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Everything posted by MineralMan

  1. I think that 9 out of 10 times when somebody yawns, (directly after another person,) - it's just seeing the yawn and reminding yourself that you TOO are tired - thus causing you to yawn. I've noticed a few times that when somebody else yawns, I tend to yawn as well for no good reason lol... it's just a reaction.
  2. I think that OVERALL: - Time travel is better off NOT to exist... if it doesn't. It doesn't matter how smart the man is, or better yet; how KIND the man is we choose to let travel first- because what gives THAT man the right to change the coarse of history for the other billion people in the world?? Changing the slightest things could honestly result in you having a completely new life... because who knows if certain worldly events that were PREVENTED would of led to things like your parents meeting eachother, or even something smaller, like you growing up in a completely different town... again, this could result from changing events where certain taxes were passed, land was purchased, PRESIDENT WAS ASSASSINATED, and so forth... So yeah... I think our everyday reality is a good enough form of traveling through time - forward - until the end of our days. HOWEVER, if we could travel back and change exclusivley events in OUR OWN LIVES, (without affecting a single other soul,) - I beg to differ.
  3. I believe that other dimensions exist, but I think there's a strong possibilty that it's all too much for our small human brains to register. If the existance of an alternate dimension is something we can never comprehend... than it's also something that we'll never be able to reach. HERE'S AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE OF WHY I THINK ALTERNATE DIMENSIONS EXIST: (it's somewhat proof!) - Take a look at an apple freshly picked off of a tree. To us, it's a 3D object that we can view the height, length, and width of. NOW, cut the apple open... and notice that the inside of the apple isn't hollow. This is a dimension of the apple the human eye can't register WITHOUT altering the object to suit our needs. This is my point... and in a sense, it's a 4th dimension. X-RAY VISION... I know it sounds corny, but that's the best way to put it. Our brains can only see in 3D, but there's more to an apple than the length, height, and width before altering it.
  4. *Ok, this comment is going to be pretty damn basic, but check it out: - Look down at any table surface. (Even the computer desk in front of you.) Make sure you're looking at it straight down, no angle. This is now a 2-D object. It has length and width, but no hieght. Here's what I'm thinking: a 2 dimensional world would be like an Atari game with horrible graphics. (EXAMPLE: http://home.ptd.net/~faethor/c64class/invader.gif) - BUT THIS IS only from an overheard perspective, which if there was no hieght, wouldn't exist. SO WITH THAT SAID, I've come to this basic conclusion: a 2 dimensional world would suck lol. You wouldn't be able to see things from certain angles, because no matter WHICH dimension is absent, (length, hieght, or width,) - nothing would be fully visible at all times. In a nutshell, a 2 dimensional world could exist, but it would be horrible.
  5. *Time travel is a tricky thing... I kind of think it's impossible, because in order to go BACK in time... time would need to be repeating itself constantly. For example: - If you wanted to go back in time and watch the Egyptians build pyramids let's say... the action of them building the pyramids would have be constantly going on over and over again, so that if you were to time travel at ANY given moment, you'd end up in Egypt at a time that it was occuring. It's hard to word, but you get what I mean... if you were going to put yourself into a situation that already occured hundreds of years ago, (or even ONE year ago,) it would have to be replaying itself right now as we speak. Do you get what I'm saying?? LoL it's hard to spit it out, but "replaying itself" was a good way to put it. THIS is why I think time travel doesn't exist... because the people you'd be going back in time to see are deceased - so no matter how fast you travel in a machine, the people in the year you're visiting are no longer physically there... it's crazy lol.
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