I’m not talking about tidal force, I’m talking about how if the sun is orbiting Sagitarius A* then the Earth is moving in a motion that implies that objects on Earth should be being forced onto the planet further, much like how you might be pulled back if when you’re inside a car if it abruptly starts going fast. But it should be different depending on where the object is positioned on the planet, in the direction the Earth is moving (Where dusk is being experienced) and in the direction the Earth is moving away from (Where dawn is currently being experienced). Also, by rotational velocity I mean the speed at which the Earth spins.
And by weight I am talking about the difference in the intensity in which an object is being pulled towards the Earth when it is in the direction that the Earth is moving to when it is on the opposite side. It’s divided by rotational velocity because the spinning keeps the object on the Earth due to inertia, like how a motorcycle can drive across the a ceiling, defying gravity, if it’s moving fast enough.