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Brett Nortj

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About Brett Nortj

  • Birthday 02/16/1981

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  • Location
    Cape Town - The Devil's Playground.
  • Interests
    Dancing, gaming, writing, magic, my business activities, linguistics.
  • College Major/Degree
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Started debating on [December 12th 2006]. Taught myself about sciences slowly, self taught, realizing great successes in [January 2015].
  • Occupation
    Chairman of "Hydra.Ltd."

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  1. The vest way to 'remedy a flood' is to use salt, or, a derivative of salt, maybe a new chemical, that sucks it up quickly? I figure this would take about a week, tops to get right. Then, in frequently flooded areas, they could have fire trucks that spew this stuff, or, those big road sweeping trucks dealing with the problem? Should take a week to get the chemicals right, or, less. I figure maybe some cation based natural stuffs... negative charge to attract the mass, into it?
  2. Take all that 'junk' and put it to a cross section, and reverse the point to point scales.
  3. Yes, I have answers, having thought about the same thing, as you, I and everyone else... [1] It simply was. Instead of not being, there it was. Instead of nothing, something, yes? [2] The big bang was a result of 'realization,' things struggling to be. As soon as they conceived of a thought, there it was. This was like a spark. [3] The gases of nothing were compressed, and, they exploded? [4] There is a manic cycle of repeated 'universal heartbeat.' This resembles a star emerging, becoming a black hole, and exploding into a star again, through a heart beat function. This is where the cycle repeats, always losing density as the black hole sucks less in that it sheds every so often. The universe is expanding now, but it is getting 'thinner,' okay? This means it will eventually stop getting bigger and begin compressing again, crushing us and everything, as a star blue print. All scientific methods are interchangeable, as they follow logically through.
  4. [#1] I think your velocity equation is easy to understand, but, you need only subtract the mass from the velocity, okay? [#2] For the levers, you need only use a 'tap rotation idea,' okay? Have them spin down like that, looks better too,. Naturally, it will lift up again through pressure applied from the bottom, where a spring can push it back up, and, then repeat process?
  5. Adding heat from the exhaust would result in used fuels mixing with unused fuels. This will replenish the used fuels, as they cool, and then there will be homeostasis. Very good idea! This will result in getting more fuel out of the engine, and, reusing old fuel. To make it even more useful, you could 'condense' the used fuel to create a permanent fuel cell, like a rechargeable battery, yes? Be careful, there might be too much density build up, but I cannot see that going on for a while, but, it will heat up the engine as it purrs along...
  6. Well, my answer sees the gases having too few electrons to polarize, so they travel through the atom, making it a gas.
  7. The electron is pushing against the other electrons like a 'fullerene.' This is where they would enter the proton, except that there is another electron pushing against it as if it were a another negative charge trying to enter. A you can see, it pushes against it, like that. This gives it structure and support, so that the atom does not implode.
  8. Dumbest fuck I ever read about.

  9. Yes, you may close it.
  10. With the foundations for maths out of the way, it is time to teach children to read and write. With the basic skills needed for progressing to higher grades being founded upon counting and literacy, they also need to be able to write, yes? Yo see those patterns they make in grade one and two - do away with them. This is training them for cursive, and, that is harder to understand than print, okay? Basically, the patterns teach kids fluency with the pen so they may make good characters, easily overcome by using s stencil, in fact it is far quicker to train the muscles to remember the strokes with the stencil than with a free hand pattern that nobody will be able to read one day. As a reason to why they do it this way, in the past the focal point to education was being prepared to take short hand, and, that required cursive and abbreviations, especially for secretaries. This means they need to simply forget about it ad work on touch typing. This is also becoming a thing of the past, with the invention of tablets and touch screens, but, will see it's place in the office albeit it not in the private lives of young adults. So, how do we train kids to read quickly? Playing scrabble in the classroom will suffice, and will quickly elevate them to become literate. This will be where they need to learn syllables first, and, that requires some sort of visual aids - the projector, of course. Basically putting a lot of characters on a the projector, and, pointing with a pen to them, will allow those that know to say the right thing, and those that do not know ill just follow, yes? ~ Kids of this age like tests, it makes them feel grown up! Capitalizing on this innocence from grade one will be where they can go from child to child and ask them three letters each , maybe every Tuesday and Thursday? Then, they can play scrabble in grade two and learn to make words, of course! Ways to get children to identify the characters could be done by showing them the sound that it makes is the shape of their tongues when they say them. The flicking of the tongue into a snake, or, "S" would be a good way to remember, yes? an "A" would be where they would need to see the space in their mouth being filled by the tongue going upwards, and, an "M" could be where they go up and down from place to place like a the vibrations of the breath on their tongues. Yes, 'uncle Sam wants you!' The teacher can just make things up, of course, but needs to write them down. Maybe two or three ways to remember would suffice, personally, for a year. Then, they will recognize the characters and relay them to the lesson or query, being prepared. After three hours a day, for a year, I a sure they will be prepared!
  11. Man, it is hard to get hold of an administrator here! Anyways, I have ideas for your forum!

    To attract new traffic to your site, so that more people want to advertise, you could include a new forum called 'bright sparks' or 'patents by law' or something? If you get the people posting their ideas here, like new products they want to perfect or assemble, but need help, they will all run here! This will be where you will need a simple contract written up by the court, through a lawyer, costing about a hundred dollars, where if it is posted here, it remains your property, and the rights of those posting on it, if you will?

    Then, as an aside, you would get more traffic if you had two more forums, humanities, like for psychology and culture, and language and teaching and stuff, and, one for finance, hey?

    Thanks for reading this, sorry, you seem to be the only one around at any given time...

    1. hypervalent_iodine


      Could you please send me PM’s in future. I don’t look at my profile often and don’t get notifications when people post to it.

      Thank you for your suggestions.

    2. Strange


      There is a thread specifically for suggestions like this: 


      Generally, the reason there isn't a section for X is because not enough people are interested in X, or the same thing can be discussed somewhere else on the forum.

      In the case of your "inventions" suggestion, anyone posting their ideas on a public forum would invalidate their chances of patenting it (in most countries) and so it would be a really stupid thing to do.

  12. Previously, I found that we can remain young by inserting a woman's ability to generate egg cells into our bodies, to blend the cells of the young with those of the person. This will replenish the youth of the individual and make them get younger, maybe ideally to the point of twenty five or so? ~ Obviously, this is truly sought? Maybe I will get a patent and grant for this notion? Then, the balance comes from your organ, built from nano bots, as, this is a new organ, which generates egg cells constantly, broken down and not classed as foreign, so as to not be identified and secreted, will be where they circulate in the blood stream and rejuvenate the other cells at pace. The theory for this organ is to take the womb and find out which hormone grants the ability to generate the egg's new form. Simply finding this 'genesis hormone,' will show that we can shed cells into the stream that rejuvenate the system.
  13. Thanks for the help. Yes, well, I have trouble finding a term for these, as I find them very soluble, as in a new classification of something between gases and metals.
  14. The human body and that of all organisms is where we find that it is merely something that reacts - matter that is less dense than that of metals yet more dense than gases. This is because the semi metals comprise life, and, they will always. True, that some metals are also there inhibiting us, but, these are there for gentle dissolving, where they slowly dissolve in our bodies and get a lot of influence due to their magnetic fields, of course. These fields will give off some form of radiation, warming the body, as, that is what they are there for. ~ This is like a floating pool cleaning device gives off a meagre amount of soap every now and then, but floats near the creepy crawly pipe. This is also like a light giving off, well, light, in the form of electromagnetic radiation fields, of course. The thing is, with the bodies warmth lights the metals only slightly, for a gentle interaction before they are excreted and replenished. So, the body is merely more reactive than that of 'dead mass.' This is because they have a lot of water in them, or, cocoon water. If you were to observe a glass of water, then you will know that the water will not penetrate the glass, so there is no interaction, but, glass within the water will influence the water, as it is more dense, and, has more protons, where they will give off a 'field of reproduction,' where this will lead to the glass within the water making the water more heavier, or, more dense, slowly. True, after enough time the glass will melt into the water! ~ A better example is a water sack in the desert by a cowboy, like a water skin. This will be where the leather, like our bodies, will mingle with the water, and, well, the leather will get cooler or warm the water. This is finding balance, of course! Lots of nerves, lots of cells, lots of reactions!
  15. The basics of chemistry are made easier if we observe that the periodic table is scary when it hit's school kids, no? If we know that, then maybe we could observe that we will need to learn the chemistry song as a school motto, if you do science, and, why not do science? Learning the order will for example tell you how many protons and electrons each element has, besides the orbitals, which I am still working on finding a formula for, and, before that we can observe what molecules are, to get kids interested in what they will be applied to, of course? This will ignite the interest, or, dismissal of the subject early on, as, that is what it is all about! So, bonds are where things bond together, atoms, elements, chemicals. I always call semi metals liquids, so, please bear with me regarding this? The bonds are where the mass of one thing is greater than the mass the mass of something else, where the magnetic pull of one over another, like the moon orbits the earth, are where the protons of the moon resist the pull of the earth, as they are charged with the same type of charge, being made of the same stuff, but, the one is trying to dominate the other, as when you have one set of electrons greater then the protons of another, or, when there is 'imbalance,' then there is as 'friction' and attraction between the two, as, they are dominant and submissive [~ sort of like sex!]. Now, that is "why" they bond. The gluons or little sticks you see between the atoms, are strands of resistance channelling energy between them, and, resisting them occupying the same space. This is because each cell fights to dominate the space it has, seeing it's own quest to survive, and, this is shared by all conscious and unconscious forms of matter, as, they will see more of them as being good for them. They will bond because they will look to 'subjugate' each other, but, resisting each other of the same type. That can be likened in nature, as a go between between zoology and physics, the studies of nature, and, yes, chemistry is also a study of nature, where they will like see other alpha males, okay? Cells are bonds of living tissue, where they come together to 'use each other.' They collect, as do animals, as do particles, to support each other. This is a community thing, okay? This is like a atom being made of a neutron, which is dead mass that pulls things towards it as it is negatively charged, like a little fridge magnet, lulling mass towards it like a "anion," okay? This is why we see them collecting, to make a community the best way they can, and, they will support each other in a mutual relationship, of course.
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