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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. 1) How can one stimulate proliferation and differentiation with the help of alloantigen cells? Do they work as an antigen and if so what is the co.factor? 2) How does it proliferate when only the co-factor IL-2 is added? Doesn't it need an antigen? or do you only need that for differentiation? 3) Often when they test the cytotoxin in vivo, they check it on LAK (both NK and T-cells) Why don't they only check T-cells? Is it too hard to seperate the two? Thankful for any help// Tilda
  2. I have "a" small question... Lets say a child has had several atempts of Nissen fundoplications to prevent GER (gastroesophageal refluxes), but all failed. They then use Jejunal interposition (closed of gastric cardia, and a part of jejunum was placed between esophagus and pylorus to create a secondary pathway). Why do they choose the Jejunal segment? Why not the Duodenum or Ileum? Is it because of the Payer's patches in the Ileum and the Brunner's glands in the Duondenum? Or is there an other explaination? Thankful for all help// Matilda ps. A bonus question : What part of the digestive system decides when you're not hungry? Is it the nervous system, full stomach or glucose level?(not craving... hungry) (we all know that our glucose level can be low, even though we're full and vise versa )
  3. Thank you guys for the help!// Tilda
  4. Hey! Just wondering if anyone knew why it is that citrate intake shouldn't be combined with medicine intake? For instance: When / if you take Link tablets against ulcers you shouldn't drink fruit juices as well, since this will cause an elevated uptake of aluminium (that's partially what Link is made of). or... If you take Felodipine (against high bloodpressure also known as Arterial Hypertension) it specifically says NOT to drink GRAPE juice. Anyone know why? I suppose it has to do with the citrate-concentration, but I don't know. How does one harm the other I wonder. Thankful for any answers// Tilda
  5. the funny part is... the final product is acctually not tested on animals. BUT all the substances (not mixed together) are.
  6. Well ofcourse I realize that the amount of rats used in experiments vary tremendously, but I'm just telling you guys the majority of experiments...most cases. (as I've seen them) And I'm not even gonna answer the input about mice haveing more sense or intelligence than man. seriously... A person not figuring out that a girlfriend's cheating lies not in the intelligence of a human but in the heart and belief to trust them.
  7. For an experiment you need at the least like 200-500 SPF (specifically pathogen free) rats/year. Lets say you want them to be males that weigh about 300g, you would have to breed about 500-800 rats just to get the right gender and probably even more to get everything else right. Do you suggest that they breed 500-800 mentally retarded humans to get them right? Don't even think that's doable. Don't get me wrong though... I see your point, but as I said earlier it's not odd that we don't want to use our own kind.... as intelligent as we are //Matilda!
  8. Well... Why complicate things so much... Ofcourse we don't want to test onourself... ofcourse we feel more affectionate for our own kind. I'm doing experiments on rats right now... I mean how do you really define "Pain"... a needle in your leg... I get vaccinations. Weather I want it or not. Surgery... humans get that too. Barely ANY experiments are acctually painful for the animals.. Besides.... there is not better alternative! Till there is, keep it. //Matilda
  9. OMG! you guys seriously put too much effort into this! It really doesn't matter THAT much as long as you do it well. Besides your poll won't be very interesting unless some other race than whites fill it out. Put your effort into the action instead //Matilda
  10. long time no hear =) The assignment went well.-. I passed! probably thanks to you Stockholm ey...hehe nothing to see there=) well acctually I've only been there once...so sry no othing to tell you accept I'm not that into the city..nothing for me =) besides us located futher south tend to hmmm... not LOVE the "stockholmers" or whatever you might wanna call them. =) but I hope you have an awsome time and enjoy our country kisses// tilda
  11. Almost seems like the Lodish version has brought more joy than The Cell Oh well a good spent £100 I'm 21 year old female from Sweden (female lol... makes me feel like a chimp or something...oh...right...I almost am ) Well I've just (almost... just a tiny bit lft ) ended my first year in biomedicalanylist (I know it has a better title in english, but I've never seemed to remeber it) well... I will check the online version now =) Thanx again...you'll probably hear from me soon again Kisses// Matilda ps. I'm just about to move, so I won't have internet for a while, that's why I've been so desperate to get answers =), but just so you know if I don't answer for a while
  12. Well.. imight as well ask... I can't seem to find which enzymes that are involved in the insulin synthesis. I've used keywords such as "insulin synthesis", "proinsulin" and "mature insulin". Maybe you have an idea on how to solve this easier... don't know if the searching's wrong, maybe I have some term wrong somewhere. Hope I'm not taking too much of your time Might as well ask where you're from/age/male or female =)
  13. damn, you're good...now this is dangerous... i won't look anything up anymore, I'll just look YOU up and ask ya =) Well...thanx a bunch..again =) hehe..you've been a GREAT help =) soooo much left to do and so little time. it's mighty hard to find all answers on net, especcially when you have to translate terms into english from Swedish first...hehe and you don't have a master's degree =) so lets just say I'm greatful for all the help I can get =) kisses// Matilda
  14. Yes i checked The Cell as well, just to confirm =) and you were totally right I wonder, do you possibly know in what direction the protein's pI and the protein's hydrophobic properties are changed when a negative charged group is added to the "sugartree" ( chain)? I'm not sure, but I think the negative group (residues in golgi) would have to be N-acetylneuraminic acid (also called sialic acid or NANA). thanx again // Matilda ps. I acctually found those links like 5 minutes before seeing your post =) mind reading
  15. Yes... N-linked was what I meant You see I'm from sweden and we don't put the "linked-part" in the name Well thank you so much for your help, and your knowledge will be put to great use in my final paper Again thank you kisses// Matilda ps. GAWD I love this page
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