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Country Boy

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Posts posted by Country Boy

  1. "Computer Science" is NOT the same as "programming"! Even today, Computer Scientists spend their time determing what a program should do, then turn it over to (less educated and less paid) workers who use programs that will then do the "programming".

  2. No. Any magnetic field extends "infinitely" though there will be points beyond which the field is too weak to be measured. If that is what you mean, you would have to say what that level is.

  3. The answer to your original question, "if a= bc and we change c, will a change" is "not necessarily", for two reasons:

    1) If b= 0, bc= 0 no matter what c is.

    2) It is possible that b might change also so that bc stay equal to a.


    Now you are asking "is it possible to conserve angular momentum if we change the radius. Again the answer is "yes, it I possible" again for two reasons:

    1) if there is no motion, the angular momentum is 0 no matter what the radius is.

    2) If we increase or decrease the radius, we could also decrease or increase the angular velocity so that the angular momentum stays the same.

  4. I was recently reading a topic about: What if gravity acted like magnetism?


    While I was studying about it, I come across the information which makes me little blunt about basic information.


    My questions arise when I read "If you have a positive charge the first thing it does is repeal all the other positive charges around it and attract all the negative charges."


    I this happens because of magnetism and the electric force? Is that true that they tend to cancel themselves out? And if its true than what is the reason behind it?


    The word is "repel", not "repeal". I do not know what you mean by "cancel" here. It is true that if you have a positive and a negative charge together then, from a great distance, they will appear to have cancelled. But that is not true close up.

  5. I presume you mean "1/2 of a wavelength", not "12 of a wavelength". It is difficult to read your handwritten portion but it appears that you are told what the amplitude is. To find the wavelength, and then the frequency, you would need to be told the distance between crests but I do not see that on what you have.

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