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Everything posted by neuerwind2

  1. Let's put you in a space suit and make you fall from 40 km. Will you be able to detect your free fall? For sure - any simple accelerometer would do that. Unlike you, or any other object found in your lab, the Earth has its own gravitational field. That's why you cannot blindly apply Newton's laws to it. If we don't detect any acceleration, while it is mathematically (and astronomically) proven to be present... then we're not accelerating in relation to the space around our planet. In other words, the ether drag is present - the Earth carries its time-space together with its huge mass. P.S. A keen observer should have noted that I've just ditcheda theory of relativity. It's OK, as it of no use anyway
  2. Exactly! Do you feel a constant 'push back' while reading ths thread? Here comes the tricky part. The definition of a free fall. And why there's no ether wind. Meditate on these facts for a moment. You see, the Newton's physics finds it's experimental proof only with the human-sized objects. Extrapolating it onto the cosmic system comes at a price. Let's take a more simple example. Like, a comet that's moving around the Sun, coming quite close to it. Do you believe it maintains constant speed while making the turn? The Earth's orbit is all the same. It abides by the Kepler's law, just like any other cosmic body.
  3. http://curious.astro.cornell.edu/about-us/41-our-solar-system/the-earth/orbit/91-at-what-speed-does-the-earth-move-around-the-sun-beginner " I cannot give you a precise answer, because the speed of the Earth changes all the time as the Earth moves around the Sun. This is because Kepler's second law says that on its orbit, a planet will sweep equal areas in equal amounts of time." See? It's either accelerating or decelerating. But, if I put you into an underground lab with all the measurement devices available, you will never be able to measure this fact. That's why the Michelson-Morley experiment was bound to fail. Unfortunately, we're not moving at a constant speed, as the Earth's orbit is elliptical. The Kepler's law still stands true.
  4. No, you cannot prove that ether drag does not exist. You don’t even feel the Earth accelerating and decelerating in its orbital motion.
  5. These statements are more than simple: they are primitive. As I said, the magnetic field is a rotating body. Instead of having Rot and Div operators in two-dimensional space, science could employ a fully three-dimensional representation.
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