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  1. Let me explain this as simple as possible. The Earth's gravity field is contained in the Sun's gravity field. These two fields do not intersect or overlap. When the ray of light is coming from the 'outside' world, it has to travel through the Sun's gravity field first and only then it reaches an observer, residing within the gravity field of the Earth. What we actually observe as star abberation is the movement of the Earth's gravity field within the gravity field of the Sun. That's why abberation is fully dependent on the Earth's orbital speed and does not take into account how fast the Sun moves through the galaxy. P.S. Did someone say 'ether'?
  2. So, you are observing a huge effect of 30 km/s movement... and fail to see the supposedly feeble effect of 220 km/s movement?
  3. I'm talking about application of quaternion to Maxwell's electrodynamics. You're derailing the thread. Do you realize that this "pretty basic material" has never been studied? There is no such thing as "fully quaternion-based electrodynamics".
  4. This can only be proven after a thorough study. As far as I understand, no one even tried.
  5. Well, no. You don't seem to understand the magnitude of these effects. I'm wasting my time with you.
  6. You surely saved the day! We are moving at mere 30 km/s back and forth around the Sun, that's hurtling through space at an astonishing 220 km/s, which is seven times faster. Surprisingly, only that 30 km/s motion seems to matter. And no, other stars in the galaxy do not follow the Sun. They travel at their own speed and radius around the center of our galaxy. These speeds and directions are not aligned for sure. So, where does all of this bring us?
  7. Let me type my question again. We seem to detect the star abberation caused by the Earth's movement around the Sun (30 km/s), but there is no abberation caused by the solar system moving through galaxy at 220 km/s. Why so? (I hope you realize that no other solar system in this galaxy moves at precisely 220 km/s into the same direction like we do.)
  8. My restrictions were lifted yesterday. Why are you deleting my messages? People here firmly believe that star abberation is the ultimate proof against aether... while it is not
  9. Unfortunately, I'm lacking proper mathematical background to discuss all pros and cons of tensors vs. quaternions. My point: if you'd like to obtain new results, you should use the new maths. And quaternions are not exactly 'new' to this field, as Maxwell tried to employ them, too. Well, I shall abide by the rules and keep dead silence
  10. Have you been banned from PM'ing me? Because I wish to do so. Stop bossing me around, you look funny.
  11. Because these are two different types of calculus. For example: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275832913_Polar_and_axial_vectors_versus_quaternions
  12. Well, by your logic, we are certainly not at rest. We are moving 30 km/s around the sun and about 220 km/s around the center of galaxy (together with the solar system). Now, a million dollar question: why the star aberration does not take into account that 220 km/s of speed? That's helluva lot of speed
  13. There is no doubt. Would you like to know more? No, they are. Vector algebra stipulates that we analyze rotary motion by projecting it on flat surfaces. On the contranry, the quaternion is a perfect mathematical representation of a rotating body per se.
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