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Everything posted by Kartazion

  1. Ok. What is the role and the implication of the second quantization in all that we just said in this thread? It another method of to be able to determine the localization of the particle? Or a standardization of the field in a classical and quantum entity?
  2. I was talking about a localization of the photon in relation to the standing wave. But if this standing wave is not represented by the photon, what does this standing wave represent?
  3. Why publish in French on an English forum. It will not advance your point of view. What is this gibberish?
  4. What is the role and the implication of the second quantization in all that we just said in this thread? It another method of to be able to determine the localization of the particle? Or a standardization of the field in a classical and quantum entity? Thanks. Isn't this standing wave the entire location of the photon?
  5. I don't understand everything, but I think that there is a reservation in relation to the singularity for the Loop Quantum Gravity theory. On the other hand and as a singularity, we are talking about singularity avoidance in Loop Quantum Cosmology. I do not know why.
  6. The different amounts of chemical element to represent the same composition. For a human body each has different amount of water, different amount of fat, different number of globule, ... For rocks, more or less minerals depending on the location, more or less quartz depending on the location, ...
  7. It should be emphasized that the particles, which are all identical, can have different quantum states.
  8. What is an uncaused event please ?
  9. Because the electrons and quarks are identical. They are so identical that one cannot tell the difference between an electron from one atom to another electron from any other atom. I don't know if it's fair to say it like that, but with the same starting electron, neutrono or proton, we can do different chemical results by combining these particles several times. It is these combinations, random or not, which give the differences.
  10. Abiogenesis? No. Of course no. Two drops of water was an expression. Sorry about that. But a hydrogen atom will be the same with all hydrogen atoms. Each isotope being the same of each of them.
  11. If you eliminated the life process from the universe, then there would be no life indeed.
  12. The existence of extraterrestrial life forms may all be different. But that does not prevent it from being extraterrestrial life If they are not the same prebiotic materials, they can also be extraterrestrial life.
  13. Nothing happens the same. However, the molecule H₂O are all identical ... as two drops of water.
  14. Open a new thread in speculation. Being your 5th message you have 24 hours to think about it.
  15. Like some kind of DNA from the universe with a way forward? As the spirituality? Or do you have another example to define that immaterial processess without material objects in this OP context? I hesitated to write this for fear of being irrelevant. What prediction are you talking about? This prediction must be related to the OP.
  16. Some people think of a possible panspermia as origin for DNA.
  17. Same electrons, same neutrons and same protons.
  18. Yes. The manufacture is not the same. However, the atoms of gold are all the same (identical). Among the isotopes only one is stable and represents all of the gold naturally present.
  19. Yes. But running programs also use Temp. In this case difficult to erase.
  20. Unless I am mistaken, gold in its natural state is already slightly alloyed. Hence his information of its origin (for example inserted or disseminated in quartz veins with different sulphides, for example in cupro-leado-zinc veins, or in pegmatites. It can be associated with skarns near sites of contact metamorphism and hypothermal deposits, sometimes in sedimentary rocks.). - Electrum, a natural alloy of gold and silver - Porpezite, a natural alloy of gold and palladium - Rhodite, a natural gold alloy, and originates from Mexico and Colombia. - The Amalgam alloy of gold and Mercury. There is no such thing as 100% pure gold. In the precious metals industry, 24-karat gold is said to be pure. If it is lower, it means that the other parts of its alloy are made up of other metals.
  21. I think the OP wanted to quote reasons from an article without giving the source of it. Indeed it implies the physical Church-Turing thesis and non-deterministic computation.
  22. Isn't a gold ring uniformly the same? The environment of the exposure of metals under subject to the external elements, which will make a difference in terms of appearance. (light, temperature, oxidation) Damaged plastic will not look the same as the same plastic in good condition.
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