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Everything posted by SamIam

  1. Whales have a "super brain". The sperm whale has a 18 lb. brain.
  2. Filtered water. This is one of the ways we live better.
  3. Take that one big oil. Nuclear power all the way to Mars!
  4. Two chemist walk into a bar. The first one orders h2o. The second one orders h2o2. The second one dies. LOL Commercial grade will cut out all the work.
  5. I had to look this up in my Principles of Surgery book. I hope this helps. Eccrine sweat is the clear aqueous solution containing 99% water and 1% solids, half of which are ganic salts and half organic compounds. Under normal circumstances it is hypotonic, but at high rates of sweating it depends on material that is in the blood stream; it is not a simple ultrafiltrate of plasma but, but represents an active secretion. The concentration of sodium and chloride is lower than that in plasma, while the concentration of potassium is somewhat higher. The concentration of chloride depends on many factors and is usually in the range of 15 to 60 meq\L. The sodium concentration is almost entirely equivalent to that of chloride and varies in a parallel fashion. Chloride and sodium concentrations rise with prolongation of sweating and with the rate of sweating and temperature of the skin. The salt concentration of sweat also depends on the intake, and an adequate supply of drinking water depress the concentration. The loss of potassium through the skin ranges between 2.7 and 3.1 meq\L. Nitrogen compounds are almost lost transdermally , and the concentration of urea in sweat is twice as high as that in the blood. Creatinine is present in sweat in only a minute amount, and amino acids have also been noted. Ammonia is a primary constituent of sweat, and it can be concentrated by the sweat glands with nearly the same efficiency as the renal excreting unit. Large amounts of lactic acid and lactate have been demonstrated in sweat, particularly during heavy musuclar exercise and in association with thermogenic sweat. The concentrations are 10 to 20 times higher then that in the blood, and it is felt that the lactic acid originates from breakdown of glycogen within the sweat glands.
  6. Weird Al white and nerdy
  7. I was referring to muscle not the liver. Liver contains little hexokinase; rather it contains glucokinase. Fructose metabolism in liver must therefore differ from that in muscle. In fact, liver converts fructose to glycolytic intermediates through a pathway that involves 6 enzymes. Fructokinase catalyzes the phosphorylation of fructose by ATP at C(1) to form fructose-1-phosphate.. Class 1 aldolase has several isoenzymic forms. Muscle contains Type A aldolase. Liver, however, contains Type B aldolase, which uses froctose-1-phosphate as a substrate. Direct phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde by ATP through the action of glyceraldehyde kinase forms the glycolytic intermediate glyceral dehyde-3-phosphate. I am tired of typing the Last three can be explained by someone else. ,
  8. Fructose metabolism in muscle differs little than that of glucose. Hexokinase witch converts glucose to G6P on entry into muscle cells, also phosphorylates fructose yielding F6P.
  9. The virus particle has a outer envelope with special " docking proteins" known as gp41 and gp150, that assist in finding a host. Inside, the virus has 2 protein coatings and a genetic material with RT attached. The first challenge to get inside the host cell.HIV accompilshes this task by finding a way in the host blood stream. Medical science breakthroughs are the reason we live longer.
  10. Calcium metabolism is regulated by parathyroid Harmon's, vitamin D, and calcitonin. PTH inhibits collagen synthesis by osteoblast and stimulates bone resorption by osteoclasts.
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