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Everything posted by chenbeier

  1. No it doesnt go homolytic reaction. Electrophil means some attraction to electron rich area. This means electrophil are positive like NO2+, Br+,H+,etc.
  2. No, in case of the HBr you get H+ and Br-. These are ions and no radicals . Radicals habe online one unpaired electron. Like Cl2 => 2Cl* In Br- the electron is paired with the one of bromine. 8 electrons in outer shell.
  3. The question is how much is 1 sip. 2 mg/l = 2 μg/ml = 0,5 μg/0,25ml So it is less then 1 tea spoon of liquid.
  4. For the first question the acid concept of Brönstedt should be used. According him acids are proton donators. In the given equation is NH4+ / H2O the donators. Bases are proton acceptors. So its NH3 / OH- for base pair.
  5. As mentions in the other forum, what is your own work in this?
  6. Of course all safety measures has to taken in account. Conc. Hydrochloric acid can release HCl gas. The reaction develops hydrogen. Good ventilation is necessary. Also PSA has to be worn. Goggles, gloves, maybe a mask.
  7. Get some heat to it. 40° C. You want to dissolved the whole piece takes some hours.
  8. Any strong acid like hydrochloric acid will do it. But not every metal can be dissolved.
  9. It is a planar molecule H2C=CHCl Both Carbon have sp2 hybrids
  10. It will work the same, but I dont think you get rid of the carbonate with this procedure. You need a good diaphragm, or do you use mercury electrodes, like the electrolysis of NaCl.
  11. I dont see here a production of glycerin. Only two oils, water and salt are mixed and heated. A yellow dull mixture was formed. There is no separation process to get rid of the fat acids and the glycerin. This needs caustic soda to crack the ester bonds. At the end the whole mixture was put on the skin, not good idea.
  12. I think in Amazon can find cheaper ones. https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-m&sxsrf=ALeKk01FUiW1vzpqAJMdwBn7s5Ypmd4nGw%3A1604783802715&q=magnetic+stirrer+purchase&oq=magnetic+stirrer+purchase&aqs=heirloom-srp..0l2
  13. One of the best ones can found here, https://www.ika.com/en/Products-Lab-Eq/Magnetic-Stirrers-Hot-Plate-Lab-Mixer-Stirrer-Blender-csp-188/
  14. I love licorice. If it would not to far away I would buy them. But I guess you located in USA, it is to far and the shipping cost probably more then 12 bucks.
  15. Ammonia itself is a stable compound under normal circumstances. Needs higher energy to decompose.
  16. Not sure, if so then ammonia would be synthesist in this way and Not using high pressure devices.
  17. So far I understood a NO2/ N2 atmosphere was given. A hydrogen torch was burnt in it. Only 2 NO2 + 4 H2 => 4 H2O + N2 takes places. Yes some metals can react with nitrogen to built Nitrids, but hydrogen can not form ammonia under this circumstances.
  18. No, water will be obtained. Nitrogen will not touched.
  19. Its isopropanthiol (CH3)2CHSH The writing HSiPr could be misunderstanded as Si = Silicon, even the compound makes no sense.
  20. You have to bake it 2-3 h. I told NOx will be developed, so need good exhaust hood. Then amount depend of the size of the oven . As container a iron vessel would be ok.
  21. If you have Aluminiumnitrate, then you can bake it to 300- 400°C. It will decompose and release NOx and form the aluminium oxide.
  22. Why you need it, you create a lot of toxic waste. Better sell it und buy clean metal from a supplier. This is not for home. The normal way the distillation under low pressure, but also not for at home.
  23. Bisphenol A is bifunctional. For this reason it need ratio 1:2 , what means 1 mole bisphenol A to 2 mole epichlorohydrin.
  24. What happens if you mix both. In first case what do you get and in second case what do you get. Compare the two results.
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