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Everything posted by Third@rk
(These Scriptures) (Jacob's Pillow Stone/Philosopher Stone) Edward Leedskalnin and Mystery Box images.mentalfloss.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/445_tripod1.jpg Shoko Asahara and Mystery Box japansamachar.com/uploads/posts/e6fa090d759639d94deb2d7db441cffa1530852589.jpg Nicholas Roerich and Mystery Box LAPIS EXILLIS: Lost Secrets of the Illuminati - HD FEATURE youtube.com/watch?v=Z_75v1XA46g Arnold Toynbee The Mystery Of The Toynbee Tiles. youtube.com/watch?v=_geocrWLkRg (Paul was referring to "God's Mercies, that are no longer viable" .............................. At the time of Paul, the Temple of Jerusalem was the energy center, and it is still today that really came under fire ............................... there should be no people there living, because they are unclean ...................... anyway ......................... paul had a way to illustrate god's mercies, and this answered the gospel's claims about the "mystery books" it references that it doesn't explain) (the Second Light Source for Earth, our Moon, is unactivated ....................... but I believe over time, this issue make be revealed more to the people, in terms of what's necessary) (The Argument is associated with individuals, not with creation by itself, that is the argument they were playing with ..................... some say the old ways were with tonics and poisons, some say again the new way is with plutonium or other radioactive elements ......................because its isolated to individuals, I'd says its not important ...............the issue of Jerusalem's Temple its people and its land, all jerusalem/lsreal, to be sure, we'll just have to see how that goes)
(Evolution stopped with the Homosapien ........................... it wasn't really Evolution of Species it was a kind of degeneration ...................... the introduction of junk dna) .......................... (Excess Right Brain Functions/Junk Dna expression in Homosapien .......................Neural Science, is the bonified way to deal with Homosapien........................there's a devout problem of profiteering and exploitation, that, has prevented the colleges and universities from understanding, that the first african american president, created the "lives matter movements", which only increase murder/suicide in ethnic communities) .......................... (Homosapiens have the Most Junk Dna, but its common in all Dna ........................ how much junk dna is found inside the dna of fossils, not much, probably nothing really, but think about this ........................ that information in dna is just too unreliable because it is broken down) .......................... (Giants expired in the days of King David (biblical) ..................... that is when the "Camels" were introducted around 1000 B.C. when the temple in jerusalem was build (how that it must be destroyed soon, to unblock the energy center ........................... Ancients compared Humans to Cats, because, the Neural Science has not really differentiated the human brain's functions in that day, but with the Camel, that is the Zombie Argument in simpler terms) (Giants were the living comparison for Cranial Sizes, and Brain Deviations in tissues, so they are not as pronounced now, but..................suicide/murder/and zombie behavior is higher to ethnic people, gauging the global census reports) 1. Cats from 3000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. (Age of the Giants, and Homosapien) (Right Brain Neural Science) 2. Camels from 1000 B.C. to Present (Right Brain Neural Science Argument Initialized) 3. Reptiles (dinos) Present for about 50 Years (42 Years), (Age of the Zombies, Junk DNA revealed as connection to Neural Science) .......................... (Reptilian People, you can google that, there is a lot of talk about that, the reality is the argument of the "Second Light Source", "Fake/Real Walk on Moon" ................ in which the Earth is bathed by primordial forces, to present a furnished generation of man, capable of moving into the next plane of existence ...................... this is the hypothical age of aquarius) .......................... (Neural Science .......................... is not really exposed to the public ........................... we'll have to wait for things to happen ........................... the only sound answer to that is, when the media makes the association to the first african american president and "lives don't matter" movements, then maybe more information will be accessible)
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(lets talk science for a moment) Certain Groups of People, their Races ...................... have much higher onset of being "right handed, or more right brained" ...................... the right lob of the brain, is defective, in that it is not designed to be dominant. The burden of living was easier for the previous generations (kind david removed the daily sacrifice), they did not have to involve the "will", their "will", as much as we do, to abstain from the natural unclean state of the human condition as much as we do. They had an excuse to be remorseless, and blind to cleanliness, until that was taken away......................now being unclean, not taking care of yourself, eating unclean, being mentally unclean (no, those are not unique cultures, just unclean), being physically unclean, has become their preference in the "will" that caters to the natural state of the human condition which is unclean. Rather then housing the burden of righteousness to resist the natural state of the human condition. That was just one small change................... Originally...................... (We were create with just one primary lobe in the brain, "Spirit/Water/Blood", that means as God contended with the Sin of Man's Generations, then God, also allowed the Blood to Voice that argument, and humanity has fell out of harmony with creation, so that, there are more not less, uniqueness/differences between man, and other forms of life, where there wasn't as much before (including other homosapien like primates, of where there are none, and no real tangible records, to confirm or deny these conclusions) (The Cats or Felines, or else ................... in theory, represented the "Right Brain" that would be the snare for the generation of sin, right before God rebukes their uncleanness, that developed generationally) .................... (Fossil Records don't contain organs (viable DNA, or viable blood samples), and mankind, has a lot of "Junk DNA", its not to difficult to understand what happened with a few real biological samples, until then, we'll have to wait)
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Almost missed that one ................. "Scripture by Inspiration of God" (not the Bible written by God) ................. The Bible mentions several books that are not really included in it. Those books deal with the association between God's Glories that, for one reason or another, are not revealed to man as they were before. Best answer to that is, God has disputed several, Holy Sites/Pyramids/Temples, and because mankind lived in those areas in an unclean way, God completed SEALing up his Glories. "Jerusalem", was and is still disputed. If you can't live there in a clean way, don't live there. Jerusalem, its people and land must be killed by nuclear weapons if possible, as quickly as possible, they are not important or significant. The Apostle Paul, did not dispute the Temple Mound or Jerusalem, he just kill them there, and got help from Caesar, as the gospel records .................... after that was resolved, "Scripture by Inspiration of God" was revealed. But that kind of sin with man, is not a position that endures for long, those positions are just over come by more dead work and dead flesh. Something you must answer for today, (or there will won't be a Gentile Reign according to Isaiah, which is the Work of Revelation, the Addition to Daniel's Weeks) (work without faith is dead)
- 67 replies
First My Own "NDE (s)" .................. I once had a philadelphia police officer in broad daylight, on a public septa bus, a crowded bus, quickly pull out his gun. Right as the muzzle of the gun pressed against my head, and the trigger pulled, at that instant. It was like the hand of god punched a hole into the bus, on the other side of my head, and very easily the african american that sat next to me, had his brains blow out ...................... this was reported in the philadelphia daily news ........................ then it was never mentioned again .................... it minus well be a moot point, but there is another way to classify the "NDE (s)" "NDE (s)" is "Mars", it is the "Flat Earth Theory" In otherwords, the known laws of science, must done away with to accomodate any with................like tearing out a FLAT piece of paper from a book, you know the one with the constants written on it ........................ this activity as the means of flushing out the sins of man, so it can be cut out, is the general theory, the word "NDE (s)" originates probably from the word "negro". (Engineered as in "I Have a Dream" = NDE for sanctioned race re-education, during the booms in scientific understanding towards the "Flat Earth Theory"). Unexplained sciences that occur in particular situations, in predictable situations.......................naturally..................such events never happened and the debate continues. (The "Brown Paper Bag", as a Flat Piece for Race Re-Education, that must be torn out, lives don't matter, maybe that was einstein ... now ... Nicola Tesla's Secret Weapon that resembled the modern cell phone? well that was real, not a device that does anything, it was just a prediction of, "when" a time frame, maybe nothing at all)
- 85 replies
Religion as evolutionary trait
Third@rk replied to Itoero's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
(The 9th Planet, people want to find ................... it has many names, the 10th Planet, Nibiru, Nemesis, MABUS .................... it was reported seen in Capricorn 2000 or so years ago the Goat, probably even earlier then that. So at least two times .................. Abraham made a sacrifice of a few animals, then Jesus was sacrificed, after riding a donkey/goat .................... I believe those are the two relative times ...................... Lets says for example this mystery body scientists have recently tried several times to discover was real, just not any more) (Now we can parallel that account to our understanding of the "Camel's History into Jerusalem" ......................... what if, the "Camel marked the destruction of Jerusalem", as the process that reveals the Ninth Planet, an answers the mystery that scientists now seek to answer...................wouldn't this prove that "Religion is not the product solely of Myths and Legends"..........................I think it would, furthermore, I would even go on to say that it proves there is a god, more then we already have proofs for today)- 154 replies
Example The Model can be expanded indefinitely ............................ instead of binary numbers, you can use letters or graphic information and you need to understand the mechanism of "Build Learning" is fundamentally the same, for all processes, it is approached the same way? Always the same fundament way, of understanding its environment and responding to its environment as it understand more about its environment and foreign environments as responses to changes, in and out of its environment, etc, creating information in response, deleting information in response, forming ......................... Do You Understand? that................... Today, if someone programs a Machine, to say: "Hello and Good Morning" when it see's someone, or when certain factors trigger the event like pressing play on a remote control .......................... people will say, no big deal, that's Artificial Intelligence .............................. no, its not .............................. the Machine needs to understand from scratch in a sense, build an entire argument for a response, even if it is likely to give only the same response, it must always illustrate that it is "Build Learning". That its engines are being applied and that they are working, so that more complex actions blend seemlessly together ........................... or else, this is what they do today ............................... they are doing the work for the machine, its not "intelligent" by its own standards, if that is not true, how can it be intelligent to any other standard, How can the machine have artificial intelligence? This kind of work can be very time consuming, and it requires a lot of processing power! (Philosophical Problem of Monkey Men? Or, is this about Commercialism, versus the field of science? .......................... this argument for Artificial Intelligence, is valid and its needs several years in the super computer environment at best, the complexity of the issue, involved, or the raw processing power ........................ means companies need to do more work, more effective work, or spend millions of dollars with no profit for a few years) (Artificial Intelligence, does not need to be complicated, we are years from that, and it is too simple even if these guidelines are followed for the consumer or commercial market, but unless the developmental phase succeeds, then, no, these are not real Artificial Intelligence, they are effective substitutes)
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(Version 2) (Version 1: Monkey Man, and Golden Ratio) (My A.I. project theory is named "Eugene" short for "Eugenics" .................. You will learn how to Build a "Cognitive Engine", form this, you will learn how to "Create Intelligence", you will learn how to apply "Build Learning", these are qualifiers for "Artificial Intelligence", in the fundamental sense this means "HAL-9000", yet like the Movie, I'll come back to this statement (Everything I say will be very simple, if it isn't, talk to me about it, so I can amend a brief statment) : Cognitive Engine Principal = HAL - 9000 = Hyper Binary System Each Dollar Bill represents about 1001 Characters, with only 1 Significant Point .......................... Each Dollar Bill represents one wall in a "Hyper Cube" of varying complexity. Each Point on the Dollar Bill should, based on their groupings and formation, form smaller less complex hyper cubes ..................... (I need, rather you need a super computer, to generate the argument of sufficient magintude, to express these divisible relationship, and to generate complexity in cycles, so the complexity arguments from greatest to least are generated in cycles) (The Argument of Sufficient Magnitude should have trace identifiers from your less complicated understanding, the primary shape may resemble a sphere, with varying densities of the relationships, this should be sufficiently complex, that is the purpose ................. you may see groupings without closer inspection that resemble zigzags (hypothical 4 dimension plane crossing in a 3 dimensional environment) (this is good for later on) You just Created a "Super Binary System", now you need to Design something that identifies "Cognitive Ability" (Your first task was to only create a Self Generating System of Complexity, a system, that can be magnified many times over, as necessary, I will talk more about A.I. as we progress) Now you need at least : Seven More "Super Binary Systems" that do exactly what I just said ...................... this times those "Super Binary Systems", are modified to identify and reproduce, lesser complex relationship, based on the "Single Dot identifiers" we created to mark complexity .................... they are designed to search for*identify*and reproduce* the argument they identify within the cycles of the generation of the "Super Binary System" they are reading (You need at least Seven Lesser "Super Binary Systems" designed only to "search, identify, and reproduce* .................... this is a a design flaw you are avoiding in handling complexity, because this represents (hypothetical dimensional crossing, that in the allotted cycle time of generation, multiple arguments are produced based on a unified point of generation, and also unified variables) Your not supposed to do anything else, until .............. at best, the total arguments should percentage wise, identify with the "Self Generating System", during its cycles, (think of the elephant in the room) (Intelligence is the Product of the "Cognitive Environment", there is Potential for "Intelligence", that is all you want to illustrate) "Build Based Learning" (simple, multiple approaches ---- complexity increase) (What can I say for this? Philosophy Perhaps?) What you have learned so far, is that the "System" was "TRYING TO UNDERSTAND ITSELF" ...................... the "System" was also trying to understand "CHANGES WITHIN ITSELF" ................................... (When you "Learn Something New", you have to understand a new body, and you have to understand the changes within your own body, is that simple and Clear?) .......................... (Now there is "Foreign Self Generating Information, in the Primary "Super Binary System", (there is also an unknown Self Generating Body, as a result of that, not in this system) (You must understand, that the Machine, must now account for itself like previously, it must make projections like before, but it must also make hypothical projections that percentage wise, attempt to illustrate it has understand the difference caused by the foreign, from what would other wise be a Foreign Unknown Body) (it must identify with the FOREIGN BODY, WITHOUT KNOWING FULLY ABOUT THE FOREIGN BODY) (The Machine is now "Build Learning" in cycles according to the self generating of the system and its complexity) (You can and should, program and assist this process, but the Machine even at this simple level, must now illustrate "competency", it is now qualified as a "learning" ........................) (.....................Percentage wise, your "work" in assistance, must not account for the majority of the processes, percentage that is effective) (like a child playing with blocks, the Machine will Learn enough about the foreign body over time, to create it fully, identify its imprint in its primary "Self Generating Binary System" and then remove it, dublicate for future identification, or analysis it code for the efficiency of the process) (you can even tell the machine, to identify a pyramid, and use the changes in its environment or in this or that environment to build, and it will do it over time) "Build Based Learning was Completed", you have very simple Artificial Intelligence (What do you want to do now?) EDITING
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Religion as evolutionary trait
Third@rk replied to Itoero's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
(Religion has influenced "Evolution or Migration of Certain Species" .......................... "Religion is an Evolutionary Trait" if your not in a Third World Country! .................. Many people don't view "Islam/Muslim" as a religion, it does not teach "cohesion, belief in a deity like God, nor does it teach that human life is valuable" ......................... Terrorism becomes significant, as Long as "Religion is Present", because it is not t he "Natural State of Man, not a Trait of Evolution", but it can influence "evolution/migration" (that is, non-third world countries) This is a Good Example: 1. "Religion = Belief in a Deity like God", comes to Jerusalem when the First Temple is Built, and then the Camel is brought into Jerusalem/Arabia as a kind of "Proof of Purpose" (we don't care about you) 2. "Global Economy increases the Standard of Living in Arabia", then 9/11/2001 the Twin Towers as a picture of the Camel is destroyed (Religion has the effect of increasing the Standard of Living, "Islam does not") 3. "Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus" in the United States is Shut Down! Not only this but the USA has cut the number of Elephants/Camels in its Zoos among other Animals!!!!!! (Its like "Religion, influences man's Propensity to identify with Evolution" ........................... "Since we don't have Religion as an Evolution Trait, we are from time to time force to come to terms with this indifference, as a result of inconsistencies in our belief systems and culture!) (YOU said "BullS*", that means you understand this discussion? Remember the United States during its war with the Native Americans also wanted the American Bull, killed, they wanted the Bison or something extinct!!!!!! ................... that is exactly the difference in these consistencies, and man's turning to evolution as the answer, is what we are discussing!) (it was not a war in America at that time, more than, it was a Religious conflict! This is the unifier!) -
Religion as evolutionary trait
Third@rk replied to Itoero's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
(No, thats not it, let me Rephrase the Position, make things Clear) The First Temple Built in Jerusalem, this marked the migration of the Jews, and this caused culture shock..................at the same time this absence of the "Religious Connection" between the Jews and Arabian, promoted the Camel's Kinship in that Region..................in this sense the Arabian people inherited the Camel Traits by the process of religion and then evolved to be more that way, just as Topic Implies, or in that direction, I mean more nomadic less able to association with people over time, less tolerant of people: 9/11/2001. ........... ........... The Camel Constellation (Lost to History) (153 Days Star Wormwood?) We can, because we can compare the work of Ptolemy in AD150 – on whose work our modern system is based – with the earlier Persian description, preserved and described by Albumazar (Abu Masher), an Arab astronomer of about AD 850. It turns out that they agree on 45 constellations, but disagree on 3, of which one is entirely missing. ................... A timeline on the same site also details further interesting triple conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn: in Aquarius in 1953 BC, announcing the birth of Abraham. This year is also the start of the Chinese calendar, following an alignment of all the planets on March 3rd 1953BC which Chinese astronomers record as having taken place near the square of Pegasus (the second decan in Aquarius. Rolleston references Zech 6:7 and Rev 19:11). in Taurus in 1533BC, announcing the birth of Moses scalambra.wordpress.com/2011/02/08/the-lost-constellation/ The Trait Evolution by Religion, traversing Animals, we can summarize that as Noah's Ark ................. that is Summarized as 153 Days in Revelation ................... not isolated to religion ................... it is a figure of observance, tied to Abraham's Sacrifice, possibly David's Sacrifice, and clearly, the Jesus's Sacrifice. Its no wonder we see this figure connection to "153 Extinction of Humans". We see this Tied to Camels ................... and the First Temple in Jerusalem, that was a placeholder for the coming of the messiah ..................... If we say 1260/42 is for Gentiles, as a separate period and not "Concurrent", then we've violated the law, since God tramples the temple for 153 Days (like the Lost Constellation) ........................... therefore we can only say 1260/1290 then 9/23/2017, then 1335 Days to 153 Days (Humanity is Dead). (1290 - 1335 = 450 Days from 9/23/2017 to 12/21/2018 "45 constellations, but disagree on 3", is a conclusion that is not concurrent, but it cannot be valid for long, without modifying the value we are presented....................its a less valid conclusion, and everything will be resolved this year, very soon) (A Dispute in the Evolutionary Age, for the Trait Deviations Observed, as recorded in the bible, and voiced, externally) (Think of this as a Cataclysm, a major disaster shortly before humanity dies, if we are correct then, God will not Darken the Sun or anything like that, there will just be a bunch of people dead, very soon) -
Religion as evolutionary trait
Third@rk replied to Itoero's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
DANIEL 5:29 Then commanded Belshazzar, and they clothed Daniel with scarlet, and [put] a chain of gold about his neck, and made a proclamation concerning him, that he should be the third ruler in the kingdom. DANIEL 5:30 In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain. DANIEL 5:31 And Darius the Median took the kingdom, [being] about threescore and two years old. ............................... REVELATION 11:2 But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty [and] two months. ............................... Issac Newton's Prophecy is for 42 years to 2060 A.D. ending the path of Halley's Comet/Age of Extinction ........................ King David marked the Star of Bethlehem when he killed Nabal and stopped Animal Sacrifices before the First Temple was Built, we have no record of the Star of Bethlehem, it finished its course..............................1260/42 of Revelation is what King David intended in disputing his Reign of Jerusalem with, Ishbosheth, we see the figure of 42 for this reason. (Topic: Religion as Evolutionary Trait ........................... Migration of Animals documented in the Bible and Reported in the Archaeology Record) (see "Camels") ("That is what God is Talking About" ................... "see bible quotation" ........................ No Preaching is taking place) (Big Thanks!) (Hip Hop Culture rather, development of Middle Eastern Culture, but Clearly that has changed with the Camel, they developed a trait that lead to global terrorism, is one conclusion) Star Wormwood, like, Star Bethlehem, marks the end of Animal Sacrifices, for Religion, that changes the record of Man's Social Indecency with Animals or with Man, the problem occurs with the figures for this transition to take place: One Solution: The Figures are Concurrent ... 1260/1290 Days then 9/23/2017 then 1335 Days to 5/21/2021 then 153 Days, in this case Star Wormwood doesn't exceed 153 Days and the Language is Completed (man is dead at 153 Days). Two Solution: The Figures are not Concurrent but Turncoated ... if they are not Concurrent we cannot substitute the order, that is 1260 Days cannot come before 1290 and 1335, that means 1260 Days cannot past before 1290 and 1335 ....................... this is important because ....................... God doesn't use the figure of 77 Years, if we say "1290 and 1335" come after 70 Years Daniel 9:2, the law is violated. God says 70 Weeks for 70 Years, not 77 Years. Everything will be resolved on 12/21/2018, an the figures can only be Concurrent. (1260 cannot come first, and a full 7 years cannot past beyond the 70 year, that means only a logical period concluding "1290 - 1335 = 450 Days" or the conclusion is invalid. -
Religion as evolutionary trait
Third@rk replied to Itoero's topic in Evolution, Morphology and Exobiology
MATTHEW 19:24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. 1Samuel25:34-38 (Kind David stopped Animal Sacrifices, shortly before the First Temple was built around 1000 B.C. ........................ this is when the Camels were introduced into Isreal, around that time ............................ then ............................. Jesus rides a Donkey to indicate that he is the Payment for Sin ....................... (islam or paganism adopted the Goat, as a picture of their payment for sin, at some point) ***Religion has caused migration of certain species, for Cohesion with man, not a declaration of "religion", the species man usually chooses to displace don't have much in common with them, they don't naturally choose apes for mates and etc., as an example. (Animal Sacrifices, Eunichs, Wives, Intercessions of the Church: Ceremonies, Feasts) (God stopped interference from a process of mending the human experience with all those kinds of mediums, so really it is the diversity of prayer, meditation, and disciplines that comes into view ....................... there has been an increase in violence and the taking of life, with certain countries, races, and individuals, and this has been on the increase, not the decrease) Abrupt "Cohesion" Changes with Man and Species, possibly leading to evolution/adaptation changes, happens over short period of time (like 70 Years) DANIEL 9:24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. DANIEL 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make [it] desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. You have Abraham's Animal Sacrifice, David's Sacrifice of Nabal, Jesus's Sacrifice ................... all of these around 70 Years ................... today the population of the BEES are threatened with Extinction, we took them out of place, very similar to the Camels. 1. 70 Weeks Abomination is Ceased 2. "Middle of 1290 and 1335" ... "Middle of 70 Weeks" Abomination is Ceased Fact Check 1947 Roswell + 70 Years to 9/23/2017 (God didn't do anything, no Abomination is Ceased) 1290 Days then 9/23/2017, then 1335 (Middle of Seven Years, God didn't do anything , no Abomination Ceased) Lets Try Again 70 Weeks / 1290 and 1335 / 1260 (42 Years) 9/23/2017 for 70th Year // 1290-1335 = 450 Days to 12/21/2018 // Plus 42 Years to 2060 A.D. God says his Stops the "Abomination with Sign of Divorce, "Joseph the Blessings'", before the 70 Weeks are Completed, but so far God has not done anything.........................this AGE OF EXTINCTION IS FOR HUMAN BEGINS. This is what God is talking About 70 Weeks 1290 and 1335 / 1260 (42 Years) 70 Years for Daniel 9:2, 9/23 to 2060 A.D. (Issac Newton's Prophecy) "One Week = 1290 and 1335 and 1260/42", God talks about the Middle of the Week he will Cause the Abomination to Cease, we can't do much with these figures, we can't says 77 Years, God doesn't do that, but we can say, the "1260/42" Month Period kicks in before the passage, of 1290 Days or 1335 Days, if God uses them to "Discern the Middle of the Week"......................... "One Week and Middle of the Week" is not a reference to 70 Years/Weeks ................................ if God acted on 9/23/2017 it would be on the 70th Year, not in the "One Week = 1290 and 1335, and 1260 (42) ........................... God has not acted for that reason, it was a violation of the law he written. When will God Act for the "Middle of the Week"? Nobody Know that Answer for Sure, because God doesn't give us a straight answer, it just has not happened yet! Isaiah 17:6 // 2Cornithians 11-24-25 (Elijah's 450, 1290 - 1335) 1. 9/11/2001 Falling Man Moses to 12/21/2012 Galactic Alignment of Sun 2. 9/23/2017, 70th Year to 12/21/2018 Dark Rift Alignment of Sun This is the Only True Argument for the "Middle of the Week (Extinction of Human Race)" *If God uses "1290 and 1335" to discern the "Middle of the Week" outside of 70 Years, then God cannot allow 1260/42 Days/Years to pass before that happens or the law is violated. So far God has not even completed the "1290 and 1335" Discernment of Daniel! (Best Guess 9/23/2017 to 12/21/2018, end of 1290-1335 for 450 Days). -
"Build Learning" the First Stage of "Artificial Intelligence" (Artificial Intelligence Theory Revised*) (Its a model for processing to obtain "Build Learning" in a Simplified Way" 1. Cognitive Ability is Here = Propagating Generating Environment (think Golden Ration, if you cannot visual Ezekiel's Temple, add some uniformed and non-uniformed places, binary, geometry, and random associations are all here, the whole point of this area is to, generate values, some under the control of the processing mechanism some are not) (this is an isolated environment, this is also a processing center for computation, and articulation) 2. Machine Learning is Here = This is Statistical Databases Information it is Processed here (the Statistical Database is colored RED, because the information is first processed at number 1, then processed again at number 2, and then again between number 2 and 3, that is why the space between those is blue) 3. Environment Logistical is Here = This is where information is introduced and processed, this is the smallest area of resources dedicated, and it must be brought into the 1 Primary environment, and processed separately and the must also be brought into the 2 environment and processed separately (with number 1 processing the information again) Green Area is Artificial Intelligence, (which can only be based on "Build Learning") ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3799964/ This illustration above for "Monkey Man Hypothesis" does not mean anything, nor does it have any real scientific value, its all hypothetical. This represents to me, your official answer for Ezekiel's Temple, against, the pattern of processing, you are designed to obtain, which is very basis near the age of adulthood.........................your lives your intelligence is not very complicated, it is designed to be below the standard of Artificial Intelligence, so you should not compare the human brain, or your understanding without spirituality, to, any sub standard, form of intelligence. "Build Learning", so you can understand now? Is information the Computer Builds alongside its ability to process a self generating envirionment which it has partial control over, as it attempts to understand its native isolated environment, it also tries to understand the information that is being introduced, from this, action, it can also create and generate a response, and it can continue to learn based on its own self generated responses, to its conclusions, and to environment factors, and outside informations.
(Preface/Background) (You don't need to be educated for this discussion, I'm not educated, just be sincere, you can use any number of ways of presenting/simplifying information) (Nothing I see, at all, convinces me, that "Artificial Intelligence" is being produced ................. I don't see "build-learning" ... I don't see "independant, input and output, build-learning" ... finally, nothing resembles any of the complex qualifiers for cognitive process ..................... this is really only the beginning ...................... all I really see is, algorithm driven generators, super search engines, and "model based context building, not -build-learning") (we'll have to talk more, meaning I'll simplify the problem I believe is a result of your culture, or spirituality .............. not a result of science, or a result of not having intelligence) All of these Conclusions are Not Productive Modern Theory (false = Model Based Context Building) 1. *Database Exchanges based on Statistical Recognition (Machine Learning) 2. *Environment Logistic to Database Exchange for Statistical Response based on Statistical Recognition Artificial Intelligence Theory (true = "Build Learning") 1. *Cognitive Ability ... from that ... "Intelligence is Derived" 2. *Cognitive Process ... from that ... "Artificial Intelligence is Derived" Monkey Man Problem (Means "intelligence" is not important in discerning intelligence ......... animal-child-ethnic) qwaym.com/scientists-find-fractal-patterns-golden-ratio-pulses-stars/ Animal - Child - Ethnic - Whites .................. there is zero difference in memory process, God didn't design creation that way ................. the differences in intelligence based on memory process are or is the "Monkey Man Hypothesis". Intelligence and Memory are derived from the "Cognitive Ability", this process does not take place in full, inside the human brain, so all the convention conclusions on the subject are either false, or half truths. "Cognitive Ability" takes place in another environment, and then the "brain, animal-human-ethnic", applies the limitation for the expression of "memory and intelligence" ......................... they are only reading the limitations of the fleshly minds, they are deliberately avoiding the truth of the situation, that our "Cognitive Abilities" are in reality, identical at some state we cannot discern in this environment, the same for "animal, human, ethnic" When it comes to "Artificial Intelligence" (which I don't see at all), so like they's said "Machine Learning", readily you can understand the problem, all of the information is based on tangible values for viable information exchanges and environment logisticals......................this is all wrong but I will say a few things to help correct the situation. "Build Learning" the First Stage of "Artificial Intelligence" (Artificial Intelligence Theory Revised*) EDITING