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Meson (3/13)
And you constantly denying it won't make it false.
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This research I've referenced is science.
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The Perennial philosophy was the conclusion of the research. https://files.csp.org/Psilocybin/Barrett2017Phenomenology.pdf You mean you haven't grasped any of this. I never said anything about conspiracy. This research is getting out there whether you'd like to admit it or not.
That's what you think. What you fail to realize is people are, indeed, waking up to this legitimate research.
Sure our brains work in similar ways, but again, the implications were much greater than that. It's already happening through this research. Technical definitions have been offered by many great philosophers, thinkers, physicists, theologians, etc. I'd argue because you've identified with atheism, you necessarily cut religious study out of your life, and probably don't study any of the major religions. So, it doesn't surprise at all that you have to ask for me to summarize this for you, and it's precisely because you've never taken it seriously. As an atheist, you've disdained it. So, you've basically censored all the great philosophers, thinkers, etc. who've written towards the very thing you're asking for.So, I'll offer a description, but I can't guarantee you'll comprehend it. I'll start with a quote from Alan Watts."There's astronomers that say that there was a primordial explosion. An enormous bang millions of years ago, billions of years ago which flung all the galaxies into space. Well let's take that just for the sake of argument and say that was the way it happened. It's like you took a bottle of ink and you threw it at a wall. Smash! And all that ink spreads. And in the middle, it's dense, isn't it? And as it gets out on the edge, the little droplets get finer and finer and make more complicated patterns, see? So in the same way, there was a big bang at the beginning of things and it spread. And you and I, as complicated human beings, are way, way out on the fringe of that bang. We are the complicated little patterns on the end of it. Very interesting. But so we define ourselves as being only that. If you think that you are only inside your skin, you define yourself as one very complicated little curlicue, way out on the edge of that explosion. Way out in space, and way out in time. Billions of years ago, you were a big bang, but now you're a complicated human being. And then we cut ourselves off, and don't feel that we're still the big bang. But you are. Depends how you define yourself. You are actually—if this is the way things started, if there was a big bang in the beginning— you're not something that's a result of the big bang. You're not something that is a sort of puppet on the end of the process. You are still the process. You are the big bang, the original force of the universe, coming on as whoever you are."https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEunth9YCgoNow, the vision in the mystical experience is one that goes beyond the the skin-encapsulated ego, this is precisely why this experience is also called "ego death." In the vision, you don't see yourself as this finite human being, but as the entire process, the Totality, the summation of all that has existed and will ever exist. Paul Tillich called this "The Ground of All Being." To quote Ken Wilber, I'll take a few excerpts from a book he's written on the Perennial philosophy."According to the perennial philosophy, this 'discovery of Wholeness,' the removal of the optical delusion of separateness, is not merely a belief—it is not a dogma one accepts on mere faith. For if the Ultimate is indeed a real integral Wholeness, if it is equally part and parcel of all that is, then it is also completely present in men and women. And, unlike rocks, plants, or animals; human beings—because they are conscious can potentially discover this Wholeness. They can, as it were, awaken to the Ultimate. Not believe in it, but discover it. It would be as if a wave became conscious of itself and thus discovered that it is one with the entire ocean—and thus one with all waves as well, since all are made of water. This is the phenomenon of transcendence—or enlightenment, or liberation, or moksha, or wu wei, or satori or what neuroscientists today are calling a 'mystical experience.' This is what Plato meant by stepping out of the cave of shadows and finding the Light of Being; or Einstein's "escaping the delusion of separateness." This is the aim of Buddhist meditation, of Hindu yoga, and of Christian mystical contemplation. That is very straightforward; there is nothing spooky, occult, or strange in any of this—and this is the Perennial philosophy.At the very base of men and women's consciousness, then, lies the ultimate Wholeness. But—and here is the rub—it is not, in the vast majority, consciously realized. Thus, the ultimate whole is, for most souls, an Other. It is not, like the Jehovah, an ontological Other—it is not set apart, divorced, or separated from men and women. Rather, it is a psychological Other—it is ever-present, but unrealized; it is given, but rarely discovered; it is the Nature of human beings, but lies, as it were, asleep in the depths of the soul.The basic Nature of human beings, then, is an ultimate Wholeness. This is eternally and timelessly so—that is, true from beginning, true to the end, and most importantly, true right now, moment to moment to moment. This ever-present and ultimate Wholeness, as it appears in men and women we call Atman (after the Hindus), or Buddha-Nature (after Buddhists), or Tao, or Spirit, or Consciousness (super-consciousness), or less frequently (because of its loaded connotations) God.Because Atman is an integral Whole, outside of which nothing exists, it embraces all space and time, and is itself therefore spaceless and timeless, infinite and eternal. Infinity does not, for the perennial philosophy, mean Extremely Big—it means that spaceless ground which underlies and includes all space, much as a mirror underlies but embraces all its reflected objects. Likewise, eternity does not mean a Very Long Time—it means that timeless ground which underlies and includes all time.According to the perennial philosophy, then, one's real self or Buddha Nature is not everlasting and death-defying; it is rather timeless and transcendent. Liberation does not mean going on forever and forever and forever in some sort of gold-embossed heaven. It means a direct and immediate apprehension of the spaceless and timeless Ground of Being. This apprehension does not show a person that he is immortal — which he plainly is not. Rather, it shows him that where his psyche touches and intersects the timeless Source, he ultimately is all of a piece with the universe — so intimately, in fact, that at that level he is the universe. When a person rediscovers that his deepest Nature is one with All, he is relieved of the burdens of time, of anxiety, of worry; he is released from the chains of alienation and separate-self existence. Seeing that self and other are one, he is released from the fear of life; seeing that being and nonbeing are one, he is delivered from fear of death.Thus, when one rediscovers the ultimate Wholeness, one transcends — but does not obliterate — every imaginable sort of boundary, and therefore transcends all types of battles. It is a conflict-free awareness, whole, blissful. But this does not mean that one loses all egoic consciousness, all temporal awareness, that one goes into blank trance, suspends all critical faculties and wallows in oceanic mush. It simply means that one rediscovers the background of egoic consciousness. One is aware of the integral Wholeness and of the explicit ego. Wholeness is not the opposite of egoic individuality, it is simply its Ground, and the discovery of the ground does not annihilate the figure of the ego. On the contrary, it simply reconnects it with the rest of nature, cosmos, and divinity. This is not an everlasting state, but a timeless state. With this realization, one does not gain everlasting life in time, but discovers that which is prior to the awareness of time.Now according to the perennial philosophy, the rediscovery of this infinite and eternal Wholeness is man's single greatest need and want. For not only is Atman the basic nature of all souls, each person knows or intuits that this is so. For every individual constantly intuits that his prior Nature is infinite and eternal, All and Whole — he is possessed, that is, with a true Atman intuition. But, at the same time, he is terrified of real transcendence, because transcendence entails the "death" of his isolated and separate-self sense. Because he won't let go and die to his separate self, he cannot find true and real transcendence, he cannot find that larger fulfillment in integral Wholeness. Holding on to himself, he shuts out Atman; grasping only his ego, he denies the rest of the All.Yet notice immediately that men and women are faced with a truly fundamental dilemma: above all else, each person wants true transcendence, Atman consciousness, and the ultimate Whole; but, above all else, each person fears the loss of the separate self, the "death" of the isolated ego. All a person wants is Wholeness, but all he does is fear and resist it (since that would entail the "death" of his separate self). And there is the dilemma, the double bind in the face of eternity." - Ken WilberI'm willing to build on this as it's one thing to read about, it's quite another thing to actually undergo a "complete" mystical experience. So, to answer your question, the early universe is part of an integral Wholeness, and in the mystic's vision everything is one in a very literal sense. Not just all that exists now, but all that has ever existed, and all that will exist. That is the perception inside the mystical vision, and this is why the volunteers invariably express this phenomenon in consciousness as being a glimpse outside of time or of a timelessness, because in that state, you are literally everything that ever was, everything that is, and everything that will be. Consciousness is temporarily transformed and what is experienced is all the possible permutations that underlie all manifestation.Ken Wilber gets much more deep and elaborate into explaining this, and if you really wanted to grasp this stuff, I recommend his book "Up From Eden." It's like $4 online. I've to come across a free version, but there may be one somewhere out there on the internet. If I find one, I'll definitely link you.
I'm not simply saying it's so. There's science that upholds this fact.
Yet your statement above was not the conclusion of the research. Not in the least. All you've done is mischaracterize it.
To the contrary, it is merely your own biases that prevent you to accept the fact that Perennial philosophy does indeed address the divine, that's the very intrinsic core of this view.
It is a thing, and it has been established by decades of scientific research. Yes, this is the narrative you must tell yourself in order to deny what's been demonstrated by the science. That's all this is. Jordan Peterson has spoken on this proclivity of atheists to flat-out deny evidence which undermines their stance. It's clearly spelled out in the link below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Q4CXvqLM4
Again, I've pointed out that the Perennial philosophy is a perspective on the major religions, and within this perspective, the divine is defined quite particularly. Perennialism refers to an original etymology when referencing the divine. Nevertheless, you still do not understand the science, as you plainly admitted so. What's persuasive is the evidence which has been established by decades of scientific research initiating with the work of William James in the early 1900s.
More accusations, still no evidence to support the accusations. No, again, I'm merely redirecting people's attention to the science that's been done relative to these topics. That's all, nothing more, nothing less. I never said it's being hidden. I believe more and more people are awakening to the science that's been done. I'm a crackpot for simply sharing what has been established by our modern science? If you say so.
Atheists love to cherry-pick the grammar there, you don't know how many atheists I've encountered that have attempted to what you've demonstrated above. It's hilarious. What they fail to realize is if you're going to define mystical states of consciousness in accordance to the Perennial philosophy. Do you know how the mystical experience is defined in the Perennial philosophy? Apparently not. You haven't been paying attention, obviously. I defined it quite elaborately in the initial thread which was closed, but make no mistake, there is a very elaborate definition of how these things are defined within this view. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsgKUglCI7g#t=7m13s http://www.atpweb.org/jtparchive/trps-41-02-139.pdf
I have read the rules, and of course they apply to me, they apply to everyone. However, I maintain that I've not broken any of the rules. And you've not shown any signs that you understand the science that's been done or how they relate this to the Perennial philosophy. The only person using the C word is beecee. I've not mentioned conspiracy once, not a single time. This is something that beecee simply projects.
But it's not because I'm religious, this is the fact you can't comprehend, it's because I adhere to the science that's been done.
I'm not claiming any conspiracies at all.