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Everything posted by incognito

  1. I saw this experiment about gray hairs re-pigmentation into black hairs with melanocytes transplantation into gray hair follicles(https://www.researchgate.net/publication/276491822_Treatment_of_Gray_Hair_in_Vitiligo_Patients_by_Direct_Melanocytes_Transplant_Using_Needling_Micrografting_and_Dermabrasion_Techniques) and also found another article about this experiment(http://www.odermatol.com/odermatology/20162/11.Follicular-SharquieK.pdf) in which I saw the following: "In cases of gray hairs, the grafted melanocytes will move from regimented epidermis into the outer root sheath then move down to reach the hair matrix thus inducing pigmented hair" . So basically it is possible today to transplant new melanocytes into gray hair and restore its color?. maybe it isn't a practical treatment for gray hair right now(cause of the use of skin grafts) but what about the future?, I know that scientists managed to create Melanocytes from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and actually used them to induce skin pigmentation in a nude mouse skin in vivo so can they use those melanocytes to induce hair pigmentation by having the melanocytes move into the hair follicles just like in the vitiligo experiment?.
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