*Ok, this comment is going to be pretty damn basic, but check it out:
- Look down at any table surface. (Even the computer desk in front of you.) Make sure you're looking at it straight down, no angle. This is now a 2-D object. It has length and width, but no hieght. Here's what I'm thinking: a 2 dimensional world would be like an Atari game with horrible graphics. (EXAMPLE: http://home.ptd.net/~faethor/c64class/invader.gif) - BUT THIS IS only from an overheard perspective, which if there was no hieght, wouldn't exist. SO WITH THAT SAID, I've come to this basic conclusion: a 2 dimensional world would suck lol. You wouldn't be able to see things from certain angles, because no matter WHICH dimension is absent, (length, hieght, or width,) - nothing would be fully visible at all times. In a nutshell, a 2 dimensional world could exist, but it would be horrible.