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Lan Todak

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Everything posted by Lan Todak

  1. I don't know about others but fusion progress will eventually fail. Once they exceed threshold, longer chain reaction will happen. That will drain up energy. They will s when that happens.
  2. I got a few replies with no answer for my previous post but my current post has none of them. πŸ€”πŸ€”Β πŸ€”. Are theyΒ  too easy and boring? 🧐

  3. Hi Everyone, could anyone here help me comfirm that this calculation verifies prime numbers? This is the calculation: DSum(Mod((x^2βˆ’A),(2Bβˆ’2x))==0,x,0.0,(Bβˆ’2)) A is a reminder of a number to be tested while B is a factor of a top closest square that is used to subtract the test number. For example, If you want to test 7, the top closest square is 3^2 or 9. B is 3 as it is a factor of 3^2. By using the square to subtract the test number, 3^2- 7=2, u get 2. Plug into the formula, u get DSum(Mod((x^2βˆ’2),(3β‹…2βˆ’2x))==0,x,0.0,1.0) If you want to test 19, the top closest square is 5^2 or 25. B is 5 as it is a factor of 5^2. By using the square to subtract the test number, 5^2- 19=6, u get 6. Plug into the formula, u get DSum(Mod((x^2βˆ’6),(5β‹…2βˆ’2x))==0,x,0.0,3.0) It works for any prime number(big or small). If u do it rite u should get all false. Tq...
  4. I think I should post this in puzzle section instead of here. The answer is 1. You can get this answer by rearranging Fermat's little theorem. (I think my question wasn't interesting enough because it's easy)
  5. I think you didn't get it. Should I say "any kind of machine calculation?". As I mentioned before, by looking at it, you could probably get the answer right away, with no machine involved (for example calculator). Test it first. if nobody gets it, I will show what I've got. I could say yes, but the X value is constant. It doesn't vary with a or p. Can you guess one of the composite numbers for 23^37-x. If X is 23, the composite numbers is 37, right? But you can't use 23 to other numbers. If a = X then yes.
  6. Hi everyone... I have an interesting test to do. If given to you a^p, where p and a are available from 3 to infinity( although this set of numbers actually started from 0 but I removed them for some reasons), what is the special number(x) when you subtract from a, some composite numbers of a's reminder are always known? Here's an example. Pick any number for a,X and p. For this test I choose 8 for a, 11 for p and 31 for X so the structure looks like this, (8^11)-31=8,589,934,561. Can you guess the composite numbers for 8,589,934,561 without factorization? Some of its composite numbers are 13 and 660,764,197. By using X =31, test X for every available number for a^p. Guess its composite numbers directly without using factorization. If you are able to that, that means X is the special number. If u can't then it isn't. Here are tips for you. 1. X value is always near one of the composite numbers ( that's why you can always guess them right away) within no more than 2 digits For example, if X is 321, one of the composite numbers is within 300 to 350 width. More than that, you might calculate it wrong or X isn't special. 2. It works for any number for a^p. Yes, any number. 3. Use small numbers for test like 3^3-7 or 5^4-16 if you have issues with huge numbers 4. Remember to keep x as constant.only vary a and p. Good luck.
  7. Most of the time when I attempt to prove that earth is a living star, people always disagree with me saying that a star is like our sun and bla bla bla... Ironically our sun isn't actually a star. It's a dead star. Which remnants do you guess had been left upon its supernova? White dwarf, neutron star or black hole? Guess what, It's actually a black hole. Our sun is a black hole. 😲

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lan Todak

      Lan Todak

      Do you wonder why people disagree with me? because they are wonder pets 😁.

    3. MigL


      I would have thought it's because you are either wrong or non-sensical; sometimes both.

    4. Lan Todak

      Lan Todak

      It's fine. As far as I know, when they(physicists) calculate something wrong, It will distress them. Even something basic such as the stability of solar system can bother them a lot. I wish all those simple problems could be solved by now because if them don't, people keep saying annoying staffs. You know like flat earth for example.

  8. Hi everyone... Why Don't all of you talk about algorithm ( a set of instructions that allows a machine to be responsive). I mean why do AI look Like zombies to us although they are cooperative and responsive. What are the missing parts that weve overlooked. I think by discussing about this, allowing us to understand how unique free will is and why humans look Alive. I think it has something to do with yes-no process. You know what I mean.
  9. Spaghetti 🍝

  10. I have something to share to all of you. As the title says, i will talk about earth's gravity growing with a proof. Don't worry, the proof I will provide can be tested in a lab just like you usually do, a very simple lab test. // I have asked admin to repost the topic. I hope this is ok.
  11. I have something to share to all of you. As the title says, i will talk about earth's gravity growing with a proof but I need at least 1000 likes for precaution. Don't worry, the proof I will provide can be tested in a lab just like you usually do, a very simple lab test.
  12. My phone screen is broken. I will try to do that soon. Anyway i Aman activist.
  13. πŸ˜ƒIf I can't get charity from this site, can I get support from publisher? Is nyone here working on publishing company? I would like to publish my idea. If anyone could help me I will start a new topic right away πŸ˜ƒ Hi everyone...
  14. Most of the time, when we understand one system or nature, we can create a simple and smooth math from it. But for an unknown, you might get wrong anticipation. For example, a machine produces an output using collatz conjecture. You ask some experts determine the system and create a math from it. What will you expect the results? They will create different maths. Oddly every math will work just fine on certain level but not on others. This is how we deal with gravity.
  15. IC engine or gravity? Which one would get lucky fi first?


    what do these have in commom?Β 

    Low output



    1. Lan Todak

      Lan Todak

      Lol... I forgot the word "they"Β huhu...

  16. That's Interesting inquiry but I believe in aliens or programmers over god or gods. I don't really care if they're powerful or not. Regarding your inquiry, you shouldn't take it lightly against gods in which you rely heavily on intuitions solely. Otherwise, it's a faith based opinion. Anyway, I still find discussing about existence is intriguing.
  17. Do you mean god can only be himself, don't you?
  18. In my sensei 😎
  19. When we have found the planets, gravity will become mystery again. I hop everyone prepare for a huge jump in physics because These planets are weird and opposh physics ;).

    (And beautiful as always, the planets)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lan Todak

      Lan Todak

      What's your Best guess?

    3. zapatos


      Recreational drugs

    4. Lan Todak

      Lan Todak


      too far bro... although It can give u high jumpπŸ˜ƒ.

  20. The edges are 1 and 2 with 1.5 as the centre. Your set can't represent our universe. πŸ˜‘
  21. 😜 I dont have... 🀐
  22. There is an inherent error in the engine system. Bypass it and you can double the output.
  23. I can catch up with your phrases. What this "A.I. seeks to defend itself" means with reference to this this phrase "consciousness of the internet"
  24. A.I can do more job. Why we need to make ant as example? If microscopic variables give rise to conscious mind, can we get A.I abilities to adapt to ransom environment as how conscious mind works?
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