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  1. I know so, the problem is I already have quite a few non-porous surfaces that I need to desinfect or otherwise discard them. Would you think that a solution of Trichloroisocyanuric acid at the above forementioned concentrations would get rid of any mould spores even on mon porous surfaces?
  2. According to my research bleach does not kill fungal spores on non-pourous surfaces unless acidified, which would release chlorine gas (quite dangerous). If I had unlimited supply I would go with H202 but it's not really a cheap solution. I will look into calcium hidroxide for substrate sterilization. Thanks for your input StringJunky.
  3. I'm going to make a 100 liter solution to desinfect various tools used in Shiitake production so it's important the solution kills mold and mold spores. I've been looking into various methods and chemicals. At first I thought about going with H2O2 since it's safe and does not generate harmful by-products. Since I do not have peroxide stronger than 3% readly available I discarded this route. I thought about a solution of calcium hypochlorite taking the PH below 7 but since that would probably be quite dangerous since I'm not sure about the concentrations / ph levels used to generate minimum ammounts of chlorine gas. I surely don't want to be dealing with the release of chlorine gas if I can avoid it. I looked into chlorine dioxide and althought extremely effective it's also very toxic and even has explosive properties. I discaded it immediately. Lastly I saw that my supermarket carries Trichloroisocyanuric acid (pool shock) at 96%. I was reading some info here and it's dangerous to mix with small ammounts of water and also I need to be careful about the PH. These are the recommended concentrations for each use: My questios are: 1. How many grams should I had to 100 liters of water for sterilization / desinfection of equipement? (I'm looking into a strong solution but also safe to use) [EDIT] I found this patent that states Also fromhere Since my solution will be made with water I would assume mg/kg = mg/l So for a 100 liter solution I would need to dissolve 20-40 grams, correct me if I'm wrong. 2. What would be the recommended PH value for maximum effectiveness but also safe to use? On a side note the desinfection will be carried at a open area using adequate PPE. [edit: I would also need to know an approximate time the equipement needs to be submerged and how long the solution would be effective] organic-chemistry
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