past we are just simulating how universe could look like, but don't ask me how this works (it is not also official theory, but can be disproven): https://web.archive.org/web/20220701110735/https://muellerberndt.medium.com/memetic-natural-selection-how-memes-create-all-of-reality-8be4722b6a2 EDIT: even if it disappears from obersever's view, i am not also sure how it is problem for being one whole, as i don't have really understanding of physics and i can't look now in my state... There is also no thing-in-itself, everything is whole yes, but it is like forces in relation to each other: https://www.fau.edu/athenenoctua/pdfs/Lori Dilican.pdf EDIT: * wrong link
Yet you still here talking I thought information cannot be destroyed! At least in QM. Also really have 0 idea what it would mean in context of everything being whole, or why it would present problem for this?! Information is immaterial perhaps, like Plato's forms and can get lost. But energy is always conserved.
Then don't that is perfectly fine too. Also fine by me. But it would be erroneous to think incoherent = wrong. That is personal attack, you will try to say it is coherent to me, but i am delusional, or it is nonsense, maybe not, but i am used to and predict the only worst so... You could ask me small questions, that is if you want... again as i just explained i suffer 7 years 10/10 chronic pain and i have aphasia and brain damage, i am nowhere near state to have smooth debate about this... EDIT: SO for example what do you think about Birth of tragedy 17. music is a priory to our experience and yet it is not abstract and thoroughly determinate and helps us make sense of any underlying situation and understand what is going on. That is very strong argument I feel like. No one mentioned it yet.
You should read Nietzsche and re-read links i posted. It is line of philosophical reasoning, because everything you experience is filtered through your brain and one cannot be sure if there is separation between the two, which is not proof itself, it is unprovable, but there are better arguments! Study Goethe, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and look on scientific theories of today also... It is very possible, but again I cannot prove that, almost everything is unprovable... I unfortunately cannot give you more at this time, because i recall only where to find information and even that, as i read so much, instead of info itself... However it is isn't too crazy to think that everything is consciousness, i have feeling that some ppl just have belief this is nonsense and so they don't even try to study it and engage in related things, just to see where it leads. Also fact that biggest geniuses thought so, again it isn't proof, but it has some weight and should be studied! Nietzsche even predicted QM and physics which is like stupid way to call it and i am not even sure what was known at time when he was alive, but still he speaks of energy conservation and vacuum and there are fields and forces, things constantly appearing and dissappearing (it is uncanny), again i can't do justice in this state, i couldn't probably calculate even a/b =c in this state:
Interesting, I thought it cannot be proven! How science came to conclusion that there is not a distinction between the two, even it still cannot be fully proven from the looks of it. Everyone says this to me, except 160IQ person with 4 areas of science and does philosophy... That i am delusional/crazy. I made post on mensa sub-reddit and everyon resisted every word i said and then one guy comes and said I Am more intelligent than others give me credit for. I had these existential feelings (it is really immensely complicated topic) since I was kid. Big problem is you can't explain in language even close, it is just impossible... I had these since I was kid and even when i was chill yet, i had also spontaneous spiritual awakening during these and it wasn't always negative, but sublime! 160IQ told me i am not crazy there is something more going on... And people with overexcitabilities can express symptoms of Schizoprenia and mental disorders, while it is more complex process of dynamisms which are processes driving personality development. I read it all the time gifted are called schizoprenic and 100 labels... But i am not denying i have tons of problems and sometimes i was even delusional from pain, i suffered so much i hit limit on suffering, that i couldn't feel any more pain... Still this is like most clique thing to say... In society anyone who isn't like them is called crazy... While it was found that mental disorders are even evolutionary functional and some professor called society barbaric for imprisoning ppl with them and they are not getting there help they need and leaving them behind... I watched TV show about women which was called delusional/psychotic and conspiratory, that someone killed their husband. Even someone tried to kill her in ward and doctor just assume it were hallucinating and treated their most cold way, literally didn't even tried to understand her, or respect her feelings and then she was wondering why she tried to escape repeatedly, but some nice cop saved her and trusted her... You cannot even imagine how warped are these doctors/institutions... Chomsky said civilization is 100 years behind morally, behind intellect, but sorry going to tangents too much i just woke up... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_disintegration That is not inconsistent with what i am saying, you can die as human body, but you will live all possible lives forever as everything is one ever changing whole! Unfortunately most ppl just trying to get most for themselves by pushing other ppl down, instead trying to elevate them with them! Also idea of eternal now is scares me to death, that everything already is and we can't change it... I don't understand how in works in terms of Quantum Superposition tho, if you can change what is, or if everything what ever was and will be already is existing in eternal now... I Am not smart anymore, i am so damaged i don't even remember basics TBH... Also there are hypotheses universe is one organism, like ANN etc. And creates more complexity with similar process like darwinian evolution and conscious agents, so there might be hope. I just hope that it could be changeable and not like everything is already written and absolute... That is nightmarish idea! I don't follow, I wasn't talking about mystical traditions, but biggest geniuses that ever lived... That everything is based on our assumptions and ultimately unprovable, there might be limit on our knowledge and science might not be completible, also we still young on kardashev scale of civilizations, so it is still up to debate and even theories might not mean too much, as it is just too complex and mistakes can be easily made, or use some data which fits your theory etc. I have always doubts, i now i don't even remember anything to give examples, because i am in pain... Which is annoying... ALso i never said i am smarter or know best, i always question everything from 0, but i can't even get to point 1.1 between A and B, before just someone stops me usually and they just want to be contrarian and don't try to engage with argument at all usually... And i have problem with speech, i never said i am trying to prove this empirically, or i have empirical prove. It is so disgustingly complex, i read x .pdfs and i always want to know more and have doubts ofc. but it is my problem with speech and memory... ALSO What about immaterialism of language, is or is it not strong argument against materialism? I didn't have time to even start reading about this... Fun answer, so coherent = not eligible? I suffer with aphasia and i have 10/10 pain 7 years so... Some ppl discard knowledge too fast, most ppl judge new knowledge based on their existing knowledge. While i don't know you and i don't assume of other ppl ahead in opposite what others do. But i would say you just saw consciousness and QM and thought it is another of these claims, i knew ppl which were really smart, but limited their pool of knowledge and were too quick to come to conclusions... I am more of an foundational thinker and questions everything all the time, and like to make mistakes and revise my positions all the time... Also why would you assume, it was only this? See you how bad this can be, when ppl do this, because: I Am aware that it is know that QM doesn't even necessarily play role in the consciousness, even there is debate about that. That's not what this was about, it is so much broader conundrum... No it is not ignorant, or stupid. I think you are just referring to theories, i am referring more broadly to phenomena itself and its usefullness. Yes some theories are like people uncritically believing everything is math and it is basis of reality, when math is not even language of math (goedel theorem), but no one can explain what consciousness is, yes that doesn't mean it is immaterial yet, it is complicated, nevertheless (i have amnesia can't almost recall the words) science is using it today as mainstream paradigm. What about Wheeler's Participatory Universe? Wheeler was one of most prominent physicists! Also there is no external reality without observer - 2022 Quantum Prize for quantum entanglement and non locality and bells inequalities, unless superdeterminism isn't true... Not sure if this cannot be interpreted other ways too, i have so intense headaches blurred vision and tinnitus, can't even recall. Don't take what i say literally, i literally autocorrect like ai based on what i say and what other ppl give me input to it, because i am completely messed up... And suffer from severe aphasia... I might be wrong, but i thought science today use consciousness as one of main paradigms and was actually able to make progress because of it. Also we learn more from mistakes than from success - Nikola Tesla, no theory is useless even wrong one. Although I agree, ppl make me egregious claims theorizes, but i care more about foundations... Or if it is even possibility, who would want to risk that. I think people should elevate other with them instead of pushing them down, otherwise we will create infinite hell for us, not to mention it benefits them if others are doing good, instead bad too! It is still uncanny biggest geniuses ever thought so! Also consciousness cannot be conceptualized, even if you describe it using math, it would be still formulas in framework of experience, even this doesn't prove anything also, we just started studying it, so i wouldn't use this as argument. You should be open to possibilities... https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-25-year-old-bet-about-consciousness-has-finally-been-settled/ There are so many other avenues, which we can't even study and we just started study it, so ofc. we can't say yet what it is, there are many other views. Everything is unprovable and based on some assumptions, there might be absolutely limit on knowledge and science might not be even completible... With knowledge shores of our ignorance rise! "a man mistakes his limits for limits of the world" - Arthur Schopenhauer. We all know nothing, even if one reads 1000wpm and i read speed reading does not work and leads to worse recollection, you can't know even 0.00000000001% I get this a lot from very smart ppl too and then they say something that is wrong... That's usual treatment i get, no one even tries to help me, i need put cards on deck to see, it is like... That is literally the truth, i had many ppl shutting me down and then smarter ppl than them said i am extremely intelligent, no one ever wanted to give me even chance. AS i explained i have 7 years chronic pain and suffer from crippling headaches and aphasia, memory, intelligence issues... I Am trying working on my health 24/7 David Goggins Can't Hurt Me audiobook for anyone who wants to completely change their life (from nothing to navy seals, it is meant for absolutely anyone, even for mental tasks), i can't even read anymore... Again but i am not smart anymore, feel free to criticize my arguments not person, i am also not saying you are necessarily this, but you see 2 words consciousness QM and post not coherent and basically say everything now i say cannot be right, so if i say world is round, world is flat is correct now. It is like murderer saying murder is wrong , you say because he is murderer, it cannot be right, so murder is now right... I found it arrogant, but i don't even care about that. I Am just tired of intellectually dishonest ppl, because again i knew about this, that there are many egregarious and just unsubstantiated claims about consciousness in relation to QM... It is just so complicated, it cannot be done justice in coupl sentences and again i am in terrible state...
Nietzsche, Goethe, Schopenhauer thought everything is one whole (e.g. consciousness/god): Also that there is no distinction between object-subject, even it is unprovable as Schopenhauer said in his book The World as Will and its representation. Also music is thought to be direct representation to will, as it is a priory to objects of mind, not abstract but thoroughly determinate like universal language and it allows us to get meaning of e.g. dramatic scenes, or what is going on in any given situation. Birth of Tragedy 17. https://www.gutenberg.org/files/51356/51356-h/51356-h.htm I had divine mania like Nietzsche I was everything from homeless man to emperor! This is so beyond language, I can't prove it, but I saw things beyond imagination and comprehension! Interestingly enough: I read that international high IQ having same experiences of oneness with everything, timelessness and infinity! Sonya Falck supposedly reported on this, even i couldn't find it in her book, but i didn't have time to read it and i can't so... If we don't make life as a game, like sport and won't elevate other ppl with us (selfish-altruism), instead of trying to push them down... We will create eternal hell for us... We should just have fun and enjoy ourselves, slave morality is so strong ppl are today afraid to enjoy themselves, it is everything today as we live in degenerate society... It is so terrible, 99.9999% ppl are not even strong to consider this, your sub-consciousness protects you, because there is no evolutionary advantage for you knowing this and it is so terrible who would wanted to be depressed and in agony 24/7... I know no one will take this seriously anyways, so it is whatever... There are even theories in sciences about this, tho we are infantile and it is unprovable, if we ever could know as there might be limit on knowledge! And consciousness is getting importance in science to explain reality and solve problems...
Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain
empleat replied to empleat's topic in Science News
I thought i was banned LOL. I don't even know what you are saying... You don't understand how bad this is, it is derealizing how mindless other ppl are... Because I was called names for posting something which was correct and ridiculed, i posted this article about ADs into science news, because you were wrong and yet you were offensive for no reason and yet hypocritical accussing me of something you are doing yourself... You say talking about science, i said literally nothing wrong at start and was bullied for no reason, but you are in group so you have other ppl back you up without reading anything... You are bunch of bullies, I was even told that I Am creating new accounts and to not spam, while had like 68 comments on 2.5 years account. That's just show how ridiculously arrogant you are... I did not make new accounts... And also my post were banned and some elitists were laughing, that if depression is not chemical imbalance: "what it would be?", while even APA never held this hypothesis and scientists which came with it laughed at it... This just show you are uneducated... No one under 160IQ can even understand me, you are just salty... I get that all the time even from 140/150IQs, but from 160IQ I can have polite conversation. If I was delusional, then this couldn't happen, it is inconsistent! I know you won't believe me, you are here only to circle jerk your own egos.. Gifted have no break, normal ppl are cruel, abusive, barbaric... I literally read others have same problems, you just couldn't understand. I had chat over 1000 pages with 160IQ 4 areas of science and philosophy and he told me i am extremely intelligent, deal with it... You were wrong and you yet accused me ahead of something, that wasn't even true and you act like high school teenagers... Doesn't matter everything is one whole, only biggest geniuses that ever lived thought so, if you don't overcome your ego, we will torture each other forever... We should make it like sport, to have fun and make it fun for everyone and using selfish-altruism elevating other ppl with us, instead of trying to push them down. I talked to some 160IQ, can't get job after 1000 application after cleared record, because Pharmas are nothing but criminal syndicates... Look what happen on other forums, you would have to be most self deluded ppl ever to still talk the way you do after reading this: https://www.scienceforums.com/topic/38439-is-this-science-forums-dying/#comment-395814 99.9% ppl can't even engage with argument of other side, look at Eliezer Yudkowski, he is called doomer and names for just doing science, this is bullying... ANd what he says is besides the point, not many ppl can even engage truly with argument, their start from their own point of views and try to justify their pre-existent believes with logical fallacies... As we didn't evolve to know the truth, that is rather statistical fluke, but to sell our truth to others...- 5 replies
160iq told me i am extremely intelligent... You didnt even know that APA never held chemical imbalance hypothesis, geez, little critical thinking? How dumb you can be depression is much more, but pharmas richest corporations in the world faked trials and were convicted out of every conveivable crime... Just google goetzsche on ADs... Well you laughed at me and now it showed you are wrong hahaha. You are troglodytes, Schopnehauer would cum on your face and Nietzsche would beat you up, sissy bitches here... Nothing but bunch of insecure bullies, hahaha i am lauhing to you. You are nothing...
I laugh at you, when i posted about depression being more than chemical imbalance some elistists laughed at me and put my post to trash. While when i asked supernerd said what it would be. Lol even APA didn't held this hypothesis ever, you are uneducated... You don't let anyone post here and if someone posts who you don't respect they get censored... Icreading evidence is showing that depression is much more and mental disorders being evolutionary functional... But pharmas spread lies about ADs (they make most of all corporations and fake trials and were convicted of all possible crimes) - geez think little critically... But academia is not place for smart ppl. 160IQ doing 4 areas of science and philosophy told me i am extremely intelligent... LUL... YOu are nothing but little salty arrogant bitches... You can't even engage with argument but starman and ad hominem lol... I am never ever going to anyone tell me in anything, but science is largely social endeavor and is more about status and reputation than anything else, or science... But you stupid you don't see that... You are weak pathethic scientists, READ NIETZSCHE BEYOND GOOD AND EVIL, WILL TO TRUTH is just weakness for weak bitches to make life more predictable and comfortable and easy and to destroy capacity for pain in men!!! You are so stupid, everyone in my life always tried to put me down and be so mean to me for no reason... But 160IQs don't think so and we can have nice polite conversation, you little scientists, you don't even know what is coming to you!!! “And do you know what “the world” is to me? Shall I show it to you in my mirror? This world: a monster of energy, without beginning, without end; a firm, iron magnitude of force that does not grow bigger or smaller, that does not expend itself but only transforms itself; as a whole, of unalterable size, a household without expenses or losses, but likewise without increase or income; enclosed by “nothingness” as by a boundary; not something blurry or wasted, not something endlessly extended, but set in a definite space as a definite force, and not a space that might be “empty” here or there, but rather as force throughout, as a play of forces and waves of forces, at the same time one and many, increasing here and at the same time decreasing there; a sea of forces flowing and rushing together, eternally changing, eternally flooding back, with tremendous years of recurrence, with an ebb and a flood of its forms; out of the simplest forms striving toward the most complex, out of the stillest, most rigid, coldest forms striving toward the hottest, most turbulent, most self-contradictory, and then again returning home to the simple out of this abundance, out of the play of contradictions back to the joy of concord, still affirming itself in this uniformity of its courses and its years, blessing itself as that which must return eternally, as a becoming that knows no satiety, no disgust, no weariness: this, my Dionysian world of the eternally self- creating, the eternally self-destroying, this mystery world of the twofold voluptuous delight, my “beyond good and evil,” without goal, unless the joy of the circle is itself a goal; without will, unless a ring feels good will toward itself— do you want a name for this world? A solution for all of its riddles? A light for you, too, you best-concealed, strongest, most intrepid, most midnightly men?— This world is the will to power—and nothing besides! And you yourselves are also this will to power—and nothing besides!”
- 1 reply
Depression is probably not caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain
empleat replied to empleat's topic in Science News
Is there something you don't agree with and if so, can you be more specific? So not only you leave out what you mean, but then you start with personal attacks... LOL these forums suck! No one discuss here anything objectively... I don't want your sympathies... do you have to say anything of any relevance? Just in case if you get offended and discussion takes even worse turn (because people here have thin skin): because why do you speak of my personal issues, I went here to share news, if I wanted to talk about my psychological issues I go to psychology forum, no offense taken, but it is like wtf?- 5 replies
Summary: "The serotonin theory of depression started to be widely promoted in the 1990s, coinciding with a push to prescribe more SSRIs." News: https://bigthink.com/neuropsych/depression-serotonin/ The article links to a "systematic umbrella review" which has altmetric 20 of 166,614 https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01661-0
I recalled I could check user manuals, what they say there! For BIOMAX (expensive one) they say eye protection is not necessary, they only say you shouldn't look directly into it. I would have to check relevant manual of device I'll get to for instructions... I also could get benefits, if it hit my eyes indirectly, as I have also eye issues. I will check with my doctor too also about this for sure! Anyways I wanted to be sure, if it hits eyes indirectly, if it is not damaging! Which seems it will depend on a device too, but should be safe without glasses! Thank you for answers!
Did you meant to use glasses when it is reflected like from a wall, or when it is situated directly above your head? No glasses are perfectly hermetic tho! Although after like a reflection from a wall: IR glasses on top of that would limit significant amounts energy that reaches your eyes. Then it could be perhaps OK? - I also read even with eyes shut: it shouldn't directly aim towards your eyes (I Am still not sure about this)! I Am going to google yet IR glasses tomorrow, or hopefully fins something specific... Thanks for answer!
I suffer from chronic pain and I want to use Red Light Therapy for sleep (so not directly aimed at eyes) but I have also inflammation and RSI! I can't find a definitive answer (because I have insane headaches and I can't even read currently) whether or not it is safe! I read NIR should be safe, because it is low energy radiation and it doesn't increase heat of an eye to the opposite from a laser! Also an ophthalmologist said the same thing, that it should be safe of this reason! But I also read it shouldn't be aimed direct even at closed eyes!!! But like on a wall, so it hits you indirectly! So what would be problem in this case, if it doesn't increase heat?! My question is: would red light therapy be safe then - if using NIR, which should be (810-850nm) from this article: https://platinumtherapylights.com/blogs/news/red-light-therapy-side-effects? I Am worried that reflection off monitor, glass table, or a window could damage my eyes! I plan to use it only like 5-15, or like 15-20 minutes before sleep! Also note they also say both red light, with NIR when used are more efficient to treat problems (so in that case both 630-660nm + 810-850nm I guess): https://platinumtherapylights.com/blogs/news/red-light-therapy-side-effects ctrl+f this: It’s important to note that although red and near-infrared wavelengths absorb into the body at different depths I will probably ask my doctor also, or go like to ask an ophthalmologist, still would like to here your opinion! It would help a lot, thanks!
I was referring to an old discussion. I don't know if you were part of it. But other people know! I don't want to unnecessarily mention it, because it is depressing as hell - the ultimate worst think that could happen! Because if anyone who is superrational thinker knew about it, pain would motivate him to try change it by any means necessary! It is similar to aliens, people would rather join than compete... Einstein said: "nations are infantile disease of mankind" - couldn't agree more... But maybe Putin really thinks he will go to heaven, or it is identity politics - I don't know...
What do you not understand???