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Country Boy

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Posts posted by Country Boy

  1. Finally, an answer:

    "What is energy?"


    "Energy is the topic of this thread"!


    Personally, I think of "energy" as an accounting device- every time we encounter a situation in which energy does not seem to be conserved, we make up a new type of energy.

  2. What "religious texts" are you talking about? I thought that Muslims accepted only the Koran itself as the word of God and commentaries on the Koran. Does the Koran itself say anything about "seven peoples who are descended from Adam"?

  3. All Cretans are liars.


    You should include the whole thing:

    King James Bible, Titus chapter 1, verse 12

    "One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, lazy gluttons"


    So if a Cretan says "All Cretans are liars" what should we include?

  4. It is ​because​ if you add a little water to a lot of acid, there will be a lot of spattering that is mostly acid and so very dangerous. adding a little acid to a lot of water immediately dilutes the acid.

  5. Wow a site full of "mathematicians" and no one knows, that's...kind of amazing, this should be a millennium prize problem I guess.


    No, it shouldn't. It is very easy to disprove "2= 3". But the question asked was "How you formally use group theory to disprove 2=3?" and the answer is "you don't". That is much more basic than "group theory"- it would be proved long before you got a complicated as group theory!

  6. First, "9 x^2 + 9y^2 + 72 x − 12 y + 103 = 0" is the equation of a curve in the xy-plane and nether has an "area". I presume you mean "find the area of the disk bounded by the circle described by 9 x^2 + 9y^2 + 72 x − 12 y + 103 = 0".


    The first thing I would do is complete the squares in both x and y to write this in "standard form":

    9(x^2- 8x+ 16)+ 9(y^2- (4/3)y+ 4/9)= -103+ 144+ 4= 45. That is the same as (x- 4)^2+ (y- 2/3)^2= 5. That is a circle with center at (4, 2/3) and radius sqrt(5). Knowing the radius of the circle it is not necessary to do any integration. Its area is 5pi.



  7. No, thank you, I am not going to twist my neck into a knot to try to read your writing. If you want people to take the trouble to answer this, take the trouble to type it in.

  8. Give a little help to the non whites who populate white land and advise homeward bound.


    That reminds me of the "Barney Miller" television program episode in which a character, after a heated exchange, yells at "Nick Yemana" played by actor Jack Soo) "go back where you came from". His puzzled response is "Pittsburgh?".

  9. I think of this question for a long time too, no one give meaningfully answer to this.....


    I understand in case of light shoot out and than reflect back the time dilation calculation is correct for all direction


    But consider different path, In view light speed is constant:-

    A object moving towards us, its time should run faster than us

    A object moving away us, its time should run slower than us.

    Its a simple calculation but no one can tell what's happening


    What would you consider a "meaningful answer"? You are simply wrong! If a person is moving with speed v relative to you, you will observe time running more slowly for that person whether he is moving toward you or away from you. That has been verified by experiment many times.

  10. Given what data? The product of a given chemical reaction may depend not just on the atoms contained in the reactants but also on the temperature, pressure, what catalysts are present (in particular whether the reactants are dissolved in water or other liquid), etc.

  11. The line y= x intersects the unit circle, [math]x^2+ y^2= 1[/math] where [math]x^2+ x^2= 2x^2= 1[/math] or [math]x= \frac{\sqrt{\sqrt{2}}{2}[/math]

    Similarly the line y= -x intersects the unit circle where [math]x= -\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}[/math].


    To find the area between y= |x| and the circle, integrate [math]\int_{-\sqrt{2}/2}^{\sqrt{2}/2} \sqrt{1- x^2}- |x| dx=[/math][math] 2\int_0^{\sqrt{2}/2} \sqrt{1- x^2}- x dx[/math].

  12. I have no idea what your purpose is in posting this and the other topics you have posted. Is this homework you want some one to do for you? You have been told repeatedly that that is not appropriate for this forum.

  13. "Relative momentum" can't "become infinite". It can become "arbitrarily large" as its speed increases relative to you. There are many reasons why speed cannot be greater than the speed of light. It looks like the one you are thinking of is that since the momentum becomes arbitrarily large, so does the force necessary to increase its speed. As the speed gets closer to c, the force necessary to increase the speed "goes to infinity in the limit as speed approaches c" (not the same as "becomes infinity").

  14. Ok. BUT ( integral of (x^2 + 5 ) - integral of (x^2 + 3 ) calculates the same way as (integral of (-x^2 +5) - integral of (-x^2+5) ?


    No, why should it? (x^2+ 5)- (x^2+ 3)= 2 while (-x^2+ 5)- (-x^2+ 5)= 0.


    If you meant "(integral of (-x^2+ 5)- (integral of (-x^2+ 3))" that is the same as "integral of ((-x^2+ 5)- (-x^2+ 3))= integral of 2" the same as the first integral.

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