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Everything posted by Kelli9

  1. I don't know a lot about this at all, but I do know one thing and that is when a person who has any kind of lesser known/talked about illness(lyme disease, heavy metal toxicity, tick borne viruses, mold illness due to exposure and many others) is in the process of losing weight burning fat there are many toxins that have been living in the fat that gets burned gets released into the body somehow making them sicker/flares and the person has to then detox with all the bodies detox pathways and the toxic overload that was being stored in the bodies fat is excreted out sweat glands etc... A person who is detoxing does have more odor and kind of a slimy like appearance if you could envision someone in a sauna and their sweat looks oily thick and yellow.
  2. Well, no. Of course not... But do you understand the idea? Similarities though. Just thoughts.
  3. Well this is really true because I've observed this as well... And, I know this is about humans but... Different animal species have their own unique "species smell", horses smell like horses do, cows smell like cows, chickens smell like chickens, fish, smell like well, fish! I'm sure you could understand too that a troop of Gorillas also has their own unique smell, and a dog smells like a dog(after a bath?) I know it sounds weird and it's different than the subject post but it is very true and gives more credibility to this observation. It gives me all the proof I myself need that different races of humans have their own unique smell too(but for what purpose, is it possibly something that goes understood into our minds subconsciously?) I think it plays some important roles that we do not understand....but could understand.
  4. But, no one has even been to mars or Venus yet... So how could someone have tried by now?
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