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Everything posted by MAYusuf

  1. CMIIW Try to ensure the purity of your DNA extract after extraction by checking ratio absorbance value of extract at 260 nm/280 nm, if get 1.8 - 2.0 ratio it will be good because the elphor show too smearing maybe it indicate there some debris in it. Always use PCR grade water in process to ensure nuclease free water. And i think better you keep the sample as DNA extract and store it in - 80 C storage.
  2. CMIIW Sugar was converted in to fats when glycogen (glucose reserve, kept as its polymer form) fulfilled because glycogen storage has a limit, and the capacity of glycogen storage was differ one people to another. One factor is muscle mass, because glycogen is stored in the liver cells but also in the muscle cells. So, people with bulk muscle can keep more glycogen. When glycogen storage fulfilled, the excess sugar will converted to be body fat (Excess sugar cannot be excreted via urine and feces (except in diabetes condition due very high blood glucose level), but is reabsorbed and stored as valuable energy source reserve). But it is different between glycogen and fat storage, fat storage is almost unlimited so it can cause obesity.
  3. CMIIW First, I agreed with @Sensei that unsaturated fats have less H on its fatty acid chain, have two less H or less, like linoleic (C18, with 2 C=C) or linolenic (C18, with 3 C=C). And what happen when consuming unsaturated fats? It will metabolized to energy or kept as energy source reserve as body fat (triacylglyceride, TAG) but some unsaturated fats has another structural function to specific cells like DHA, EPA, ALA, etc. Is it behave like carbohydrate and converted into glucose? Nope, it converted to Ac-CoA and then converted to energy. Glucose can be made from non-sugar (non carbohydrate) substance via gluconeogenesis but only used glyserol (TAG backbone, not the fatty acid), lactic acid (from anaerob metabolism), and alanin (from muscle). However, gluconeogenesis strictly occur when body's energy reserve was nearly/depleted (in prolonged fasting condition) to maintaining the blood glucose level. Does it stored directly as body fat? Its depend how much carbohydrate that you consume. The body has priority in metabolizing energy source (carbohydrate, fats, and protein). Priority depends on the ease of metabolism and body needs. Carbohydrates have highly priority to be metabolized. This is very reasonable because carbohydrate metabolism is very simple and energy efficient (compared to fat and protein). And in fact, our brain cells rely heavily on glucose as an energy source because fatty acids and proteins cannot reach brain cells due to brain barrier. And then, next priority was fat then protein. When is fat stored as body fat? Its stored when glucose level maintained. When is fat metabolized to energy? Fat metabolized when stored carbo (glycogen) reserve almost depleted (in fasting and heavy activity condition).
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