Well Aidan ( if that’s ur name ), first of all, I would like to point out that science is not up for creation. You see , it cannot be created it’s just based on our observations and their interpretations and also there are several rules in science, like consistent and rigorous mathematics which predicts results that agrees to our observation. Consistent mathematics may not necessary agree to observation, what that means is everything that’s true in mathematics may not happen in our universe but it may happen in another universe. If you put certain observational and physical constraint on the mathematical approach then you can single out an appropriate theory which agrees to both maths and observation and that’s what called Science ( the way of understanding nature ). Now your question transforms to who created these framework of mathematics around which the nature works, well, they are basically just part of consistent mathematics which is in itself self-arising. So the mathematics is the creator and who created this mathematics is irrelevant and unnecessary and its of no consequence because this who cannot affect us, they cannot be born on earth in human form or reside in the heaven ( why is heaven always above?) they just play no role in our life but mathematics does so I’ll say mathematics is the actual god. This may sound absurd to people because we are anticipating a bearded guy in white who’s watching us from the above ( why always above ?), but this is true there is no creator. And second of all there do exist infinities in the real world, for example: ‘pi’ the ratio of circumference of a circle and its diameter no matter what circle you chose is always 3.14159265... ( thousands of digits have been discovered and more are being discovered ) and it has a infinite number of digits. Infinities are all around us and do exist in real world. And lastly, religions scriptures are all nonsense ( they simply don’t make sense in several aspects which we now know for certain, eg: earth’s shape, etc) they are basically wrong in explaining nature and hence must be all wrong. Good day to you!