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franco malgarini

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Everything posted by franco malgarini

  1. For pure metal production and power
  2. With intermediary atomic nitrogen
  3. Four pistons, laser flash for thermic nitinol
  4. My proposal
  5. why is nobody talking about this crystal?
  6. Multiplication x 184.000 for any incident radiation: https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/bd/0c/4b/12c71804360dbd/US5252176.pdf
  7. Which products we obtain from dry distillation of paper and PET? Thank you!
  8. stop advertising, please
  9. Link removed
  10. You don't Know radioactivity....
  11. Electric diode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diode Optical diode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Optical_isolator Thermic diode: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermal_diode Acoustic diode: https://publishing.aip.org/publishing/journal-highlights/designing-acoustic-diode Gravitational diode: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/gravitational-diode-could-lead-futuristic-star-trek-rayan-de-zeeuw/ Magnetic diode: http://www.eenewspower.com/news/magnetic-diode-could-extend-battery-life-100-times
  12. the half-life of a radioactive material is the time it takes to halve the amount of radioactive particles emitted; polonium 210 after 142 days has half of the alpha particles emitted; after eight months, a quarter, after 12 months an eighth, that is almost nothing. For example, the Thorium has 11 years of half-life, plutonium thousands of years'
  13. one year, 12 months + -, the halftime is 142 days....
  14. Fukushima docet !!!!
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aluminothermic_reaction I Think that using graphite oxide powder as oxide we could produce diamonds at 5.000 degree celsius because the graphite is similar to diamond (need CO2 ?)
  16. These are some of the astronomical clocks that I made for little money with quartz movements
  17. Probably, Polonium 210 is transmutable from lead: i have an idea for it...
  18. Polonium 210 has a half-life of 140 days which is the time that can be used to make a power generator; just a few grams are needed to reach temperatures of 500 degrees centigrade sufficient to produce steam that drives a turbine; after 8 months it is no longer radioactive and therefore does not produce waste. It can be produced from bismuth by neutron irradiation; you can even build cars at Polonium 210.
  19. We know that in the core of the sun is a fusion power plant , though some say that the center of the Sun there is a vacuum . Now in fact we can never know if we do not go there to see ! I have an idea for this almost impossible : it comes to building a nuclear fusion reactor which , instead of containing the plasma of millions of degrees in its interior , but it deflects outside with powerful electromagnetic fields , for which a probe to the center of the Sun penetrate gradually in the solar plasma , diverting it ... Sorry, but I have done so if I do not see I do not think ... Also because some recent research has admitted the possibility of the existence of negative temperatures , below absolute zero , after which there are infinite temperature ( if you are interested place the links ) leading to a circular thermal spectrum . As for the Sun , it could well be that in its interior is cold ...
  20. Definitive, two stages, at few money
  21. To see what is at the center of the Earth
  22. Wonderfol, John It' s all simplest
  23. The conical coil then make the reunion of N2 and O2 into NO2, at right frequency...
  24. 3) Electromagnetic separation. The molecules of a gas can be ionized (that is, their electrical charge can be given) if they are exposed to an electric charge. Such ionized molecules can be accelerated through another electric field and, by passing them through appropriate slots, it is possible to control the direction of movement. If this "jet" of ionized molecules passes through a magnetic field, its trajectory is bent to take a circular shape. The initial velocity imparted to the molecules is the same for all and the magnetic field exerts the same force on all the molecules. But if some of these are heavier, they will have more momentum and will be diverted less easily. Thus their trajectory will have greater radius than that of the lighter molecules, and therefore heavy molecules and light molecules will hit different targets and can be separated. This principle had already been used for many years, on laboratory scales, in the mass spectrometer.
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