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  1. NEXT July will mark 50 years since humans set foot on the moon. The rumblings of commemoration can already be heard – even now Ryan Gosling, deputising for Neil Armstrong in the film First Man, is being castigated for failing to plant an American flag in the lunar regolith. The moon landing was the first truly global media event, and an iconic expression of the human desire to explore and explain the universe. It is odd, then, that the anniversary of an event embodying that same aspiration has passed on 10 September with so little fanfare. With a global audience of more than 1 billion, the switch-on of the Large Hadron Collider was actually seen by more people than the moon landing. As we said at the time, it was “to physics what the Apollo programme was to space exploration”. Original: https://scienceping.com/the-higgs-hunter-has-just-turned-10-why-is-no-one-celebrating/
  2. Since publication of this story, CERN has suspended Alessandro Strumia from any activities, pending an investigation. A physicist speaking at CERN, the home of the Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, has sparked outrage after claiming that women are less capable of physics research. Alessandro Strumia at the University of Pisa, Italy, was speaking to an audience of women beginning their careers in science at a CERN workshop on gender and high energy physics. He gave a talk claiming that the reason men are so over-represented in the field of physics is because they are “over-performing”, and that physics was “invented and built by men”. Original: https://scienceping.com/physicists-have-sparked-sex-after-claiming-women-were-physically-worse/
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