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Everything posted by chenbeier

  1. I dont think WCl4 is existing in water. It get hydrolysis to HCl and Tungsten oxides.
  2. The coppersulfate solution will probably react with the aluminium and cover it with copper (immersion plating). Better is to use a dilutet solution of an acid . Copper is resistant to dilute acids, like hydrochloric, sulfuric or acetic acid. Aluminium will be dissolved.
  3. I never would drink propylenglycol. Better is use citric acid or tatratic acid and water to dissolve the stuff. Or try it alcaline by adding sodium hydrogen carbonate, pottash or lime.
  4. Additionally in the bulb is a little bit iodine in, which reacts at the high temperature of the filament to WI2 . This deposit on the filamnet again and get decompsed again, it enhance the life time of the filament. But some of the vapour will deposit also on the glass it self.
  5. Very effective is 2,4,5-T and derivates, it kills every plant. A member of the colour agents. Chlorates maybe can be banned, because also to use for.......bang.
  6. I dont understand what you had done. For what is the coffee filter. Ether is lighter then potassium hydroxide. You shuild get two phases. Ether on top and KOH solution below.
  7. No it is Chinese 陳貝爾 = Chen bei er
  8. No, he was born in the city of Münster North rhine weshpalia, but he worked at several Univeristies also in Strassbourg France.
  9. Here a whole sentence for the unbeleavibles.Stimme 1.3gpp
  10. Maybe, but I am a bloody german and I posted the sound file to clarify.
  11. Listen to the attached file Grewe.3gpp
  12. Spell like the colour "grey" and add "where", but swallow the "re" at the end. Gre(y)whe(re).
  13. The topic should be moved to inorganic chemistry.
  14. I think here kitchen work was meant. Of course this will not remove pesticides in the fruits.
  15. For this issue there are different analytical machines available, like gas chromatography, UV, IR spectroskopie, nuclear magnetic resonance and others. To remove the pesticides there is only one way, they shouldnt bring induring growing and harvest of the fruits.
  16. Too dilutet, the device removes 60 g in 1000 l in 1h by 0,25 kW. Your solution has only 0,4 or 0,2 g in 1000 l. For the device there is nothing in anymore.
  17. Check Kohlrausch law 1 and 2. Conductivity can not be measured by using direct current. You need high frequency AC device about 1000 Hz and a wheastonbridge measurement. Depending on the electrolyte you get electrolysis effects on the electrodes.
  18. Yes , but Chlorine will be developed only on inert anodes or carbon. Steel or iron will be dissolved as already mentioned.
  19. You are right that you are wrong. It should be 2 Fe + 6 OH- => Fe2O3 + 3 H2O + 6 e- And also this can happen Fe(OH)3 => FeOOH + H2O
  20. If you have 1 kg Oleum (20% SO3 dissolved in 100% H2SO4) then you have 200 g of sulfur trioxide and 800 g sulfuric acid. With the molare weight of 80 g/mol for SO3 you get 2,5 mol. You need also 2,5 mol water according H2O + SO3 => H2SO4 . This is equal to 45 g. So take 45 g = 45 ml water first!! and add carefully the Oleum.
  21. Maybe you have a inert steel, then chlorine will be developed. Did you observe also change of colour around the anode?
  22. The Chloride will react with the metal of the steel. For example iron react like this. 3 Cl- + Fe => FeCl3 + 3 e- Chlorine will be not developed. Similar things happen to Ni, Mn, Co, and others. On cathode side the hydrogen will be developed 2 H+ + 2 e- => H2 Sodium and hydroxide will be in solution. If the solution is styred the Hydroxide reacts with the metal chlorides. For example FeCl3 + 3 OH- => Fe(OH)3 + 3 Cl-
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