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Everything posted by idream

  1. In response to your argument regarding sensory organs: No that doesn't make sense, my argument against parallel universes is that to experience something in a parallel universe while sleeping we would need some type of sensory organ to relay that information back to our brain. Such a thing does not exist. Would this mean dreams have to be internally generated? In response to your brain stem argument: This argument sounds promising, how would we see the affect if parallel universes acted on our brain stems if it is even possible?
  2. Guys telling my friend he's crazy is not exactly the best way to end an argument even if it is the case. There has to be a logical rule that prevents this from happening. Could I use the argument that external stimuli influences dreams. Also would a valid argument be that we need sensory organs to gather information from the parallel universe, but our body stays in bed? Can someone expound upon one of these, there has to be something that contradicts this ridiculous notion.
  3. Some people misuse the fact that dreams are not completely understood as a method to say that dreams may come from parallel universes. I am trying to win an argument with my friend concerning this topic and I need evidence that contradicts this statement. Though, the burden of proof argument comes into play, please don't comment that as it has already been stated. Surely there must be some logical rule that prevents dreams from occurring in parallel universes if you have an inkling please comment as it will be greatly appreciated.
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