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Everything posted by Kartazion

  1. Yes. It's because I read for an acceleration: Whether it is time dilation or time travel, the common responsible constant is the speed of light. Here is an excerpt from wikipedia of time travel which implies a link with time dilation in relation to c But I understand that there is a difference between the Quantum Spacetime and Spacetime.
  2. In the same genre: Spacetime from bits Time travel and time dilation use the same mechanism. Is not it? Or how to qualify this difference?
  3. Is it to use blockchain technology or something else? WebRTC? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC In block data technology you also have SAN servers which is interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_access_server JXTA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JXTA
  4. Do you know IPFS? https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/InterPlanetary_File_System According to some people IPSF will become the standard formerly HTTP.
  5. Yes. You surely talk about the Sphere of influence.
  6. The example of a geostationary satellite which contains an atomic clock will not give the same time as the atomic clock on earth. And this being motionless.
  7. I found this article. I don't know what it is worth. https://www.insidewalessport.co.uk/an-earlier-universe-existed-before-the-big-bang-and-can-be-observed-today/ Here is the reason and the deduction from this explanation: What is behind this singularity would then be that the much sought-after antimatter. So this thread has a strong potential to go into speculation... Sir Roger Penrose has recently published his theory of ‘Hawking Points’ (a crucial element in the discovery of a pre-exiting universe) in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society CREDIT: APA Picturedesk Gmbh/Shutterstock/APA Picturedesk Gmbh/Shutterstock Sir Roger Penrose: The man who proved black holes weren't 'impossible' on BBC
  8. We do not see where your resistance is. It must be in series. Here is the calculation for your request.
  9. The infinity or the finiteness underlying the quark can be a fact. But does not explain the how of operation. In other words, it should already be possible to detect such a fact by calculations. No advantage to this order of magnitude solution. If particles or other form of matter would be smaller, that does not solve the current understanding of our universe.
  10. If I may allow myself, Hawking works are more a story of singularity that emits matter. In this sense the vector would then be in the opposite direction to the gravitational attraction. I don't think Hawking explains the why of gravity, but rather the emergence of the universe from this singularity. But we agree that the singularity is gravitational and temporal by in an area of convergence. In principle, the Nobel Prize cannot be awarded posthumously since 1974. I am a novice. Catch me if I'm wrong.
  11. Jesus at least existed as a prophet. Moreover the mashia'h should already be among us. Strangely, there are more people who wait for the Mashiah or who believe in Jesus, than there are scientists in the world. After all, religion is the belief in a creator God, and not a solution to lost minds that could be influenced. To believe is not a weakness
  12. What is left to discover or invent for the hobbyist scientist/engineer? An amateur engineer must therefore have some knowledge, since he can be an scientist/engineer in your title. Here is the grale in science: Understanding quantum mechanics with an interpretation in classical physics. But you might think that the simplest things are already discovered and that only the complicated things remain to discover.
  13. According to the commentary of this article below, an association of Loop Quantum Gravity could be done using a harmonic oscillator. https://www.universetoday.com/147301/how-loop-quantum-gravity-could-match-anomalies-in-the-cmb-with-large-structures-in-the-modern-universe/ Naively I conclude that the loop is an oscillator. I wish to have your opinions. Thank you
  14. Hello. I imagine that such an article on this forum, surely has no value. https://www.science20.com/hontas_farmer/the_cosmic_microwave_background_from_harmonic_oscillators_maybe-249566 Nevertheless I wanted to make a connection between the cosmic microwave and the harmonic oscillator. I wish to have your opinions. Thanks. PS: I'm still working on PDE
  15. And the big bang theory comes from Georges Lemaitre who is the first person to propose the Big Bang theory was a catholic priest. Georges Lemaitre was also professor of physics at the Catholic University of Louvain when, in 1931, he proposed in an academic paper that the expanding universe must have originated at a finite point in time. Or Kabbalah...
  16. I find particular importance in Stephen Hawking's theory for explaining how the universe works. The best for me. Indeed the singularity is the beginning of our system with the big bang, and the supermassive black holes for the galaxies. Knowing that a collapsing star can become a singularity, is considered for my part as the singularity of the so-called solar system. Obviously, and from this mechanical deduction, the center of the earth should also be considered as a singularity.

    Have a nice day.

  17. High nitrogen martensitic stainless steels show improved resistance to localized pitting. Corrosion & Resistance of Stainless steel : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stainless_steel#Corrosion_resistance
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redox
  19. The cleaning begins with a natural chemical reaction called oxidation-reduction discovered by a Dutch gardener. He used his steel planting tool to remove the stubborn leek odors from his hands. When in contact with water, the metal ions in stainless steel capture and penetrate the sulfur and nitrogen molecules responsible for the foul fumes. So, on first contact with steel, the smell of foods rich in sulfur disappears immediately. An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron.
  20. Yes sorry. Finally I know. I thought you were talking about a specific detail for the weak interaction with dark matter. Yes.
  21. No. Not really. I have my little idea. But I think that will interest no one. Besides, why to put this thread in speculation? Thank you for your answers.
  22. Which means that thanks to the strong interaction, we could explain why dark matter is dark? By what approach or reason do we make this deduction? Is it related to the very weak interaction that can occur? The mass, and the interaction. The ideal would be to find an axion of a large mass which does not interact at all with baryonic matter. That's it ? Quite the contrary. Are you wondering why dark matter does not interact with baryonic matter?
  23. Thank you strange. But what is the link (if there is one) between dark matter and QCD?
  24. A physicist told me this was wrong. What is the relationship between a dark matter axion and the QCD axion? Or quite simply what about the history of the dark matter in the functioning of the QCD? Thank you.
  25. Here is what I had already written about it. Catch me if i'm wrong: The difficulty of QCD lies in the interpretation of the SU(3) symmetry due to the convergence of the baryonic flow in relation to the coupling constant. The role of dark matter in the case of QCD is found in the mass of the axion which is very often taken into account for example very early in the creation of the universe by particle exchange WIMPs. If I have understood rightly, an outcome could be determined in the relic density in the supersymmetry particles like the neutralino. The SUSY is only an illusion insofar as the exchange of the flow can only be in a dynamic of oscillation alternating between its two potentials (DM-SM).
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