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Everything posted by chenbeier

  1. What do you want purify, if there is no knowledge what containing the water.: Poisson elements, germs, herbs, etc.??? Boil the water=> kill bionic. Then filter through charcoal sand. To remove dangerous ions destill the water. OR Go in a supermarket and buy canned or bottled water.
  2. It is cathode - anode normally. But check the Nernst equation if the Logarithmen has a plus or minus and the quotient is log(Ox/Red) or log(Red/Ox). This change the value.
  3. Then it is no Carbonate.
  4. Should be possible, but you have to find a way to get a large surface.
  5. Theoretical yes, but then you cannot make concrete. Everything has to be mixed with water.
  6. Yes it does. Can find here: Handbook of Industrial Crystallization https://books.google.de/books?id=gJ7KNvbMtREC&pg=PA116&dq=solubility+NaCl+KCl&hl=de&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwje-Lquu4bgAhUKDuwKHfe3DlQQ6AEILDAA#v=onepage&q=solubility NaCl KCl&f=false
  7. Add some drop of acid to your precipitate, do you get bubbles?
  8. Check here under number 6 https://chem.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Organic_Chemistry/Supplemental_Modules_(Organic_Chemistry)/Reactions/Oxidation_and_Reduction_Reactions/Oxidation_of_Organic_Molecules_by_KMnO4
  9. Of course it can. In aromatic and aliphatic as well. One is oxidation with Permanganate to Carbonic acid and later change to Amid and use Hoffman reduction, Lossen or Curtius to Amin. And further reduction.
  10. You want to clean electronical parts like the multiswitch on the picture? https://www.electrolube.com/blog/2018/05/22/how-to-clean-electrical-contacts/
  11. Maybe try here: https://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/search?term=malonic+acid&interface=All&N=0&mode=match partialmax&lang=de&region=DE&focus=product
  12. A chemical institute, university or company should can buy it at several chemical supplier. Ferroin is a common redox indicator for determin iron II/III. We used it in our lab. Malonic acid should be also not so seldom. Substitutes I dont know. Other occilator reaction is the iodine clock. The chemicals maybe easier to obtain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iodine_clock_reaction
  13. Instead of the sodiumsalt try the silversalt. The equilbrium will go to the ester because of precipitation of AgBr. Or use Carboxylacid halid with sodiumalkanolate.
  14. Theroetically it will work, but what happen at the connection of copper with the steel? You would have steel-Cu-Zn. Zink will corrode, but are you sure steel will not?. The copper is the noblest element in this row.
  15. If you open one container, how does the product looks like. any changes happend?
  16. That would be better, you get only CO2, which will evaporate.
  17. These are simple acid base reactions. HA + BOH => AB + H2O The stronger acid here bisulfate will push out the weak acid (Boric acid or silicon dioxide) and the salt (here sulfate) and water will be formed.
  18. Borax would also alcalise the solution.
  19. I would add more NaOH or Na2CO3, because the precipitation of SiO2 will be higher with adding silicate.
  20. EDTA-metal is a 1:1 complex. That mean for the alkaline-earth metals and most transitionmetals you need per mol metal two mol HCl. So you have to know the concentration of the EDTA and also roughly the metal concentration obtained by the titration.
  21. The redox reaction between ethanol and manganese-VII-oxid is missing.
  22. Check the redoxpotentiales. What do thing do you get a reaction with Mn and B2O3?
  23. Finally you will have iron-III-acetate. Fe(CH3COO)3
  24. Maybe this: https://www.google.com/search?q=ketopentose+ringform&client=firefox-b&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=-v76lGvCZRYPvM%3A%2CBx9t22rEqeKo4M%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRdF7ma8ygSKaqu772wrqjAcUGfMQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwihgYq9juHeAhWhw4sKHdtUCi4Q9QEwA3oECAAQCg#imgrc=-v76lGvCZRYPvM:
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