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nihilist scientist

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    Science ,Art, Literature, Psychology, Philosophy
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics, Neurscience, Evolution,AI

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  1. You say : Religious countries are get in trouble with overpopulation because of religion. That is too explanatory! It is unbelievable! You are such a genius! You show statistics and you don’t ask “why”. I hope, you are not a scientist. Actually, In Islam, using birth control methods are allowable and making babies is not compulsory. That is to say, Islam don’t say “ you must make a lot of baby and don’t be preserved.” Even, Christianity is more strict about that , but as you say, christian are second fertility rate. If it depend on religion like you think, christians would have the highest fertility rate. As I mentioned before, It is about education, economics and life standards. I hope that you break down your prejudices. Also, these countries have another mid points except religion. Please , focus them and see the big picture.
  2. Very funny approach. Please, look at counteries that have many atheists. Look at their economy, life standards, geopolitics. Probably, they are European countries and maybe a few Asian countries. Have you ever think why they are atheist? As Marx say, Religion is the opium of the people. People in atheist countries that don’t need religion, because they are not suffering from anything. They are fat and happy. They don’t live in the wild world. However, People in muslim (or another religion) countries, generally suffer from many thing. Starvation, poverty, terror and other social problems are too much. They need religion. They don’t have an another leg to stand on to live. Also, you should consider situation of Middle East countries that depended on third world countries’ exploitation attacks for many years. Please, don’t speak without thinking.
  3. Hello, I live in Muslim country and i have to say something about that. Actually, in educated side of our country, people are informed about birth control methods . However, in uneducated side , it is beyond women's power. Womens doesn't have right to speak, so that all control is belonged to men. Our goverment is handing out preservatives to prevent this problem , but I think nobody use them. Even,a few years ago, I heard some news about that. Some kids were using preservatives like balloon. On the other hand, even if they were educated, probably they don't do something. They aims to having much kids, they use them like soliders. they protect themselves and make money through their kids. Nobody doesn't care life standards of kids, especially girls. These people do that to live. Goverment, police or any defensive force can't prevent them, because they are not enough to stop hunger , terror and unemployment. In my opinion, education can be part of the solution , but this is not enough. It is releated with economy and politic situation of country. Solution is being social democracy. As for me, this is not about religion. In our country, nobody against abortion, it is totally about management.
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