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Everything posted by AstroAsperation

  1. Imagine floating on the surface of a very, seemingly infinitly, deep and wide ocean. There are currents in this ocean, but the surface of the water seems to be completely still.The sky is always blue with no clouds, yet you never see the sun. You never feel a breeze nor gust, even when you are propelling yourself forward. Every now and then you see boats and other objects leisurely, drifting past, but nothing seems to leave a wake. Would you know you are moving? Now what if the surface wasn't the ocean but time, and your movement is your movement through time? What if you had a way to anchor? This hypothesis is based on a few ideas: 1) Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity expresses how observation of time is different relative to one's speed in space-time. 2) Hubble's Law states that the universe is expanding (or collapsing). 3) Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity shows how motion is relative to the observers. 4) Is kinda obvious with the rest of this but I would like to keep my findings of #4 to myself till I can mathematically prove it. So, this a good start into my idea. I have been hard pressed to find someone to talk to about this and it's driving me crazy. I can't imagine what the true geniuses go through; not being able to have anyone to actually express ideas to.
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